Recommended Go project structure and build system for project with static assets that require compilation?

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Recommended Go project structure and build system for project with static assets that require compilation?


我正在为一个 Web 应用程序使用 Go 语言编写一个服务器。该应用程序由 Go 代码组成,用作 HTTP 服务器和 WebSocket 服务器。它还包括静态资源,如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript、图像等,由 Go 代码提供服务。我计划使用 go-bindata 或类似的工具来打包最终的静态资源。部署时希望得到一个包含所有静态资源的单个可执行二进制文件。

然而,JavaScript 资源需要在打包到 Go 源代码之前进行编译和组织。可以使用 npm 脚本、webpack、gulp 或类似的工具来完成这个过程。

我已经阅读了官方 Go 文档中关于推荐的项目结构的内容,但似乎没有涉及到我这种情况。

我不知道前端代码和后端代码应该放在同一个 Git 仓库中还是分开放。我也不知道应该使用哪个构建过程来处理 JavaScript 编译、go-bindata 过程和 go build 过程。是否有推荐的方法来管理这种类型的项目,或者有类似成功项目的示例吗?


I'm making a server in Go for a web app. The app consists of Go code which will act as an http server and a websocket server for the app. It will also include static assets to be served by the Go code, such as html/css/javascript/images/etc. I plan to use go-bindata or equivalent to package the final static assets. The desired form of deployment is a single binary executable with all static assets bundled in.

However, the javascript assets are to be built and organized in such a way that they will require a compilation step before they can be packaged into Go source for inclusion into the compiled binary. This will be accomplished with npm scripts/webpack/gulp/equivalent.

I have read the official Go documentation about the recommended project structure, but it doesn't seem to address my kind of use case.

I don't know if the frontend code and backend code should live in the same git repo or separate ones. I don't know what build process should handle running the javascript compilation process, the go-bindata process, and the go build process. Is there a recommended way to manage this type of project or perhaps some examples of similar successful projects?


得分: 2


-main.go //处理程序和代码
-static.go //生成的

我使用 中的所有内容转换为 static.go 中的虚拟文件系统。如果有额外的任务需要生成 css/js(例如运行 TypeScript 编译器),可以在嵌入资源之前运行这些任务。

所有这些都与 go generate 相关联,并带有注释:

//go:generate sass or tsc or grunt or whatever
//go:generate esc -o static.go static

Here's what I do:

-main.go //handlers and code
-static.go //generated

I use to convert everything in static to a virtual filesystem in static.go. If there are additional tasks to generate css/js (I run typescript compiler), those can be run before you embed the assets.

All of this gets wired up to go generate with comments:

//go:generate sass or tsc or grunt or whatever
//go:generate esc -o static.go static

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年11月4日 04:13:45
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