在Google App Engine上恢复恐慌是可能的吗?

huangapple go评论66阅读模式

Is it possible to recover from panic on google app engine?




I'm wondering if it's possible to recover from a panic. It seems GAE has it's own panic recovery mechanism but I can't find any hook to handle it on my app.


得分: 1

在AppEngine webapp中,处理程序的注册方式与普通的Go应用程序相同。你只需要不显式调用http.ListenAndServe()(因为平台会处理),而是在init()函数中进行处理程序的注册(而不是在main()函数中)。



func myHandleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    panic("I'm myHandlerFunc and I refuse to serve!")

type MyHandler int

func (m *MyHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    panic("I'm MyHandler and I refuse to serve!")

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/myfunc", myHandleFunc)
    http.Handle("/myhandler", new(MyHandler))

    panic(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

将浏览器定向到http://localhost:8080/myfunchttp://localhost:8080/myhandler会导致HTTP 500状态:内部服务器错误(或者取决于你在哪里检查它的空响应)。



func protectFunc(hf func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        defer func() {
            r := recover()
            if r != nil {
                // hf()引发了panic,我们刚刚从中恢复过来。
                // 以某种方式处理错误,提供自定义错误页面。
                w.Write([]byte("Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!"))
        hf(w, r)

func protectHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        defer func() {
            r := recover()
            if r != nil {
                // h.ServeHTTP()引发了panic,我们刚刚从中恢复过来。
                // 以某种方式处理错误,提供自定义错误页面。
                w.Write([]byte("Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!"))
        h.ServeHTTP(w, r)




http.HandleFunc("/myfunc-protected", protectFunc(myHandleFunc))
http.Handle("/myhandler-protected", protectHandler(new(MyHandler)))

访问http://localhost:8080/myfunc-protectedhttp://localhost:8080/myhandler-protected URL会得到HTTP 200状态(OK),并显示以下消息:

Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!

Handlers in an AppEngine webapp are registered in the same way as would be in a normal Go application. You just don't have to call http.ListenAndServe() explicitly (because it will be by the platform), and handler registration happens in an init() function (not in main()).

Having said that, the same panic-recover wrapping works on AppEngine too, and unfortunately there is no other, better way.

Take a look at this example: it uses a function registered with HandleFunc() and a Handler registered with Handle() to handle 2 URL patterns, but both intentionally panics (they refuse to serve):

func myHandleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	panic("I'm myHandlerFunc and I refuse to serve!")

type MyHandler int

func (m *MyHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	panic("I'm MyHandler and I refuse to serve!")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/myfunc", myHandleFunc)
	http.Handle("/myhandler", new(MyHandler))

	panic(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

Directing your browser to http://localhost:8080/myfunc and http://localhost:8080/myhandler results in HTTP 500 status: internal server error (or an empty response depending on where you check it).

The general idea is to use recover to "catch" the panics from handlers (spec: Handling panics). We can "wrap" handle functions or Handlers in a way that we first register a defer statement which is called even if the rest of the function panics, and in which we recover from the panicing state.

See these 2 functions:

func protectFunc(hf func(http.ResponseWriter,
	*http.Request)) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		defer func() {
			r := recover()
			if r != nil {
				// hf() paniced, we just recovered from it.
				// Handle error somehow, serve custom error page.
				w.Write([]byte("Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!"))
		hf(w, r)

func protectHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		defer func() {
			r := recover()
			if r != nil {
				// h.ServeHTTP() paniced, we just recovered from it.
				// Handle error somehow, serve custom error page.
				w.Write([]byte("Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!"))
		h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

The first one takes a function and returns one which calles the one we passed but recovers from panicing state if one was initiated.

The second one takes a Handler and returns another Handler which similarly calls the passed one but also handles panics and restores normal execution.

Now if we register handler functions and Handlers protected by these methods, the registered handlers will never panic (assuming the code after restoring normal execution does not panic):

http.HandleFunc("/myfunc-protected", protectFunc(myHandleFunc))
http.Handle("/myhandler-protected", protectHandler(new(MyHandler)))

Visiting http://localhost:8080/myfunc-protected and http://localhost:8080/myhandler-protected URLs resuls in HTTP 200 status (OK) with the message:

Something went bad but I recovered and sent this!

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年3月3日 00:57:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/28815334.html



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