
huangapple go评论66阅读模式

How to calculate number of business days in Golang



package main

import (

func main() {
	t := time.Now()
	f := time.Date(2015, time.August, 21, 24, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	diff := f.Sub(t)

	// 将 diff 转换为天数
	days := int(diff.Hours() / 24)

	fmt.Printf("days  %d\n", days)



I have this so far to count the number of days using http://golang.org/pkg/time/ but I don't know how to exclude weekends and only count business days.

package main

import (

func main() {
    t := time.Now()
    f := time.Date(2015, time.August, 21, 24, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
    diff := f.Sub(t)

    // convert diff to days
    days := int(diff.Hours() / 24)

    fmt.Printf("days  %d\n", days)


得分: 3


days := 0
for {
     if (t.Equal(f)) {
         return days
     if (t.Weekday() != time.Saturday && t.Weekday() != time.Sunday) {
     t = t.Add(time.Hour*24)

你可能不想使用原始的 t 变量,但为了保持示例简单,我保留了它。我循环直到 t 等于 f,如果它们相等,我返回我的天数计数。如果它们不相等,我检查确保它是工作日,并增加我的天数计数。我无条件地将起始时间增加一天。


Here's a simple little solution.

days := 0
for {
     if (t.Equal(f)) {
         return days
     if (t.Weekday() != time.Saturday && t.Weekday() != time.Sunday) {
     t = t.Add(time.Hour*24)

You probably don't want to use your original t variable but keeping the example simple. I loop until t equals f, if they're equal I return my days count. If they're not I check to make sure it's a weekday and increment my days count if it is. I unconditionally add one day to my starting time.


得分: 3

我想要一个不需要循环来计算天数的解决方案。(md2perpevincegScott Owens发布的答案对我来说都不起作用,计算结果错误。)



func calculateWorkingDays(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) int {
    // 将日期调整为前一个星期一
    startOffset := weekday(startTime)
    startTime = startTime.AddDate(0, 0, -startOffset)
    endOffset := weekday(endTime)
    endTime = endTime.AddDate(0, 0, -endOffset)

    // 计算周数和天数
    dif := endTime.Sub(startTime)
    weeks := int(math.Round((dif.Hours() / 24) / 7))
    days := -min(startOffset, 5) + min(endOffset, 5)

    // 计算总天数
    return weeks*5 + days

func weekday(d time.Time) int {
    wd := d.Weekday()
    if wd == time.Sunday {
        return 6
    return int(wd) - 1

func min(a int, b int) int {
    if a < b {
        return a
    return b



I wanted a solution which doesn't need a loop to calculate the number of days. (The posted answers by md2perpe, vinceg and Scott Owens however didn't work for me and calculated wrong results.)

Here is solution which doesn't require a loop:

(The solution calculates full weeks and loose days separately and adds them later.)

func calculateWorkingDays(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) int {
    // Reduce dates to previous Mondays
	startOffset := weekday(startTime)
	startTime = startTime.AddDate(0, 0, -startOffset)
	endOffset := weekday(endTime)
	endTime = endTime.AddDate(0, 0, -endOffset)

    // Calculate weeks and days
	dif := endTime.Sub(startTime)
	weeks := int(math.Round((dif.Hours() / 24) / 7))
	days := -min(startOffset, 5) + min(endOffset, 5)

    // Calculate total days
	return weeks*5 + days

func weekday(d time.Time) int {
	wd := d.Weekday()
	if wd == time.Sunday {
		return 6
	return int(wd) - 1

func min(a int, b int) int {
	if a &lt; b {
		return a
	return b

First, the weekday offset of the start and end date are calculated and both dates are reduced to the previous Monday. Then, the number of full weeks and loose days are calculated. (If a offset it larger than 5(Friday), only 5 days are used.) Finally, the total days are calculated.


得分: 1



func GetWeekdaysBetween(start, end time.Time) int {
    offset := -int(start.Weekday())
    start = start.AddDate(0, 0, -int(start.Weekday()))

    offset += int(end.Weekday())
    if end.Weekday() == time.Sunday {
    end = end.AddDate(0, 0, -int(end.Weekday()))

    dif := end.Sub(start).Truncate(time.Hour * 24)
    weeks := float64((dif.Hours() / 24) / 7)
    return int(math.Round(weeks)*5) + offset



I know this has been marked done for a while, but for various reasons I recently had to get the number of weekdays between two dates that could be decades apart.

So if anyone needs it, an O(1) solution.

func GetWeekdaysBetween(start, end time.Time) int {
	offset := -int(start.Weekday())
	start = start.AddDate(0, 0, -int(start.Weekday()))

	offset += int(end.Weekday())
	if end.Weekday() == time.Sunday {
	end = end.AddDate(0, 0, -int(end.Weekday()))

	dif := end.Sub(start).Truncate(time.Hour * 24)
	weeks := float64((dif.Hours() / 24) / 7)
	return int(math.Round(weeks)*5) + offset

If your wanting business days though, this doesn't account for public holidays, which would require some additional planning.


