What is the shortest way to simply sort an array of structs by (arbitrary) field names?

huangapple go评论103阅读模式

What is the shortest way to simply sort an array of structs by (arbitrary) field names?



package main

import "log"

type Planet struct {
    Name       string  `json:"name"`
    Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
    Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
    Axis       int64   `json:"axis"`       // in km
    Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

func main() {
    var mars = new(Planet)
    mars.Name = "Mars"
    mars.Aphelion = 249.2
    mars.Perihelion = 206.7
    mars.Axis = 227939100
    mars.Radius = 3389.5

    var earth = new(Planet)
    earth.Name = "Earth"
    earth.Aphelion = 151.930
    earth.Perihelion = 147.095
    earth.Axis = 149598261
    earth.Radius = 6371.0

    var venus = new(Planet)
    venus.Name = "Venus"
    venus.Aphelion = 108.939
    venus.Perihelion = 107.477
    venus.Axis = 108208000
    venus.Radius = 6051.8

    planets := [...]Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}


(注意:我已经看过http://golang.org/pkg/sort/,它似乎可以工作,但我需要添加大约20行代码来实现按一个非常简单的键进行排序。我有Python的背景,用Python可以很简单地实现sorted(planets, key=lambda n: n.Axis) - 在Go语言中有类似简单的方法吗?)


I just had a problem where I had an array of structs, e.g.

package main

import "log"

type Planet struct {
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
	Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
	Axis       int64   `json:"Axis"`       // in km
	Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

func main() {
	var mars = new(Planet)
	mars.Name = "Mars"
	mars.Aphelion = 249.2
	mars.Perihelion = 206.7
	mars.Axis = 227939100
	mars.Radius = 3389.5

	var earth = new(Planet)
	earth.Name = "Earth"
	earth.Aphelion = 151.930
	earth.Perihelion = 147.095
	earth.Axis = 149598261
	earth.Radius = 6371.0

	var venus = new(Planet)
	venus.Name = "Venus"
	venus.Aphelion = 108.939
	venus.Perihelion = 107.477
	venus.Axis = 108208000
	venus.Radius = 6051.8

	planets := [...]Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}

Lets say you want to sort it by Axis. How do you do that?

(Note: I have seen http://golang.org/pkg/sort/ and it seems to work, but I have to add about 20 lines just for simple sorting by a very simple key. I have a python background where it is as simple as sorted(planets, key=lambda n: n.Axis) - is there something similar simple in Go?)


得分: 588

从Go 1.8开始,你现在可以使用sort.Slice来对切片进行排序:

sort.Slice(planets, func(i, j int) bool {
  return planets[i].Axis < planets[j].Axis


sort.Slice(planets[:], func(i, j int) bool {
  return planets[i].Axis < planets[j].Axis



As of Go 1.8 you can now use sort.Slice to sort a slice:

sort.Slice(planets, func(i, j int) bool {
  return planets[i].Axis &lt; planets[j].Axis

There is normally no reason to use an array instead of a slice, but in your example you are using an array, so you have to overlay it with a slice (add [:]) to make it work with sort.Slice:

sort.Slice(planets[:], func(i, j int) bool {
  return planets[i].Axis &lt; planets[j].Axis

The sorting changes the array, so if you really want you can continue to use the array instead of the slice after the sorting.


得分: 99

**更新:**此答案与较旧版本的go相关。对于Go 1.8及更高版本,请参阅上面的AndreKR的答案



slice.Sort(planets[:], func(i, j int) bool {
    return planets[i].Axis < planets[j].Axis



UPDATE: This answer relates to older versions of go. For Go 1.8 and newer, see the AndreKR's answer above.

If you want something a bit less verbose than the standard library sort package, you could use the third party github.com/bradfitz/slice package. It uses some tricks to generate the Len and Swap methods needed to sort your slice, so you only need to provide a Less method.

