我可以使用 JSON 标签作为 mgo 中的 BSON 标签吗?

huangapple go评论121阅读模式

Can I use json tags as bson tags in mgo?



  1. type CvJdRelationInfo struct {
  2. JdId string `thrift:"jdId,1" json:"jdId"`
  3. CvId string `thrift:"cvId,2" json:"cvId"`
  4. Status int16 `thrift:"status,3" json:"status"`
  5. AcceptTimestamp int64 `thrift:"acceptTimestamp,4" json:"acceptTimestamp"`
  6. }


  • JdId -> jdid
  • CvId -> cvid
  • Status -> status
  • AcceptTimeStamp -> accepttimestamp


  1. type CvJdRelationInfo struct {
  2. JdId string `thrift:"jdId,1" json:"jdId" bson:"jdId"`
  3. CvId string `thrift:"cvId,2" json:"cvId" bson:"cvId"`
  4. Status int16 `thrift:"status,3" json:"status" bson:"status"`
  5. AcceptTimestamp int64 `thrift:"acceptTimestamp,4" json:"acceptTimestamp" bson:"acceptTimestamp"`
  6. }



I am using thrift in my project, thrift will generate code as follow:

  1. type CvJdRelationInfo struct {
  2. JdId string `thrift:"jdId,1" json:"jdId"`
  3. CvId string `thrift:"cvId,2" json:"cvId"`
  4. Status int16 `thrift:"status,3" json:"status"`
  5. AcceptTimestamp int64 `thrift:"acceptTimestamp,4" json:"acceptTimestamp"`
  6. }

as you see thrift already generate json tags(but no bson tags), when I use mgo save record, mgo will auto convert:

  1. JdId -> jdid
  2. CvId -> cvid
  3. Status -> status
  4. AcceptTimeStamp -> accepttimestamp

what I needed is:

  1. type CvJdRelationInfo struct {
  2. JdId string `thrift:"jdId,1" json:"jdId" bson:"jdId"`
  3. CvId string `thrift:"cvId,2" json:"cvId" bson:"cvId"`
  4. Status int16 `thrift:"status,3" json:"status" bson:"status"`
  5. AcceptTimestamp int64 `thrift:"acceptTimestamp,4" json:"acceptTimestamp" bson:"acceptTimestamp"`
  6. }

as your can see, bson tags is the same as json tags. Can I use json tags as bson tags?


得分: 2

MongoDB实际上将数据存储为二进制JSON(bson),这与JSON不同。这可能会有点令人困惑,因为如果你使用mongo shell访问数据库,你会得到原始的JSON,但实际上这是一种转换,而不是存储格式。因此,在将数据存储到数据库时,“mgo”驱动程序将其序列化为bson

这种序列化会忽略json导出键,并通过默认使用结构字段的小写版本来选择适当的名称(参见bson.Marshal go doc)。如果指定了bson导出键,它将忽略结构字段名称,并使用您指定的bson导出键。


  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string
  3. UserAge int `bson:"age"`
  4. Phone string `json:"phoneNumber"`
  5. }


  1. {
  2. "name": "",
  3. "age": 0,
  4. "phone": ""
  5. }




  1. type Employee struct {
  2. User `bson:",inline"`
  3. JobTitle string
  4. EmployeeId string
  5. Salary int
  6. }



MongoDB actually stores the data as binary JSON (bson), which is distinct from JSON. It's slightly confusing because if you access the database using the mongo shell, you get back raw JSON, but it's actually a conversion, it's not the storage format. So in storing the data to the database, the "mgo" driver serializes as bson.

This serializing ignores the json export keys, and chooses the appropriate name by defaulting to the lowercase version of your struct field. (See the bson.Marshal go doc.) If you specify a bson export key, it will then ignore the struct field name and go with whatever you have specified as the bson export key.

For example,

<!-- language: lang-go -->

  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string
  3. UserAge int `bson:&quot;age&quot;`
  4. Phone string `json:&quot;phoneNumber&quot;`
  5. }

will result in the following structure in MongoDB:

  1. {
  2. &quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
  3. &quot;age&quot;: 0,
  4. &quot;phone&quot;: &quot;&quot;
  5. }

So it seems like your struct fields should handle most things for you.

The one 'gotcha' that you might not see until it bites you is, if you don't specify the bson export keys, you don't have the ability to do bson:&quot;,omitempty&quot; for leaving out blank fields, or bson:&quot;,inline&quot; for marshaling embedded (or nested) structs.

For instance, this is how you would handle embedded structs:

  1. type Employee struct {
  2. User `bson:&quot;,inline&quot;`
  3. JobTitle string
  4. EmployeeId string
  5. Salary int
  6. }

These sorts of things are specified in that link I provided on bson.Marshal. Hope that helps!


得分: 2


  1. mongo_addr := "mongodb://localhost:27017/"
  2. structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser)
  3. rb := bson.NewRegistryBuilder()
  4. // 注册结构体编解码器
  5. rb.RegisterDefaultEncoder(reflect.Struct, structcodec)
  6. rb.RegisterDefaultDecoder(reflect.Struct, structcodec)
  7. clientOptions := options.Client().SetRegistry(rb.Build()).ApplyURI(mongo_addr)
  8. mgclient, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)
  9. if err != nil {
  10. panic(err)
  11. }




you can change the default encoder/decoder in the following way:

  1. mongo_addr := &quot;mongodb://localhost:27017/&quot;
  2. structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser)
  3. rb := bson.NewRegistryBuilder()
  4. // register struct codec
  5. rb.RegisterDefaultEncoder(reflect.Struct, structcodec)
  6. rb.RegisterDefaultDecoder(reflect.Struct, structcodec)
  7. clientOptions := options.Client().SetRegistry(rb.Build()).ApplyURI(mongo_addr)
  8. mgclient, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)
  9. if err != nil {
  10. panic(err)
  11. }

Now during marshaling/unmarshalling json tag is used instead of bson.
This trick is a particularly useful when you use tags that both bson and json belong to.

By the way, those clientOptions can be set on collection and database levels too


得分: 0


  1. struct tagged {
  2. 1: string string_thing,
  3. 2: i64 int_thing (go.tag = "json:\"int_thing,string\""),
  4. 3: optional i64 optional_int_thing
  5. }

You can use the following (From thrift test file git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/test/GoTagTest.thrift)

  1. struct tagged {
  2. 1: string string_thing,
  3. 2: i64 int_thing (go.tag = &quot;json:\&quot;int_thing,string\&quot;&quot;),
  4. 3: optional i64 optional_int_thing
  5. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年11月11日 10:45:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/33643442.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
