How to prevent to multiple goroutines inserts document in persons collections if already exists person with same name and last name?

huangapple go评论85阅读模式

How to prevent to multiple goroutines inserts document in persons collections if already exists person with same name and last name?



type Person struct {
    Id       bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id"`
    Name     string        `bson:"name"`
    LastName string        `bson:"lastName"`




How to prevent multiple goroutines to insert document in persons collections if already exists person with same name and last name ?

type Person struct {

	Id        				bson.ObjectId 	`bson:"_id"`
	Name 			string        	`bson:"name"`
	LastName 			string        	`bson:"lastName"`


I am using Mongo with mgo driver for go language.

I try to find before insert if there is a document with same name and last name but I don't think that cover whole case when both goroutines check in same time. I tried ensure index by two fields (name, lastName) but it also didn't help.


得分: 4


唯一的方法是在{name:1, lastname:1}上使用唯一索引来防止重复的条目,然后在代码中,你应该准备好优雅地处理由潜在冲突引起的异常。




index := mgo.Index{
Key: []string{"name", "lastName"},
Unique: true,
err = c.EnsureIndex(index)


err := users.Insert(user) // 其中user是*mgo.Collection类型
if err != nil {
    if mgo.IsDup(err) {
        // 是重复键,但我们不知道是哪一个
    // 是其他错误

> How to prevent to multiple goroutines/process/thread/applications/... to insert documents in persons collections if already exists person with same name and last name

The only way to prevent duplicate entries esp. in concurrent environment is by using an unique index on {name:1, lastname:1}. Then in your code, you should be prepared to gracefully handle the exception raised by a potential collision.

Never ever check-before-insert, as in MongoDB you don't have transaction, so it is quite possible that a record was concurrently inserted by an other client after your check and before your insert.


Other peoples might certainly help you more with the correct Go syntax, but something along the lines of the following code (borrowed from here) will allow you to create the required index:

index := mgo.Index{
Key: []string{&quot;name&quot;, &quot;lastName&quot;},
Unique: true,
err = c.EnsureIndex(index)

Then, every time you insert a document, you need to use the mgo.isDup function to test if an error was caused by a duplicate key. As an example from a previous answer by @elithrar:

err := users.Insert(user) // where user is type *mgo.Collection
if err != nil {
    if mgo.IsDup(err) {
        // Is a duplicate key, but we don&#39;t know which one 
    // Is another error

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