With this package, you can perform the sort with:

slice.Sort(planets[:], func(i, j int) bool {
    return planets[i].Axis &lt; planets[j].Axis

The planets[:] part is necessary to produce a slice covering your array. If you make planets a slice instead of an array you could skip that part.


得分: 50

截至Go 1.8版本,@AndreKR的答案是更好的解决方案。



package main

import "log"
import "sort"

// AxisSorter按照轴排序行星。
type AxisSorter []Planet

func (a AxisSorter) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a AxisSorter) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a AxisSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Axis < a[j].Axis }

// NameSorter按照名称排序行星。
type NameSorter []Planet

func (a NameSorter) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a NameSorter) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a NameSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name < a[j].Name }

type Planet struct {
    Name       string  `json:"name"`
    Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
    Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
    Axis       int64   `json:"axis"`       // in km
    Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

func main() {
    var mars Planet
    mars.Name = "Mars"
    mars.Aphelion = 249.2
    mars.Perihelion = 206.7
    mars.Axis = 227939100
    mars.Radius = 3389.5

    var earth Planet
    earth.Name = "Earth"
    earth.Aphelion = 151.930
    earth.Perihelion = 147.095
    earth.Axis = 149598261
    earth.Radius = 6371.0

    var venus Planet
    venus.Name = "Venus"
    venus.Aphelion = 108.939
    venus.Perihelion = 107.477
    venus.Axis = 108208000
    venus.Radius = 6051.8

    planets := []Planet{mars, venus, earth}
    log.Println("unsorted:", planets)

    log.Println("by axis:", planets)

    log.Println("by name:", planets)

As of Go 1.8, @AndreKR's answer is the better solution.

You can implement a collection type which implements the sort interface.

Here's an example of two such types which allow you to sort either by Axis or Name:

package main
import &quot;log&quot;
import &quot;sort&quot;
// AxisSorter sorts planets by axis.
type AxisSorter []Planet
func (a AxisSorter) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a AxisSorter) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a AxisSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Axis &lt; a[j].Axis }
// NameSorter sorts planets by name.
type NameSorter []Planet
func (a NameSorter) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a NameSorter) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a NameSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name &lt; a[j].Name }
type Planet struct {
Name       string  `json:&quot;name&quot;`
Aphelion   float64 `json:&quot;aphelion&quot;`   // in million km
Perihelion float64 `json:&quot;perihelion&quot;` // in million km
Axis       int64   `json:&quot;Axis&quot;`       // in km
Radius     float64 `json:&quot;radius&quot;`
func main() {
var mars Planet
mars.Name = &quot;Mars&quot;
mars.Aphelion = 249.2
mars.Perihelion = 206.7
mars.Axis = 227939100
mars.Radius = 3389.5
var earth Planet
earth.Name = &quot;Earth&quot;
earth.Aphelion = 151.930
earth.Perihelion = 147.095
earth.Axis = 149598261
earth.Radius = 6371.0
var venus Planet
venus.Name = &quot;Venus&quot;
venus.Aphelion = 108.939
venus.Perihelion = 107.477
venus.Axis = 108208000
venus.Radius = 6051.8
planets := []Planet{mars, venus, earth}
log.Println(&quot;unsorted:&quot;, planets)
log.Println(&quot;by axis:&quot;, planets)
log.Println(&quot;by name:&quot;, planets)


得分: 7




package main

import (

type Planet struct {
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
	Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
	Axis       int64   `json:"Axis"`       // in km
	Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

type By func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool

func (by By) Sort(planets []Planet) {
	ps := &planetSorter{
		planets: planets,
		by:      by,

type planetSorter struct {
	planets []Planet
	by      func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool

func (s *planetSorter) Len() int {
	return len(s.planets)

func (s *planetSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
	s.planets[i], s.planets[j] = s.planets[j], s.planets[i]

func (s *planetSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return s.by(&s.planets[i], &s.planets[j])

func main() {
	/* Same code as in the question */

	planets := []Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}

	By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
		return p1.Name < p2.Name


	By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
		return p1.Axis < p2.Axis



  [1]: http://golang.org/pkg/sort/
  [2]: https://play.golang.org/p/1hqYY6D24Z


func main() {
	/* Same code as in the question */

	planets := []Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}

	By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
		return p1.Name < p2.Name


	By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
		return p1.Axis < p2.Axis




You can, instead of implementing the Sort interface on []Planet you implement on a type that contains the collection and a closure that will do the comparison. You have to provide the implementation for the comparison closure for each property.

