golang return first field from struct

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golang return first field from struct



u := User{
    Email: "goda@go.com",
k := User{
    Name: "john",



func ReturnUserInfo(u User) (y User) {
    // 从u中检索第一个字段,并将它们设置为field和value。
    // 不明确地声明 field := email, value := u.Email

    db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", "root:password@/users")
    _ := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, name, email FROM users WHERE ? = ?", field, value).Scan(
        &u.User_id, &u.Name, &u.Email)
    y = User{
        User_id: u.User_id,
        Name:    u.Name,
        Email:   u.Email,
    return y



I am trying to return all user information given ONE attribute which can either be user_id, email, or name.

u := User{
 Email: "goda@go.com"
k := User {
Name: "john"

I invoke the function passing a User struct with only one field. Then I want to parse the field without EXPLICITLY saying the email. In the end I get the user information by passing an implicit field (user_id OR email etc.)

func ReturnUserInfo(u User) (y User){
	// Retrieve first field from u and set them to field and value.
    // NOT explicitly stating field := email, value := u.Email

	db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", "root:password@/users")
	_ := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, name, email FROM users WHERE ? = ?", field, value).Scan(
		&u.User_id, &u.Name, &u.Email)
	y = User{
		User_id: u.User_id,
		Name: u.Name,
		Email: u.Email,
	return y


I am not sure if I am able to do this in Golang, but I am creating this function so I do not have to explicitly tell Go to look for a particular attribute to return a user's information.


得分: 0


1)SQL语句中你不能使用"WHERE ? = ?"。列名不能用?替换,只能用值替换。这不是由golang引起的,而是由数据库引起的,因为当它获取请求时,会创建一个获取数据的计划(使用哪个索引或全表扫描等)。


func GetUserInfoByColumn(field string) (*User, error) {
    query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT user_id, name, email FROM users WHERE %s = ?", field)
    var u User
    err := db.QueryRow(query, value).Scan(&u.User_id, &u.Name, &u.Email)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &u, nil






What you want has several bad or at least controversary design decision.

  1. SQL statement you cannot use "WHERE ? = ?". Name of the column cannot be replaced with ?, only values can. It is not caused by golang, but by database, because when it obtain request create a plan how to obtain a data (which index use or full table scan or ...).

That means you have to create different string of query for each column, you want use in where clause. It can look something like this:

    func GetUserInfoByColumn(field string) *User, error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT user_id, name, email FROM users WHERE %s = ?", column)
    var u User
    err := db.QueryRow(query, value).Scan(&u.User_id, &u.Name, &u.Email)
    if err != nil {return nil, err}
    return &u, nil

More efective than this is using a closure and create query there.

  1. db.QueryRow looks like another problem. You can use it only if you are sure, that only one row matches your criteria. If you are not so sure, please use db.Query.

  2. In go you can use reflect to get a name of all items in struct. But if your struct has only few field it is too complicated. In our case you can simple create all necessary functions very simple.

  3. I don't understand why you tries to fill always just one field of struct and put the filter into struct. Would not be better have more functions and just call UserInfoByName, or UserInfoByEmail at proper place of code? Why you tries to choose a filter accoring field?

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年10月17日 05:00:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/33179479.html



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