
huangapple go评论112阅读模式

How to design structure with modifiable fields?



  1. package main
  2. import "fmt"
  3. type Location struct {
  4. X int
  5. Y int
  6. }
  7. type Car struct {
  8. MaxSpeed int
  9. Loc Location
  10. }
  11. func (car Car) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  12. car.Loc = loc
  13. }
  14. func (car Car) GetLocation() Location {
  15. return car.Loc
  16. }
  17. type Bike struct {
  18. GearsNum int
  19. Loc Location
  20. }
  21. func (bike Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  22. bike.Loc = loc
  23. }
  24. func (bike Bike) GetLocation() Location {
  25. return bike.Loc
  26. }
  27. type Movable interface {
  28. GetLocation() Location
  29. SetLocation(Location)
  30. }
  31. type Fleet struct {
  32. vehicles []Movable
  33. }
  34. func (fleet *Fleet) AddVehicles(v ...Movable) {
  35. for _, x := range v {
  36. fleet.vehicles = append(fleet.vehicles, x)
  37. }
  38. }
  39. func (fleet *Fleet) WherTheyAre() {
  40. for _, v := range fleet.vehicles {
  41. fmt.Println(v.GetLocation())
  42. }
  43. }
  44. func main() {
  45. myCar := Car{MaxSpeed: 200, Loc: Location{12, 34}}
  46. myBike := Bike{GearsNum: 11, Loc: Location{1, 1}}
  47. myFleet := Fleet{}
  48. myFleet.AddVehicles(myCar)
  49. myFleet.AddVehicles(myBike)
  50. myFleet.WherTheyAre()
  51. myCar.SetLocation(Location{0, 0})
  52. myFleet.WherTheyAre()
  53. }





I am writing a simple game in Go and have some problems with it. My, cut off, code looks like this:

  1. package main
  2. import "fmt"
  3. type Location struct {
  4. X int
  5. Y int
  6. }
  7. type Car struct {
  8. MaxSpeed int
  9. Loc Location
  10. }
  11. func (car Car) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  12. car.Loc = loc
  13. }
  14. func (car Car) GetLocation() Location {
  15. return car.Loc
  16. }
  17. type Bike struct {
  18. GearsNum int
  19. Loc Location
  20. }
  21. func (bike Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  22. bike.Loc = loc
  23. }
  24. func (bike Bike) GetLocation() Location {
  25. return bike.Loc
  26. }
  27. type Movable interface {
  28. GetLocation() Location
  29. SetLocation(Location)
  30. }
  31. type Fleet struct {
  32. vehicles []Movable
  33. }
  34. func (fleet *Fleet) AddVehicles(v ...Movable) {
  35. for _, x := range(v) {
  36. fleet.vehicles = append(fleet.vehicles, x)
  37. }
  38. }
  39. func (fleet *Fleet) WherTheyAre() {
  40. for _, v := range(fleet.vehicles) {
  41. fmt.Println(v.GetLocation())
  42. }
  43. }
  44. func main() {
  45. myCar := Car{MaxSpeed: 200, Loc: Location{12, 34}}
  46. myBike := Bike{GearsNum: 11, Loc: Location{1, 1}}
  47. myFleet := Fleet{}
  48. myFleet.AddVehicles(myCar)
  49. myFleet.AddVehicles(myBike)
  50. myFleet.WherTheyAre()
  51. myCar.SetLocation(Location{0,0})
  52. myFleet.WherTheyAre()
  53. }

The assumption is that Car and Bike are very big structures which I do not want to copy. How should I design the code to be able to modify the location of the car which is the part of the Fleet? Other words how to design the Fleet struct to be able to modify its movable objects?
I have tried to experiment with pointers to interfaces but I was not good idea...

Thanks for help!


得分: 1


  1. func (bike Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  2. bike.Loc = loc // 修改了 Bike 的本地副本
  3. }
  4. func (bike *Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  5. bike.Loc = loc // 修改了引用的 bike
  6. }

不过你必须以不同的方式声明你的类型,或者在调用这些方法时使用 & 运算符,因为你的主函数中使用的是值类型。在几乎所有情况下,我更喜欢使用这种语法 bike := &Bike{}。只有在初始化时有方便的方法或者使用值类型的特定原因时,我才会离开这种方式(这种情况非常罕见)。

但基本上,你不能让一个 setter 使用值类型接收器。如果你想将这些结构体作为值类型使用,我建议导出字段,这样就可以在不使用 getter 或 setter 的情况下访问它们。另外,就风格而言,除非你真的在抽象一些逻辑,否则我不希望看到使用 getter 和 setter。如果你提供一个直接将传入的值分配给字段的 setter,那么不导出字段是没有意义的。另外,我没有仔细看,但你导出了结构体的所有字段,所以你的 setter 是无用的,大多数程序员只会这样做:bike.Loc = anythingIWantBecauseThisFieldsExportedWhichYouMayThinkOfAsPublic


The problem is that you've defined the method with value receivers. When you call a method on a receiver the receiving type is actually being passed as an argument, in this case by value and you're modifying that copy.

  1. func (bike Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  2. bike.Loc = loc // modifies local copy of Bike
  3. }
  4. func (bike *Bike) SetLocation(loc Location) {
  5. bike.Loc = loc // modifies the referenced bike
  6. }

You gotta declare your types differently though, or use the & operator in order to call these methods because you have value types in your main. My preference is to use this syntax bike := &Bike{} in almost all cases. I will only go away from it if I have a convenience method for initilization or a very specific reason for using a value type (which is extremely rare).

But basically, you can't make a setter use a value type receiver. If you want to use these structs as value types I would recommend exporting the fields so they can be accessed without getter or setter. Also, just regarding style, I would be displeased to see the use of getters and setters at all unless you actually are abstracting some logic. There's no point in not exporting a field if you're going to provide a setter that directly assigns the value passed in to said field. Also, wasn't looking to closely but you are exporting all fields on your structs so your setters are useless and most programmers would just do bike.Loc = anythingIWantBecauseThisFieldsExportedWhichYouMayThinkOfAsPublic

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年6月12日 05:56:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/30792131.html



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