在Google App Engine for Go中,一个属性如何具有多种类型的值?

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In Google App Engine for Go, how can a property have values of more than one type?


谷歌应用引擎(Google App Engine)针对Go语言的数据存储文档中提到:“一个属性可以有多个类型的值”。但是文档中没有给出示例或进一步的解释。(版本:appengine 1.9.19)



The Google App Engine for Go datastore docs say, "
A property can have values of more than one type"
. There is no example or further explanation. (Version: appengine 1.9.19.)

How can a property have more than one type if you must declare that property with a specific type in the backing struct?


得分: 3







type MyMy struct {
    Objects []interface{}



func (m *MyMy) Load(ch <-chan datastore.Property) error {
    for p := range ch { // Read until channel is closed
        if p.Name == "Objects" {
            m.Objects = append(m.Objects, p.Value)
    return nil

func (m *MyMy) Save(ch chan<- datastore.Property) error {
    defer close(ch)
    for _, v := range m.Objects {
        switch v2 := v.(type) {
        case int64: // Here v2 is of type int64
            ch <- datastore.Property{Name: "Objects", Value: v2, Multiple: true}
        case string:  // Here v2 is of type string
            ch <- datastore.Property{Name: "Objects", Value: v2, Multiple: true}
        case float64: // Here v2 is of type float64
            ch <- datastore.Property{Name: "Objects", Value: v2, Multiple: true}
    return nil




m := MyMy{[]interface{}{int64(1234), "strval", 32.2}}
key, err := datastore.Put(c, datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, "MyMy", nil), &m)

You do not necessarily have to declare a specific type for a property in a backing struct.

By implementing the PropertyLoadSaver interface, you can dynamically do whatever you want with the properties of an entity during loading or before saving. See this answer which shows how to represent an entity as a general map[string]interface{} type in Go, so it can have dynamic properties.

Back to your question:

> A property can have values of more than one type.

This is true. But if you want to make this work, you will also have to utilize a custom loading/saving mechanism through the PropertyLoadSaver interface.

First define a backing struct where the property which will have multiple values of different types may be an []interface{}:

type MyMy struct {
	Objects []interface{}

Next we have to implement PropertyLoadSaver. When loading, we will just append all values to the Objects slice that come with the name &quot;Objects&quot;.

When saving, we will loop over the elements of the Objects slice and send all its values with the same property name. This will ensure they will be saved under the same property, and we also have to specify the Multiple field to be true (multi-value property):

func (m *MyMy) Load(ch &lt;-chan datastore.Property) error {
	for p := range ch { // Read until channel is closed
		if p.Name == &quot;Objects&quot; {
			m.Objects = append(m.Objects, p.Value)
	return nil

func (m *MyMy) Save(ch chan&lt;- datastore.Property) error {
	defer close(ch)
	for _, v := range m.Objects {
		switch v2 := v.(type) {
		case int64: // Here v2 is of type int64
			ch &lt;- datastore.Property{Name: &quot;Objects&quot;, Value: v2, Multiple: true}
		case string:  // Here v2 is of type string
			ch &lt;- datastore.Property{Name: &quot;Objects&quot;, Value: v2, Multiple: true}
		case float64: // Here v2 is of type float64
			ch &lt;- datastore.Property{Name: &quot;Objects&quot;, Value: v2, Multiple: true}
	return nil

Note that setting a value of type interface{} as the Property.Value would result in an error, that is why I used a Type switch so I will set concrete types. In my example I only supported 3 types (int64, string and float64) but you can just as easily add more types by adding new case branches.

And using it:

And finally using our custom MyMy type to save a new entity with property "Objects" which will have multiple values and of different types:

m := MyMy{[]interface{}{int64(1234), &quot;strval&quot;, 32.2}}
key, err := datastore.Put(c, datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, &quot;MyMy&quot;, nil), &amp;m)

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年5月31日 05:41:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/30551659.html



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