This method I feel is better than implementing a Sort type for each property of the struct.

This answer is almost ripped right from the sort docs so I can't take to much credit for it

package main
import (
type Planet struct {
Name       string  `json:&quot;name&quot;`
Aphelion   float64 `json:&quot;aphelion&quot;`   // in million km
Perihelion float64 `json:&quot;perihelion&quot;` // in million km
Axis       int64   `json:&quot;Axis&quot;`       // in km
Radius     float64 `json:&quot;radius&quot;`
type By func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool
func (by By) Sort(planets []Planet) {
ps := &amp;planetSorter{
planets: planets,
by:      by, 
type planetSorter struct {
planets []Planet
by      func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool 
func (s *planetSorter) Len() int {
return len(s.planets)
func (s *planetSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s.planets[i], s.planets[j] = s.planets[j], s.planets[i]
func (s *planetSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.by(&amp;s.planets[i], &amp;s.planets[j])

How to call it.

func main() {
/* Same code as in the question */
planets := []Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}
By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
return p1.Name &lt; p2.Name
By(func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
return p1.Axis &lt; p2.Axis

Here is a Demo


得分: 3




package main

import (

func test(planets []Planet) {
	log.Println("Sort Name")
	By(Prop("Name", true)).Sort(planets)
	log.Println("Sort Aphelion")
	By(Prop("Aphelion", true)).Sort(planets)
	log.Println("Sort Perihelion")
	By(Prop("Perihelion", true)).Sort(planets)
	log.Println("Sort Axis")
	By(Prop("Axis", true)).Sort(planets)
	log.Println("Sort Radius")
	By(Prop("Radius", true)).Sort(planets)

func Prop(field string, asc bool) func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
    return func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {

        v1 := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(p1)).FieldByName(field)
        v2 := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(p2)).FieldByName(field)

        ret := false

        switch v1.Kind() {
        case reflect.Int64:
            ret = int64(v1.Int()) < int64(v2.Int())
        case reflect.Float64:
            ret = float64(v1.Float()) < float64(v2.Float())
        case reflect.String:
            ret = string(v1.String()) < string(v2.String())

        if asc {
            return ret
        return !ret

type Planet struct {
    Name       string  `json:"name"`
    Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
    Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
    Axis       int64   `json:"Axis"`       // in km
    Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

type By func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool

func (by By) Sort(planets []Planet) {
    ps := &planetSorter{
        planets: planets,
        by:      by, // The Sort method's receiver is the function (closure) that defines the sort order.

type planetSorter struct {
    planets []Planet
    by      func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool // Closure used in the Less method.

// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *planetSorter) Len() int { return len(s.planets) }

// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *planetSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
    s.planets[i], s.planets[j] = s.planets[j], s.planets[i]

// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by calling the "by" closure in the sorter.
func (s *planetSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return s.by(&s.planets[i], &s.planets[j])

func main() {

func dataSet() []Planet {

    var mars = new(Planet)
    mars.Name = "Mars"
    mars.Aphelion = 249.2
    mars.Perihelion = 206.7
    mars.Axis = 227939100
    mars.Radius = 3389.5

    var earth = new(Planet)
    earth.Name = "Earth"
    earth.Aphelion = 151.930
    earth.Perihelion = 147.095
    earth.Axis = 149598261
    earth.Radius = 6371.0

    var venus = new(Planet)
    venus.Name = "Venus"
    venus.Aphelion = 108.939
    venus.Perihelion = 107.477
    venus.Axis = 108208000
    venus.Radius = 6051.8

    return []Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}

Here is another way to reduce some of the boiler plate. Disclaimer, it uses reflection and losses type safety.

