为什么 Golang 禁止将一个本地类型赋值给相同底层类型的变量?

huangapple go评论68阅读模式

Why does golang prohibit assignment to same underlying type when one is a native type?



package main
import "fmt"

type specialString string

func printString(s string) {

// 不像C++,这是不合法的Go代码,因为它重新声明了printString函数
//func printString(s specialString) {    
//    fmt.Println("Special: " + s)

func main() {
    ss := specialString("cheese")
    // ... 那么为什么这个不被允许呢?





Consider this code:

package main
import "fmt"

type specialString string

func printString(s string) {

// unlike, say, C++, this is not legal GO, because it redeclares printString
//func printString(s specialString) {    
//	fmt.Println("Special: " + s)

func main() {
	ss := specialString("cheese")
	// ... so then why shouldn't this be allowed?

My question is: why is the language defined so that the call to printString(ss) in main() is not allowed? (I'm not looking for answers that point to the Golang rules on assignment; I have already read them, and I see that both specialString and string have the same 'underlying type' and both types are 'named' -- if you consider the generic type 'string' to be named, which Golang apparently does -- and so they are not assignable under the rules.)

But why are the rules like that? What problem is solved by treating the built-in types as 'named' types, and preventing you from passing named types to all the standard library functions that accepting the same underlying built-in type? Does anybody know what the language designers had in mind here?

From my point of view, it seems to create a lot of pointless type conversion in the code, and discourages the use of strong typing where it actually would make sense..


得分: 6

我相信初始作者在这里的逻辑是,命名类型是有原因的 - 它代表着不同的东西,而不仅仅是底层类型。

我想我在 golang-nuts 的某个地方读到过这个,但是记不清确切的讨论了。


type Email string

你将它命名为 Email,因为你需要表示电子邮件实体,而 'string' 只是它的简化表示,足够开始使用。但是后来,你可能想将 Email 更改为更复杂的东西,比如:

type Email struct {
    Address string
    Name    string
    Surname string

这将导致所有隐式假定 Email 是一个字符串的代码都会出错。


I believe the initial authors' logic here is that named type is named for a reason - it represents something different, not just underlying type.

I guess I've read it somewhere in golang-nuts, but can't remember exact discussion.

Consider the following example:

type Email string

You named it Email, because you need to represent e-mail entity, and 'string' is just simplified representation of it, sufficient for the very start. But later, you may want to change Email to something more complex, like:

type Email struct {
    Address string
    Name    string
    Surname string

And that will break all your code that work with Email implicitly assuming it's a string.


得分: 3




fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(ss))        // specialString


func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
        return Fprintln(os.Stdout, a...)


type specialString string 
type anything interface{}

s := string("cheese")
ss := specialString("special cheese")
at := anything("any cheese")

fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(ss))     // specialString
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(s))      // string
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(at))     // 哇,这也是string!


func printAnything(i interface{}) {

fmt.Println(ss.(interface{}))       // 编译错误!ss不是interface{}类型,但是
printAnything(ss)                   // 正确地打印出"special cheese"


如果你真的想深入了解底层实现,这篇关于接口的文章非常有价值:Interfaces in Go


This is because Go does not have class inheritance. It uses struct composition instead. Named types do not inherit properties from their underlying type (that's why it's not called "base type").

So when you declare a named type specialString with an underlying type of a predefined type string, your new type is a completely different type from the underlying one. This is because Go assumes you will want to assign different behaviors to your new type, and will not check its underlying type until run-time. This is why Go is both a static and dynamic language.

When you print

fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(ss))        // specialString

You get specialString, not string. If you take a look at Println() the definition is as follows:

func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
        return Fprintln(os.Stdout, a...)

This means you can print any predeclared types (int, float64, string) because all of them implements at least zero methods, which makes them already conform to the empty interface and pass as "printable", but not your named type specialString which remains unknown to Go during compile time. We can check by printing the type of our interface{} against specialString.

type specialString string 
type anything interface{}

s := string("cheese")
ss := specialString("special cheese")
at := anything("any cheese")

fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(ss))     // specialString
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(s))      // string
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(at))     // Wow, this is also string!

You can see that specialString keeps being naughty to its identity. Now, see how it does when passed into a function at run-time

func printAnything(i interface{}) {

fmt.Println(ss.(interface{}))       // Compile error! ss isn't interface{} but
printAnything(ss)                   // prints "special cheese" alright

ss has become passable as interface{} to the function. By that time Go has already made ss an interface{}.

If you really want to understand deep down the hood this article on interfaces is really priceless.


得分: 0




type Validated string
func Validate(input string): (Validated, err) {
  return Validated(input), nil // 假设你实际上验证了字符串



It's called nominal typing. It simply means that the type is identified by it's name and it has to be made explicit to be useful.

From a convenience point of view it is easy to critique but it super useful.

For example, let's say you have a parameter to a function that is a string but it cannot be just any string, there are rules you need to check. If you change the type from string to something that implies that you checked the string for potential problems you made a good design decision because it's now clear from just looking at the code that the string needs to go via some function to validate the input first (and enrich it's type in the process).

type Validated string
func Validate(input string): (Validated, err) {
  return Validated(input), nil // assuming you actually did validate the string

Go makes these tradeoffs because it does improve readability (i.e. the ability of someone unfamiliar with your code to quickly understand how things work) and that's something they (the Go language designers) value above all else.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年2月21日 01:20:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/28634648.html



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