GoLang 堆和堆排序

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GoLang Heap and Heapsort



type MaxHeap struct {
    slice []int
    heapSize int

func BuildMaxHeap(slice []int) MaxHeap {
    h := MaxHeap{slice: slice, heapSize: len(slice)}
    for i := len(slice)/2; i >= 0; i-- {
    return h

func (h MaxHeap) MaxHeapify(i int) {
    left := 2*i
    right := 2*i + 1
    largest := i
    slice := h.slice

    if left < h.size() {
        if slice[left] > slice[i] {
            largest = left
        } else {
            largest = i
    if right < h.size() {
        if slice[right] > slice[largest] {
            largest = right
    if largest != i {
        prevLargest := slice[i]
        slice[i] = slice[largest]
        slice[largest] = prevLargest

在数组 [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7] 上,我得到了 [16 14 9 10 8 1 4 2 3 7],这是错误的,因为9的位置太高了,应该与10交换。



func heapSort(slice []int) []int {
    h := BuildMaxHeap(slice)
    for i := len(h.slice) - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
        first := h.slice[0]
        last := h.slice[i]
        h.slice[0] = last
        h.slice[i] = first
    return h.slice



So I'm trying to implement a max heap for practice so I can get familiar with Go.

type MaxHeap struct {
	slice []int
	heapSize int
func BuildMaxHeap(slice []int) MaxHeap{
	h := MaxHeap{slice: slice, heapSize: len(slice)}
	for i := len(slice)/2; i &gt;= 0; i-- {
	return h

func (h MaxHeap) MaxHeapify(i int) {
	left := 2*i
	right := 2*i + 1
	largest := i
	slice := h.slice

	if left &lt; h.size() {
		if slice[left] &gt; slice[i] {
			largest = left
		} else {
			largest = i
	if right &lt; h.size() {
		if slice[right] &gt; slice[largest] {
			largest = right
	if largest != i {
		prevLargest := slice[i]
		slice[i] = slice[largest]
		slice[largest] = prevLargest

On an array of [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7] I produce [16 14 9 10 8 1 4 2 3 7]

which is wrong as the 9 is one level too high and should be switched with the 10.

Where am I going wrong?

I also know something is weird, because when I try and heapsort

func heapSort(slice []int) []int {
	h := BuildMaxHeap(slice)
	for i := len(h.slice) - 1; i &gt;=1 ; i-- {
		first := h.slice[0]
		last := h.slice[i]
		h.slice[0] = last
		h.slice[i] = first
	return h.slice

It does not work.


得分: 8


left := 2*i
right := 2*i + 1





package main

import "fmt"

type MaxHeap struct {
    slice    []int
    heapSize int

func BuildMaxHeap(slice []int) MaxHeap {
    h := MaxHeap{slice: slice, heapSize: len(slice)}
    for i := len(slice) / 2; i >= 0; i-- {
    return h

func (h MaxHeap) MaxHeapify(i int) {
    l, r := 2*i+1, 2*i+2
    max := i

    if l < h.size() && h.slice[l] > h.slice[max] {
        max = l
    if r < h.size() && h.slice[r] > h.slice[max] {
        max = r
    //log.Printf("MaxHeapify(%v): l,r=%v,%v; max=%v\t%v\n", i, l, r, max, h.slice)
    if max != i {
        h.slice[i], h.slice[max] = h.slice[max], h.slice[i]

func (h MaxHeap) size() int { return h.heapSize } // ???

func heapSort(slice []int) []int {
    h := BuildMaxHeap(slice)
    for i := len(h.slice) - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
        h.slice[0], h.slice[i] = h.slice[i], h.slice[0]
    return h.slice

func main() {
    s := []int{4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7}
    h := BuildMaxHeap(s)

    s = heapSort(s)



package main

import (

// Compare against container/heap implementation:
// https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/#example__intHeap

type IntHeap []int

func (h IntHeap) Len() int            { return len(h) }
func (h IntHeap) Less(i, j int) bool  { return h[i] > h[j] } // use > for MaxHeap
func (h IntHeap) Swap(i, j int)       { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h *IntHeap) Push(x interface{}) { *h = append(*h, x.(int)) }
func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
    old := *h
    n := len(old)
    x := old[n-1]
    *h = old[:n-1]
    return x

func TestMaxHeap(t *testing.T) {
    f := func(s []int) bool {
        //t.Log("testing heap len", len(s))
        h := BuildMaxHeap(s)
        h2 := make(IntHeap, len(h.slice))
        copy(h2, h.slice)
        for i := range h2 {
            heap.Fix(&h2, i)
        eq := reflect.DeepEqual(h.slice, []int(h2))
        if !eq {
            t.Logf("MaxHeap: %v\n\t IntHeap: %v", h.slice, h2)
        return eq
    if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {

func TestHeapSort(t *testing.T) {
    f := func(s []int) bool {
        s = heapSort(s)
        return sort.IntsAreSorted(s)
    if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {

The issue was that slice indexes start at zero so your:

left := 2*i
right := 2*i + 1

gives a left child of 0 for index 0 (i.e., itself).
Just add one to each of those.

Your heapSort had a similar issue calling h.MaxHeapify(1) instead of 0. That effectively left whatever value was at the front there.