得分: 0


package main

import (

func main() {
	t := time.Date(2015, time.Now().Month(), time.Now().Day(), time.Now().Hour(), time.Now().Minute(), time.Now().Second(), time.Now().Nanosecond()*0, time.UTC)
	f := time.Date(2015, time.August, 22, time.Now().Hour(), time.Now().Minute(), time.Now().Second(), time.Now().Nanosecond()*0, time.UTC)

	days := 0
	for {
		if (t.Equal(f)) {
		if (t.Weekday() != 6 && t.Weekday() != 0) {
    	t = t.Add(time.Hour*24)

	fmt.Printf("days %d\n", days)



Here is a solution. Thank you evanmcdonnal and luc for answering.

package main

import (

func main() {
	t := time.Date(2015, time.Now().Month(), time.Now().Day(), time.Now().Hour(), time.Now().Minute(), time.Now().Second(), time.Now().Nanosecond()*0, time.UTC)
	f := time.Date(2015, time.August, 22, time.Now().Hour(), time.Now().Minute(), time.Now().Second(), time.Now().Nanosecond()*0, time.UTC)

	days := 0
	for {
		if (t.Equal(f)) {
		if (t.Weekday() != 6 &amp;&amp; t.Weekday() != 0) {
    	t = t.Add(time.Hour*24)

	fmt.Printf(&quot;days %d\n&quot;, days)

Output: 32


得分: 0


package main

import (

func AddWorkDays(t time.Time, workdays int) time.Time {
	curDate := t
	for curWorkdays := 0; curWorkdays <= workdays; {
		curDate = curDate.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
		if curDate.Weekday() != 6 && t.Weekday() != 7 {
	return curDate

func main() {
	now := time.Now()
	workdays := 3
	t := AddWorkDays(now, workdays)
	fmt.Printf("  now %-9v %v\n", now.Weekday(), now)
	fmt.Printf("later %-9v %v\n", t.Weekday(), t)


  now Friday    2017-03-10 21:33:28.395198671 +0000 UTC
later Wednesday 2017-03-15 21:33:28.395198671 +0000 UTC

Better to use AddDate for time calculations greater than 24 hours:

package main

import (

func AddWorkDays(t time.Time, workdays int) time.Time {
	curDate := t
	for curWorkdays := 0; curWorkdays &lt;= workdays; {
		curDate = curDate.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
		if curDate.Weekday() != 6 &amp;&amp; t.Weekday() != 7 {
	return curDate

func main() {
	now := time.Now()
	workdays := 3
	t := AddWorkDays(now, workdays)
	fmt.Printf(&quot;  now %-9v %v\n&quot;, now.Weekday(), now)
	fmt.Printf(&quot;later %-9v %v\n&quot;, t.Weekday(), t)

Output on day I'm answering:

  now Friday    2017-03-10 21:33:28.395198671 +0000 UTC
later Wednesday 2017-03-15 21:33:28.395198671 +0000 UTC


得分: 0



package main

import (

type Date struct {
    year  int
    month time.Month
    day   int

func date2unix(d Date, loc *time.Location) int64 {
    return time.Date(d.year, d.month, d.day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc).Unix()

func primitive(d Date, loc *time.Location) int64 {
    // 2000年1月3日是星期一
    base := Date{2000, time.January, 3}
    seconds := date2unix(d, loc) - date2unix(base, loc)
    weeks := seconds / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
    seconds_into_week := seconds % (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
    workdays := seconds_into_week / (24 * 60 * 60)
    if workdays > 5 {
        workdays = 5

    return 5*weeks + workdays

func DayCountExcludingWeekends(from, to Date, loc *time.Location) int {
    return int(primitive(to, loc) - primitive(from, loc))

func main() {
    loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Europe/Stockholm")
    if err != nil {

    f := Date{2017, 6, 28}
    t := Date{2017, 7, 6}

    fmt.Println(DayCountExcludingWeekends(f, t, loc))



Realizing that we are calculating an integral and remembering that integrals are usually calculated using primitive functions, which can be taken to be the integral from some fixed time, we can write the following code.

The function primitive() gives the number of workdays since 3 January 2000, chosen to be a Monday to simplify the formula. The number of workdays between two dates is then given by the difference of primitive() for the two days.

package main
import (
type Date struct {
year int
month time.Month
day int
func date2unix(d Date, loc *time.Location) int64 {
return time.Date(d.year, d.month, d.day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc).Unix()
func primitive(d Date, loc *time.Location) int64 {
// 3 January 2000 was a Monday
base := Date{2000, time.January, 3}
seconds := date2unix(d, loc) - date2unix(base, loc)
weeks := seconds / (7*24*60*60)
seconds_into_week := seconds % (7*24*60*60)
workdays := seconds_into_week / (24*60*60)
if workdays &gt; 5 {
workdays = 5
return 5*weeks + workdays
func DayCountExcludingWeekends(from, to Date, loc *time.Location) int {
return int(primitive(to, loc) - primitive(from, loc))
func main() {
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(&quot;Europe/Stockholm&quot;)
if err != nil {
f := Date{2017, 6, 28}
t := Date{2017, 7,  6}
fmt.Println(DayCountExcludingWeekends(f, t, loc))


