How to place http.Serve in its own goroutine if it blocks?

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How to place http.Serve in its own goroutine if it blocks?




func serveOrErr(l net.Listener, handler http.Handler) error {
    starting := make(chan struct{})
    serveErr := make(chan error)
    go func() {
        starting <- struct{}{}
        if err := http.Serve(l, handler); err != nil {
            serveErr <- err 
    select {
    case err := <-serveErr:
        return err
        return nil

这看起来是一个不错的开始,在我的测试机器上工作正常,但我认为不能保证 serveErr <- errcase err := <-serveErr 之前被调用,因此可能导致不一致的结果,因为存在数据竞争,如果 http.Serve 产生错误的话。


http.Serve either returns an error as soon as it is called or blocks if successfully executing.

How can I make it so that if it blocks it does so in its own goroutine? I currently have the following code:

func serveOrErr(l net.Listener, handler http.Handler) error {
    starting := make(chan struct{})
    serveErr := make(chan error)
    go func() {
        starting &lt;- struct{}{}
        if err := http.Serve(l, handler); err != nil {
            serveErr &lt;- err 
    select {
    case err := &lt;-serveErr:
        return err
        return nil

This seemed like a good start and works on my test machine but I believe that there are no guarantees that serveErr &lt;- err would be called before case err := &lt;-serveErr therefore leading to inconsistent results due to a data race if http.Serve were to produce an error.


得分: 4


这个假设是不正确的,我相信这种情况很少发生。http.Serve 在循环中调用了 net.Listener.Accept,错误可能随时发生(例如,套接字关闭,打开的文件描述符过多等)。通常用于运行 HTTP 服务器的 http.ListenAndServe 函数在绑定监听套接字时经常会早期失败(没有权限,地址已被占用)。

在我看来,除非你的 net.Listener.Accept 在第一次调用时出现了某种原因导致的失败,否则你所尝试的做法是错误的。如果你想确保服务器正常工作,你可以尝试连接它(也许实际传输一些数据),但一旦成功绑定了套接字,我认为这并不是真正必要的。


> http.Serve either returns an error as soon as it is called or blocks if successfully executing

This assumption is not correct. And I believe it rarely occurs. http.Serve calls net.Listener.Accept in the loop – an error can occur any time (socket closed, too many open file descriptors etc.). It's http.ListenAndServe, usually being used for running http servers, which often fails early while binding listening socket (no permissions, address already in use).

In my opinion what you're trying to do is wrong, unless really your net.Listener.Accept is failing on the first call for some reason. Is it? If you want to be 100% sure your server is working, you could try to connect to it (and maybe actually transmit something), but once you successfully bound the socket I don't see it really necessary.


得分: 1


timeout := time.After(5 * time.Millisecond) // TODO: 调整数值
select {
case err := <-serveErr:
    return err
case _ := <-timeout:
    return nil


Rob Pike关于Go并发模式的精彩演讲可能会有所帮助。


You could use a timeout on your select statement, e.g.

timeout := time.After(5 * time.Millisecond) // TODO: ajust the value
select {
case err := &lt;-serveErr:
    return err
case _ := &lt;- timeout:
    return nil

This way your select will block until serveErr has a value or the specified timeout has elapsed. Note that the execution of your function will therefore block the calling goroutine for up to the duration of the specified timeout.

Rob Pike's excellent talk on go concurrency patterns might be helpful.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年12月23日 16:35:02
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