Here is a modified version of your code that works (test file also included that uses testing/quick to verify it against container/heap and sort).


package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

type MaxHeap struct {
    slice    []int
    heapSize int

func BuildMaxHeap(slice []int) MaxHeap {
    h := MaxHeap{slice: slice, heapSize: len(slice)}
    for i := len(slice) / 2; i &gt;= 0; i-- {
    return h

func (h MaxHeap) MaxHeapify(i int) {
    l, r := 2*i+1, 2*i+2
    max := i

    if l &lt; h.size() &amp;&amp; h.slice[l] &gt; h.slice[max] {
        max = l
    if r &lt; h.size() &amp;&amp; h.slice[r] &gt; h.slice[max] {
        max = r
    //log.Printf(&quot;MaxHeapify(%v): l,r=%v,%v; max=%v\t%v\n&quot;, i, l, r, max, h.slice)
    if max != i {
        h.slice[i], h.slice[max] = h.slice[max], h.slice[i]

func (h MaxHeap) size() int { return h.heapSize } // ???

func heapSort(slice []int) []int {
    h := BuildMaxHeap(slice)
    for i := len(h.slice) - 1; i &gt;= 1; i-- {
        h.slice[0], h.slice[i] = h.slice[i], h.slice[0]
    return h.slice

func main() {
    s := []int{4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7}
    h := BuildMaxHeap(s)

    s = heapSort(s)



package main

import (

// Compare against container/heap implementation:
// https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/#example__intHeap

type IntHeap []int

func (h IntHeap) Len() int            { return len(h) }
func (h IntHeap) Less(i, j int) bool  { return h[i] &gt; h[j] } // use &gt; for MaxHeap
func (h IntHeap) Swap(i, j int)       { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h *IntHeap) Push(x interface{}) { *h = append(*h, x.(int)) }
func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
    old := *h
    n := len(old)
    x := old[n-1]
    *h = old[:n-1]
    return x

func TestMaxHeap(t *testing.T) {
    f := func(s []int) bool {
        //t.Log(&quot;testing heap len&quot;, len(s))
        h := BuildMaxHeap(s)
        h2 := make(IntHeap, len(h.slice))
        copy(h2, h.slice)
        for i := range h2 {
            heap.Fix(&amp;h2, i)
        eq := reflect.DeepEqual(h.slice, []int(h2))
        if !eq {
            t.Logf(&quot;MaxHeap: %v\n\t IntHeap: %v&quot;, h.slice, h2)
        return eq
    if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {

func TestHeapSort(t *testing.T) {
    f := func(s []int) bool {
        s = heapSort(s)
        return sort.IntsAreSorted(s)
    if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {


得分: 0


// 根据《算法导论》(第三版)描述
package main

import (

func left(i int) int {
	return 2 * i

func right(i int) int {
	return 2*i + 1

func parent(i int) int {
	return i / 2

func maxHeapify(a []int, i int) []int {

	fmt.Printf("数组: %v\n", a)

	l := left(i) + 1
	r := right(i) + 1
	var largest int
	if l < len(a) && l >= 0 && a[l] > a[i] {
		largest = l
	} else {
		largest = i
	if r < len(a) && r >= 0 && a[r] > a[largest] {
		largest = r
	if largest != i {
		fmt.Printf("交换: %d 索引 (%d) 和 %d 索引 (%d)\n", a[i], i, a[largest], largest)
		a[i], a[largest] = a[largest], a[i]
		a = maxHeapify(a, largest)
	return a

func buildMaxHeap(a []int) []int {
	for i := len(a)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		fmt.Printf("构建: %d 索引 %d\n", a[i], i)
		a = maxHeapify(a, i)
	return a

func heapsort(a []int) []int {

	a = buildMaxHeap(a)
	fmt.Printf("开始排序... 数组为 %v\n", a)
	size := len(a)
	for i := size - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
		a[0], a[i] = a[i], a[0]
		maxHeapify(a[:size], 0)
	return a

func main() {

	a := [10]int{4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7}
	fmt.Printf("数组: %v\n", a)

	b := heapsort(a[:])
	fmt.Printf("数组: %v\n", b)




Here's a way to do the same thing without the addition of the structure to hold the data and heapsize:

// AS described in Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Edition)
package main
import (
func left(i int) int {
return 2 * i
func right(i int) int {
return 2*i + 1
func parent(i int) int {
return i / 2
func maxHeapify(a []int, i int) []int {
fmt.Printf(&quot;Array: %v\n&quot;, a)
l := left(i) + 1
r := right(i) + 1
var largest int
if l &lt; len(a) &amp;&amp; l &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; a[l] &gt; a[i] {
largest = l
} else {
largest = i
if r &lt; len(a) &amp;&amp; r &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; a[r] &gt; a[largest] {
largest = r
if largest != i {
fmt.Printf(&quot;Exchanging: %d index (%d) with %d index (%d)\n&quot;, a[i], i, a[largest], largest)
a[i], a[largest] = a[largest], a[i]
a = maxHeapify(a, largest)
return a
func buildMaxHeap(a []int) []int {
for i := len(a)/2 - 1; i &gt;= 0; i-- {
fmt.Printf(&quot;Building: %d index %d\n&quot;, a[i], i)
a = maxHeapify(a, i)
return a
func heapsort(a []int) []int {
a = buildMaxHeap(a)
fmt.Printf(&quot;Starting sort ... array is %v\n&quot;, a)
size := len(a)
for i := size - 1; i &gt;= 1; i-- {
a[0], a[i] = a[i], a[0]
maxHeapify(a[:size], 0)
return a
func main() {
a := [10]int{4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7}
fmt.Printf(&quot;Array: %v\n&quot;, a)
b := heapsort(a[:])
fmt.Printf(&quot;Array: %v\n&quot;, b)

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年5月22日 05:44:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/30384899.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