Here is a Demo

All the magic happens in the Prop function. It takes the struct property to sort on and the order it which you want to sort (ascending, descending) and returns a function that will perform the comparisons.

package main
import (
func test(planets []Planet) {
log.Println(&quot;Sort Name&quot;)
By(Prop(&quot;Name&quot;, true)).Sort(planets)
log.Println(&quot;Sort Aphelion&quot;)
By(Prop(&quot;Aphelion&quot;, true)).Sort(planets)
log.Println(&quot;Sort Perihelion&quot;)
By(Prop(&quot;Perihelion&quot;, true)).Sort(planets)
log.Println(&quot;Sort Axis&quot;)
By(Prop(&quot;Axis&quot;, true)).Sort(planets)
log.Println(&quot;Sort Radius&quot;)
By(Prop(&quot;Radius&quot;, true)).Sort(planets)
func Prop(field string, asc bool) func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
return func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool {
v1 := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(p1)).FieldByName(field)
v2 := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(p2)).FieldByName(field)
ret := false
switch v1.Kind() {
case reflect.Int64:
ret = int64(v1.Int()) &lt; int64(v2.Int())
case reflect.Float64:
ret = float64(v1.Float()) &lt; float64(v2.Float())
case reflect.String:
ret = string(v1.String()) &lt; string(v2.String())
if asc {
return ret
return !ret
type Planet struct {
Name       string  `json:&quot;name&quot;`
Aphelion   float64 `json:&quot;aphelion&quot;`   // in million km
Perihelion float64 `json:&quot;perihelion&quot;` // in million km
Axis       int64   `json:&quot;Axis&quot;`       // in km
Radius     float64 `json:&quot;radius&quot;`
type By func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool
func (by By) Sort(planets []Planet) {
ps := &amp;planetSorter{
planets: planets,
by:      by, // The Sort method&#39;s receiver is the function (closure) that defines the sort order.
type planetSorter struct {
planets []Planet
by      func(p1, p2 *Planet) bool // Closure used in the Less method.
// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *planetSorter) Len() int { return len(s.planets) }
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (s *planetSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s.planets[i], s.planets[j] = s.planets[j], s.planets[i]
// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by calling the &quot;by&quot; closure in the sorter.
func (s *planetSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.by(&amp;s.planets[i], &amp;s.planets[j])
func main() {
func dataSet() []Planet {
var mars = new(Planet)
mars.Name = &quot;Mars&quot;
mars.Aphelion = 249.2
mars.Perihelion = 206.7
mars.Axis = 227939100
mars.Radius = 3389.5
var earth = new(Planet)
earth.Name = &quot;Earth&quot;
earth.Aphelion = 151.930
earth.Perihelion = 147.095
earth.Axis = 149598261
earth.Radius = 6371.0
var venus = new(Planet)
venus.Name = &quot;Venus&quot;
venus.Aphelion = 108.939
venus.Perihelion = 107.477
venus.Axis = 108208000
venus.Radius = 6051.8
return []Planet{*mars, *venus, *earth}


得分: 1


package main

import (

type Planet struct {
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Aphelion   float64 `json:"aphelion"`   // in million km
	Perihelion float64 `json:"perihelion"` // in million km
	Axis       int64   `json:"axis"`       // in km
	Radius     float64 `json:"radius"`

func main() {
	var mars Planet
	mars.Name = "Mars"
	mars.Aphelion = 249.2
	mars.Perihelion = 206.7
	mars.Axis = 227939100
	mars.Radius = 3389.5

	var earth Planet
	earth.Name = "Earth"
	earth.Aphelion = 151.930
	earth.Perihelion = 147.095
	earth.Axis = 149598261
	earth.Radius = 6371.0

