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Golang detect in-flight requests




我认为Group Cache库可能有类似的功能,但我还没有浏览代码来弄清楚它们是如何实现的,我也不想将实现与它绑定并将其用作依赖项。


  1. 从映射中删除其ID
  2. 将条目保存在缓存中
  3. 向通知通道发送带有其ID的广播

由于Go语言没有内置的广播支持,可能有一个监听广播通道并为每个请求保持广播订阅者列表的goroutine,或者我们可以将映射更改为reqId => list(broadcastChannelSubscribers)。大致就是这样。



I was wondering if there is already a library to do that or maybe a suggestion which way to go for the following problem:

Client A makes request for resource A, this is a long running request since resource A is expensive and it results in a cache miss. In the meantime client B makes request for resource A, now it's still a cache miss since client A's request hasn't returned and populated the cache yet. so instead of making a new request to generate resource A, client B should block and be notified when client A's request is complete and has populated the cache.

I think the group cache library has something along those lines, but I haven't been able to browse through the code to figure out how they do it, I also don't wanna tie the implementation to it and use it as a dependency.

The only solution I had so far is a pub-sub type of thing, where we have a global map of the current in-flight requests with the reqID as a key. When req1 comes it sets its ID in the map, req2 comes and checks if its id is in the map, since its requesting the same resource it is, so we block on a notifier channel. When req1 finishes it does 3 things:

  1. evicts its ID from the map
  2. saves the entry in the cache
  3. sends a broadcast with its ID to the notifier channel
    req2 receives the notification, unblocks and fetches from the cache.

Since go doesn't have built in support for broadcasts, theres probably 1 grouting listening on the broadcast channel and then keeping a list of subscribers to broadcast to for each request, or maybe we change the map to reqId => list(broadcastChannelSubscribers). Something along those lines.

If you think there is a better way to do it with Go's primitives, any input would be appreciated. The only piece of this solution that bothers me is this global map, surrounded by locks, I assume it quickly is going to become a bottleneck. IF you have some non-locking ideas, even if they are probabilistic Im happy to hear them.


得分: 3




如果你有一个单独的例程负责接收请求和管理对缓存的访问,你就不需要显式的锁(尽管在通道中有一个隐藏的锁)。无论如何,我不知道你的应用程序的具体情况,但考虑到你需要检查缓存(可能是锁定的)和(偶尔)执行昂贵的缺失条目计算 - 对映射查找进行锁定对我来说似乎不是一个很大的问题。如果你认为这有帮助,你也可以始终扩展更多这样的中间层例程,但你需要一种确定性的方式来路由请求(这样每个缓存条目都由单个例程管理)。



It reminds me of one question where someone was implementing a similar thing:


I gave an answer with an example of implementing such a middle layer. I think this is in line with your ideas: have a routine keeping track of requests for the same resource and prevent them from being recalculating in parallel.

If you have a separate routine responsible for taking requests and managing access to cache, you don't need an explicit lock (there is one buried in a channel though). Anyhow, I don't know specifics of your application, but considering you need to check cache (probably locked) and (occasionally) perform an expensive calculation of missing entry – lock on map lookups doesn't seem like a massive problem to me. You can also always span more such middle layer routines if you think this would help, but you would need a deterministic way of routing the requests (so each cache entry is managed by a single routine).

Sorry for not bringing you a silver bullet solution, but it sounds like you're on a good way of solving your problem anyway.


得分: 2


type request struct {
    back chan *response

func main() {
    c := make(chan request, 10) // 非阻塞
    go func(input chan request) {
        var cached *response
        for _, i := range input {
            if cached == nil { // 只请求一次
                cached = makeLongRunningRequest()
            i.back <- cached

    resp := make(chan *response)

    c <- request{resp} // 缓存未命中
    c <- request{resp} // 将被排队
    c <- request{resp} // 将被排队

    for _, r := range resp {
        // 处理响应



map[resourceId]chan request




Caching and perfomance problems are always tricky and you should always make a basic solution to benchmark against to ensure that your assumptions are correct. But if we know that the bottleneck is fetching the resource and that caching will give significant returns you could use Go's channels to implement queuing. Assuming that response is the type of your resource.

type request struct {
     back chan *response

func main() {
    c := make(chan request,10) // non-blocking
    go func(input chan request){
        var cached *response
        for _,i := range input {
            if cached == nil { // only make request once
                cached = makeLongRunningRequest()
            i.back &lt;- cached

    resp := make(chan *response)

    c &lt;- request{resp} // cache miss
    c &lt;- request{resp} // will get queued
    c &lt;- request{resp} // will get queued

    for _,r := range resp {
        // do something with response

Here we're only fetching one resource but you could start one goroutine for each resource you want to fetch. Goroutines are cheap so unless you need millions of resources cached at the same time you should be ok. You could of course also kill your goroutines after a while.

