producer consumer in golang – concurrency vs parallelism?

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producer consumer in golang - concurrency vs parallelism?



终端用户 -> Golang服务器 -> [并发/并行] -> 云存储


  1. 当用户完成上传时,创建一个goroutine,并将文件传输到云端。
  2. 将文件处理程序插入队列中,不同的进程将读取此队列并将文件传输到云存储(多生产者-单消费者模型)。





  1. 我正在使用AWS S3作为云存储。如果从Go服务器到Amazon S3的上传失败,文件处理程序应保留以记录上传失败的情况。(我没有给予此优先级,我可能会根据客户的反馈进行更改)
  2. 一旦成功将文件上传到Amazon S3,将立即从Go服务器中删除该文件,以避免重复上传。此外,如果使用相同名称上传文件,将替换Amazon S3中的文件。
  3. 如评论中所指出,我可以使用通道作为队列。是否可能使用Go的通道和goroutine设计上述架构?

I am working on backend architecture which is purely in Golang. I have an API which is used to upload a file to golang server and then I am transferring the file to cloud storage(from the golang server itself). Now, I want both the transfers to be independent, so that, the end user should not has to wait for the response after uploading a file.

End User -> Golang Server ->[Concurrency/Parallelism] -> Cloud Storage

Now, I thought of two ways:

  1. Create a goroutine as soon as the user finishes the upload and transfer the file to cloud.
  2. Insert the file handler into a queue, and a different process would read this queue and transfer the file to cloud storage (Multiple producers - Single Consumer model).

I found examples of doing this using goroutine and channels but I think that would create as many goroutines as much there are uploads. I want to use the second option but not able to understand of how to go about it in golang?

Also, do suggest if I am using wrong approach and there is some other efficient method of doing this.


Details about the requirement and constraint:

  1. I am using AWS S3 as cloud storage. If at some point, the upload from Go server to Amazon S3 fails, the file handler should be kept as in to keep record of the failed upload.(I am not prioritising this, I might change this based on clients feedback)
  2. The file will be deleted from the Go server as soon as the upload completes successfully to Amazon S3, so as to avoid repetitive uploads. Also, if a file is uploaded with same name, it will be replaced at Amazon S3.
  3. As pointed out in comments, I can use channel as the queue. Is it possible to design the above architecture using Go's Channels and goroutines?


得分: 2






  1. 用户将文件上传到服务器

    a. 服务器将记录添加到工作队列中,其中包含来自Redis存储的唯一ID。

    b. 使用唯一ID创建文件名,并将文件直接从用户上传管道传输到NFS服务器上的临时存储。请注意,文件永远不会驻留在运行服务器的机器的存储上。

  2. 文件由工作进程上传到云存储

    a. 工作进程从工作队列中获取下一个待办记录,该记录具有唯一ID

    b. 使用唯一ID在NFS服务器上查找文件,工作进程将文件上传到云存储

    c. 成功后,工作进程更新工作队列中的记录以反映成功

    d. 工作进程删除NFS服务器上的文件



A User uploading a file could tolerate an error, and try again. But the danger exists when an uploaded file exists only on the machine it was uploaded to, and something goes wrong before it gets uploaded to cloud storage. In that case, the file would be lost, and it would be a bummer for the User.

This is solved by good architecture. It's a first-in, first out queue pattern.

A favorite Go implementation of this pattern is go-workers perhaps backed by a Redis database.

Assume there are n number of servers running your service at any given time. Assume that your backend code compiles two separate binaries, a server binary and a worker binary.

Ideally, the machines accepting file uploads would all mount a shared Network File System such that:

  1. User uploads a file to a server

a. server adds a record into the work queue, which contains a unique ID from the Redis storage.

b. This unique ID is used to create the filename, and the file is piped directly from the User upload to temporary storage on NFS server. Note that the file never resides on the storage of the machine running the server.

  1. File is uploaded to cloud storage by a worker

a. worker picks up the next to-do record from the work queue, which has a unique ID

b. Using the unique ID to find the file on NFS server, the worker uploads the file to cloud storage

c. When successful, worker updates the record in the work queue to reflect success

d. worker deletes the file on NFS server

By monitoring the server traffic and work queue size as two separate metrics, it can be determined how many servers ought to run the server/worker services respectively.


得分: 2

Marcio Castilho在类似问题上写了一篇很好的文章。可以在使用golang处理每分钟一百万个请求找到。




Marcio Castilho had written a good article on a similar problem. It can be found at Handling one million requests per minutes with golang.

He shows the mistakes that he made and the steps which he took to correct them. Good source to learn the use of channels, goroutines and concurrency in general.

go-workers mentioned by charneykaye is also excellent source.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年12月14日 00:14:30
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