how to pipe the output from exec.Command into another commands in Golang

huangapple go评论171阅读模式

how to pipe the output from exec.Command into another commands in Golang


我有八个Microsoft Access数据库,每个数据库大约有215个表,我需要将这些数据库转移到PostgreSQL中,所以我使用了mdb-tools并导出了模式,这只是一个步骤;但是当涉及将表数据直接导出到PostgreSQL时,我必须为每个表编写以下命令:

  1. mdb-export -I postgres -q ' myaccessdatabase.mdb table-name | psql -d mypsqldatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost


  1. 首先执行一个命令来列出表名,这将是下一个命令的参数。

  2. 然后开始循环执行一个命令,导出表数据,并将该命令的输出管道传递给下一个命令。

  3. 这个命令是psql,它将从前一个命令的输出中写入(即SQL插入语句)。

    package main

    import (
    func main() {
    // 命令用于收集表名并将其列出到下一个命令
    tablesname := exec.Command("mdb-tables", "-1", "myaccessdatabase.mdb")

    1. // 对每个表名运行命令,并将输出管道/输入传递给psql shell
    2. for _, table := range tablesname {
    3. ls := exec.Command("mdb-export", "-I", "postgres", "-q", "'", "myaccessdatabase.mdb", table)
    4. // | psql -d mydatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost 命令将从前一个命令的输出中写入每一行
    5. visible := exec.Command("psql", "-d", "mypsqldatabase", "-U", "postgres", "-w", "-h", "localhost")
    6. }





I have eight Microsoft access databases each one has around 215 tables and I needed to transfered those databases into postgresql so i used mdb-tools and exported the schemes which just one step ;but when it come to exporting tables data into postgres directly into postgresql i have to write this command for every single table:

  1. mdb-export -I postgres -q \' myaccessdatabase.mdb table-name | psql -d mypsqldatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost

so I have been trying to write a go command program to do as follows:

  1. firstly excute a command to list tables name. which will be the arg of the next command.

  2. then start for range looop to excute a command that export tanle data and the output of this command is pipe into the next command.

  3. this command is psql which will write the output from the previous command ( which is sql insert statment)

    package main

    import (
    func main() {
    // command to Collect tables name and list it to the next command
    tablesname := exec.Command("mdb-tables", "-1", "myaccessdatabase.mdb")

    1. // Run the command on each table name and get the output pipe/feed into the psql shell
    2. for _, table := range tablesname {
    3. ls := exec.Command("mdb-export", "-I", "postgres", "-q", "\'", "myaccessdatabase.mdb", table)
    4. // | psql -d mydatabase -U postgres -w -h localhost command which will write each line from the output of previouse command's
    5. visible := exec.Command("psql", "-d", "mypsqldatabase", "-U", "postgres", "-w", "-h", "localhost")
    6. }


So i have tried to pipe the output into the stdin of the next command and couldn't implement it , meanwhile I am trying with goroutin and channels just been unable to even come with a way to make this into the last command.

Thank you very much in advance.


得分: 1


要从tablesname := exec.Command("mdb-tables", "-1", "myaccessdatabase.mdb")获取输出,你需要运行该命令并捕获其输出:

  1. tablesname := exec.Command("mdb-tables", "-1", "myaccessdatabase.mdb")
  2. // 捕获命令的输出管道
  3. outputStream := bufio.NewScanner(tablesname.StdoutPipe())
  4. tablesname.Start() // 在后台运行命令
  5. for outputStream.Scan() {
  6. // 默认的扫描器是逐行扫描,所以这将前进到下一行
  7. ls := exec.Command("mdb-export", "-I", "postgres", "-q", "'", "myaccessdatabase.mdb", outputStream.Text())
  8. ls.Run() // 阻塞直到命令执行完成
  9. visible := exec.Command("psql", "-d", "mypsqldatabase", "-U", "postgres", "-w", "-h", "localhost")
  10. visible.Run()
  11. }
  12. tablesname.Wait() // 清理
  13. 注意对于数据库交互使用`exec`不是惯用的代码
  14. SQL库允许直接与数据库进行交互
  15. <details>
  16. <summary>英文:</summary>
  17. The `exec.Command` function only creates the command, it doesn&#39;t execute it.
  18. To get the output from `tablesname := exec.Command(&quot;mdb-tables&quot;, &quot;-1&quot;, &quot;myaccessdatabase.mdb&quot;)`, you need to run the command and capture its output:
  19. tablesname := exec.Command(&quot;mdb-tables&quot;, &quot;-1&quot;, &quot;myaccessdatabase.mdb&quot;)
  20. //capture the output pipe of the command
  21. outputStream := bufio.NewScanner(tablesname.StdoutPipe())
  22. tablesname.Start() //Runs the command in the background
  23. for outputStream.Scan() {
  24. //Default scanner is a line-by-line scan, so this will advance to the next line
  25. ls := exec.Command(&quot;mdb-export&quot;, &quot;-I&quot;, &quot;postgres&quot;, &quot;-q&quot;, &quot;\&#39;&quot;, &quot;myaccessdatabase.mdb&quot;, outputStream.Text())
  26. ls.Run() //Blocks until command finishes execution
  27. visible := exec.Command(&quot;psql&quot;, &quot;-d&quot;, &quot;mypsqldatabase&quot;, &quot;-U&quot;, &quot;postgres&quot;, &quot;-w&quot;, &quot;-h&quot;, &quot;localhost&quot;)
  28. visible.Run()
  29. }
  30. tablesname.Wait() //Cleanup
  31. BEWARE: For database interactions, `exec` isn&#39;t idiomatic code.
  32. The SQL library allows direct interaction with the database:
  33. </details>

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年9月19日 22:17:25
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