
huangapple go评论141阅读模式

Go best practices: function vs method with ambiguous receiver?




func (m *ProbeManager) run(w *ProbeWorker) { ... }
func (w *ProbeWorker) run(m *ProbeManager) { ... }
func run(m *ProbeManager, w *ProbeWorker) { ... }



What are the best practices around when to use methods vs. functions in Go?

Specifically, I have 2 structs: probeManager and probeWorker, and I'm writing a function run which needs to access members of both structs. This could be interpreted as telling the manager to run the worker, or as calling run on the worker and passing the manager for access, or I could just create a run function which takes both as arguments:

func (m *ProbeManager) run(w *ProbeWorker) { ... }
func (w *ProbeWorker) run(m *ProbeManager) { ... }
func run(m *ProbeManager, w *ProbeWorker) { ... }

Since all 3 approaches are semantically valid, are there any advantages to one approach over another, or does this just come down to personal preference?


得分: 3


func (m *ProbeManager) Run(w *ProbeWorker) {}


type Manager interface {
    Run(w *ProbeWorker)

现在,任何接受 *ProbeManager 的地方都可以接受一个 Manager。这样可以将 Run 与其具体实现的细节解耦。这样做有很多好处:

  • 它使代码更易于理解和更容易安全地修改,因为它隐藏了不必要的细节(信息隐藏
  • 它使代码更易于测试,因为你可以模拟一个接口并在隔离的代码片段中测试它:
type mockManager struct {
    run func(w *ProbeWorker)

func (m mockManager) Run(w *ProbeWorker) {

func Test(t *testing.T) {
    wasCalled := false
    m := mockManager{
        run: func(w *ProbeWorker) {
            wasCalled = true
    // 将 m 传递给接受 Manager 的函数
  • 接口还使你能够实现依赖注入。有很多方法,但其中一个非常简单的方法是提供一个 Default 实现:
var DefaultManager Manager = &ProbeManager{}


var managerLookup = map[string]Manager{}

func RegisterManager(nm string, m Manager) {
    managerLookup[nm] = m

func GetManager(nm string) Manager {
    return managerLookup[nm]

这非常强大,因为它允许你修改现有包的行为,而无需更改其代码。(例如,假设你有一个文件下载器,并实现了 http 支持。其他人可以提供 ftp 支持,使用这种注册表方法,不需要更改解析 URL 的代码)

  • 接口还允许你实现其他编程语言中常见的类似问题的方法。它们提供了一种通用的多态性(参见 sort 包),你可以通过实现一个调用相同接口的接口来实现面向方面的编程或猴子补丁(考虑一个调用底层 Filegzip.Reader。任何接受 io.Reader 的地方也可以接受 gzip.Reader,允许你在不更改其余代码的情况下替换行为)



Using methods allows you to define interfaces. Suppose you have:

func (m *ProbeManager) Run(w *ProbeWorker) {} 

You can create an interface:

type Manager interface {
	Run(w *ProbeWorker)

And now anything that took the *ProbeManager can take a Manager instead. This decouples Run from the details of its implementation. There are many reasons why this is useful:

  • It makes code easier to reason about and easier to safely change because it hides unnecessary details (information hiding)

  • It makes code easier to test as you can mock out an interface and test a small segment of your code in isolation:

      type mockManager struct {
      	run func(w *ProbeWorker)
      func (m mockManager) Run(w *ProbeWorker) {
      func Test(t *testing.T) {
      	wasCalled := false
      	m := mockManager{
      		run: func(w *ProbeWorker) {
      			wasCalled = true
      	// pass m to something that takes a Manager
  • Interfaces also give you the ability to implement dependency injection. There are many approaches, but one very simple one is to provide a Default implementation:

      var DefaultManager Manager = &ProbeManager{}

    Or a string-based registry:

      var managerLookup = map[string]Manager{}
      func RegisterManager(nm string, m Manager) {
          managerLookup[nm] = m
      func GetManager(nm string) Manager {
          return managerLookup[nm]

    This is very powerful because it allows you modify the behavior of existing packages without having to change their code. (For example imagine you had a file downloader and you implemented http support. Someone else could provide ftp support, and the code needed to parse URLs wouldn't need to change by using this registry approach)

  • Interfaces allow you to implement similar approaches to problems that you will find in other programming languages. They give you a kind of generic polymorphism (see the sort package), you can implement Aspect Oriented Programming or Monkey Patching by implementing an interface which invokes the same interface (consider a gzip.Reader which invokes an underlying File. Anything that takes an io.Reader can also take a gzip.Reader, allowing you to substitute behavior without having to change the rest of your code)

I could keep going...


得分: 0




They are all actually equivalent. The receiver is passed into the method like every other argument. Since you need both types on hand no matter what (to call the method) it doesn't really matter on which it's defined. Personally, based on that, I would use the last of your three options. It makes more sense to me because in the other cases you're associating the method with one of those two types when really it requires both. That's just a matter of how you would like to organize your code though. There is no benefit from one to the other regarding performance or application behavior, they're all the same.

EDIT: One last point. None of those would be exported so it's a 'private' or rather a method used as a helper internal to the package. More reason to not have a receiving type for it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年9月10日 02:08:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/32486466.html



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