To keep track of which resource id belongs to which channel, I'd use a map

map[resourceId]chan request

with a mutex. Again, if fetching the resource is the bottle neck then the cost of locking the map should be negligible. If locking the map turns out to be a problem, consider using a sharded map.

In general you seem to be well on your way. I'd advise to try to keep your design as simple as possible and use channels instead of locks when possible. They do protect from terrible concurrency bugs.


得分: 2





One solution is a concurrent non-blocking cache as discussed in detail in The Go Programming Language, chapter 9.

The code samples are well worth a look because the authors take you through several versions (memo1, memo2, etc), illustrating problems of race conditions, using mutexes to protect maps, and a version using just channels.

Also consider https://blog.golang.org/context as it has similar concepts and deals with cancellation of in flight requests.

It's impractical to copy the content into this answer, so hopefully the links are of use.


得分: 2

这已经是Golang提供的一个功能,称为single flight

对于你的用例,只需在single flight之上添加一些额外的逻辑。考虑下面的代码片段:

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/github", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        var key = "facebook"
        var requestGroup singleflight.Group
        // 先在缓存中搜索,如果在缓存中找到则直接返回,否则进行 single flight 请求
        if res, err := searchCache(); err != nil{
            return res
        // 缓存未命中 -> 进行 single flight 请求,并将结果缓存起来
		v, err, shared := requestGroup.Do(key, func() (interface{}, error) {
			// companyStatus() 返回 string 和 error,满足 interface{}, error 的要求,因此可以直接返回结果。
            if err != nil {
                return interface{}, err
			return companyStatus(), nil
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
        // 在这里设置缓存
        setCache(key, v)

		status := v.(string)

		log.Printf("/Company handler requst: status %q, shared result %t", status, shared)

		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Company Status: %q", status)

	http.ListenAndServe("", nil)

// companyStatus 获取公司的 API 状态
func getCompanyStatus() (string, error) {
	log.Println("Making request to Some API")
	defer log.Println("Request to Some API Complete")

	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	resp, err := http.Get("Get URL")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Upstream response: %s", resp.Status)

	r := struct{ Status string }{}

	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&r)

	return r.Status, err

希望这段代码能够自解释,并且你可以参考Single Flight 官方文档深入了解 single flight。


This is already provided by Golang as a feature single flight.

For your use case just use some extra logic on top of single flight. Consider the code snippet below:

func main() {
http.HandleFunc(&quot;/github&quot;, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var key = &quot;facebook&quot;
var requestGroup singleflight.Group
// Search The Cache, if found in cache return from cache, else make single flight request
if res, err := searchCache(); err != nil{
return res
// Cache Miss-&gt; Make Single Flight Request, and Cache it
v, err, shared := requestGroup.Do(key, func() (interface{}, error) {
// companyStatus() returns string, error, which statifies interface{}, error, so we can return the result directly.
if err != nil {
return interface{}, err
return companyStatus(), nil
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
//Set the Cache Here
setCache(key, v)
status := v.(string)
log.Printf(&quot;/Company handler requst: status %q, shared result %t&quot;, status, shared)
fmt.Fprintf(w, &quot;Company Status: %q&quot;, status)
http.ListenAndServe(&quot;;, nil)
// companyStatus retrieves Comapny&#39;s API status
func getCompanyStatus() (string, error) {
log.Println(&quot;Making request to Some API&quot;)
defer log.Println(&quot;Request to Some API Complete&quot;)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
resp, err := http.Get(&quot;Get URL&quot;)
if err != nil {
return &quot;&quot;, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return &quot;&quot;, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Upstream response: %s&quot;, resp.Status)
r := struct{ Status string }{}
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&amp;r)
return r.Status, err

I hope the code snippet is self explanatory and you can refer to Single Flight Official Docs to delve deep into single flight.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年6月28日 00:51:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/31091139.html



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