得分: 0


func CalcBusinessDays(from *time.Time, to *time.Time) int {

    totalDays := float32(to.Sub(*from) / (24 * time.Hour))
    weekDays := float32(from.Weekday()) - float32(to.Weekday())
    businessDays := int(1 + (totalDays*5-weekDays*2)/7)
    if to.Weekday() == time.Saturday {
    if from.Weekday() == time.Sunday {

    return businessDays

CalcBusinessDays calculates the business days between two dates, not accounting for the holidays.
The calculation is inclusive for both dates.

func CalcBusinessDays(from *time.Time, to *time.Time) int {
totalDays := float32(to.Sub(*from) / (24 * time.Hour))
weekDays := float32(from.Weekday()) - float32(to.Weekday())
businessDays := int(1 + (totalDays*5-weekDays*2)/7)
if to.Weekday() == time.Saturday {
if from.Weekday() == time.Sunday {
return businessDays


得分: 0


import (

func AddBusinessDays(date time.Time, noOfDays int) time.Time {
	actualDateAfterNoOfDays := date.Add(time.Duration(noOfDays) * 24 * time.Hour)
	noOfWorkingDaysInBetween := GetWorkingDaysInBetween(date, actualDateAfterNoOfDays)

	additionalDaysNeeded := noOfDays - noOfWorkingDaysInBetween

	fmt.Println(date, ",", actualDateAfterNoOfDays, ",", noOfWorkingDaysInBetween)
	if additionalDaysNeeded <= 0 {
		return actualDateAfterNoOfDays

	return actualDateAfterNoOfDays.Add(
		AddBusinessDays(actualDateAfterNoOfDays, additionalDaysNeeded).Sub(actualDateAfterNoOfDays),

// GetWorkingDaysInBetween ...
func GetWorkingDaysInBetween(s, e time.Time) int {
	sW := int(s.Weekday())
	n := GetDaysInBetween(s, e)
	saturdays := DayOfWeekCount(sW, 6, n)
	sundays := DayOfWeekCount(sW, 0, n)

	// formula excludes end date thus must add one if the date is a weekday
	additional := 1
	if e.Weekday() == time.Saturday || e.Weekday() == time.Sunday {
		additional = 0
	return n - (saturdays + sundays) + additional

func GetDaysInBetween(s, e time.Time) int {
	return int(e.Sub(s).Hours() / 24.0)

func DayOfWeekCount(startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek, noOfDays int) int {
	// Gives number of a weekday given; a starting weekday and number of days
	// startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek are indexed 0 ([0..6] => [Sunday ... Saturday])
	x := CircularSequenceDistance(startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek, 7)
	y := int(float64(noOfDays) / 7)
	z := 0
	z1 := CircularSequenceDistance(startDayOfWeek, ((startDayOfWeek+noOfDays) % 7)-1, 7)
	if z1 >= x {
		z = 1

	return y + z

// CircularSequenceDistance
func CircularSequenceDistance(from, to, length int) int {
	return ((to - from) + length) % length



This is old question but might want to consider a solution that does not use a loop:


import (
func AddBusinessDays(date time.Time, noOfDays int) time.Time {
actualDateAfterNoOfDays := date.Add(time.Duration(noOfDays) * 24 * time.Hour)
noOfWorkingDaysInBetween := GetWorkingDaysInBetween(date, actualDateAfterNoOfDays)
additionalDaysNeeded := noOfDays - noOfWorkingDaysInBetween
fmt.Println(date, &quot;,&quot;, actualDateAfterNoOfDays, &quot;,&quot;, noOfWorkingDaysInBetween)
if additionalDaysNeeded &lt;= 0 {
return actualDateAfterNoOfDays
return actualDateAfterNoOfDays.Add(
AddBusinessDays(actualDateAfterNoOfDays, additionalDaysNeeded).Sub(actualDateAfterNoOfDays),
// GetWorkingDaysInBetween ...
func GetWorkingDaysInBetween(s, e time.Time) int {
sW := int(s.Weekday())
n := GetDaysInBetween(s, e)
saturdays := DayOfWeekCount(sW, 6, n)
sundays := DayOfWeekCount(sW, 0, n)
// formula excludes end date thus must add one if the date is a weekday
additional := 1
if e.Weekday() == time.Saturday || e.Weekday() == time.Sunday {
additional = 0
return n - (saturdays + sundays) + additional
func GetDaysInBetween(s, e time.Time) int {
return int(e.Sub(s).Hours() / 24.0)
func DayOfWeekCount(startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek, noOfDays int) int {
// Gives number of a weekday given; a starting weekday and number of days
// startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek are indexed 0 ([0..6] =&gt; [Sunday ... Saturday])
x := CircularSequenceDistance(startDayOfWeek, targetDayOfWeek, 7)
y := int(float64(noOfDays) / 7)
z := 0
z1 := CircularSequenceDistance(startDayOfWeek, ((startDayOfWeek+noOfDays) % 7)-1, 7)
if z1 &gt;= x {
z = 1
return y + z
// CircularSequenceDistance
func CircularSequenceDistance(from, to, length int) int {
return ((to - from) + length) % length

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年7月10日 04:01:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/31327124.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