	var venus Planet
	venus.Name = "Venus"
	venus.Aphelion = 108.939
	venus.Perihelion = 107.477
	venus.Axis = 108208000
	venus.Radius = 6051.8

	planets := []Planet{mars, venus, earth}
	fmt.Println(quickSort(&planets, 0, len(planets)-1))


func quickSort(arr *[]Planet, start, end int) []Planet {
	if start < end {
		partitionIndex := partition(*arr, start, end)
		quickSort(arr, start, partitionIndex-1)
		quickSort(arr, partitionIndex+1, end)
	return *arr

func partition(arr []Planet, start, end int) int {
	pivot := arr[end].Name
	pIndex := start
	for i := start; i < end; i++ {
		if arr[i].Name <= pivot {
			//	swap
			arr[i], arr[pIndex] = arr[pIndex], arr[i]
	arr[pIndex], arr[end] = arr[end], arr[pIndex]
	return pIndex

You can implement using quick sort as well and inside the partition func, you choose which field to sort by, I choose Name for example.

package main
import (
type Planet struct {
Name       string  `json:&quot;name&quot;`
Aphelion   float64 `json:&quot;aphelion&quot;`   // in million km
Perihelion float64 `json:&quot;perihelion&quot;` // in million km
Axis       int64   `json:&quot;Axis&quot;`       // in km
Radius     float64 `json:&quot;radius&quot;`
func main() {
var mars Planet
mars.Name = &quot;Mars&quot;
mars.Aphelion = 249.2
mars.Perihelion = 206.7
mars.Axis = 227939100
mars.Radius = 3389.5
var earth Planet
earth.Name = &quot;Earth&quot;
earth.Aphelion = 151.930
earth.Perihelion = 147.095
earth.Axis = 149598261
earth.Radius = 6371.0
var venus Planet
venus.Name = &quot;Venus&quot;
venus.Aphelion = 108.939
venus.Perihelion = 107.477
venus.Axis = 108208000
venus.Radius = 6051.8
planets := []Planet{mars, venus, earth}
func quickSort(arr *[]Planet, start, end int)[]Planet{
if start &lt; end{
partitionIndex := partition(*arr,start,end)
quickSort(arr,partitionIndex+1, end)
return *arr
func partition(arr []Planet, start, end int) int{
pivot := arr[end].Name
pIndex := start
for i:= start; i&lt;end; i++{
if arr[i].Name &lt;= pivot{
//	swap
arr[i],arr[pIndex] = arr[pIndex],arr[i]
arr[pIndex],arr[end] = arr[end],arr[pIndex]
return pIndex


得分: 0


我想为按照一个字符串值进行字母排序的结构体添加一个示例。在Go中基本上是相同的,对于有其他编程语言背景的人可能会有所帮助 What is the shortest way to simply sort an array of structs by (arbitrary) field names?

type My struct {
	Val string

func main() {
	m1 := My{Val: "B"}
	m2 := My{Val: "C"}
	m3 := My{Val: "A"}
	m4 := My{Val: "D"}
	mList := []My{m1, m2, m3, m4}
	sort.Slice(mList, func(i, j int) bool {
		return mList[i].Val < mList[j].Val
	fmt.Println("Sorted:", mList[0], mList[1], mList[2], mList[3])

The other answers are already pretty good.

I want to add this example for sorting alphabetically by a structs Value that is a string. Pretty much the same in Go, might be helpful to someone with other programming language background What is the shortest way to simply sort an array of structs by (arbitrary) field names?

type My struct {
Val string
func main() {
m1 := My{Val: &quot;B&quot;}
m2 := My{Val: &quot;C&quot;}
m3 := My{Val: &quot;A&quot;}
m4 := My{Val: &quot;D&quot;}
mList := []My{m1, m2, m3, m4}
sort.Slice(mList, func(i, j int) bool {
return mList[i].Val &lt; mList[j].Val
fmt.Println(&quot;Sorted:&quot;, mList[0], mList[1], mList[2], mList[3])

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年3月12日 08:07:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/28999735.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
