
huangapple go评论68阅读模式

What is a perfomance penalty for single token lookahead?




  • 该行以不能作为语句结束的单词结尾,例如句号或中缀运算符。
  • 下一行以不能作为语句开头的单词开始。
  • 该行在括号(...)或方括号[...]内结束,因为这些不能包含多个语句。

引自Scala - 分号推断规则




x = some_object.select(...)



When comparing Go and Scala end of statement detection I found out that the rules for Scala are richer, namely:

> A line ending is treated as a semicolon unless one of the following
> conditions is true:
> * The line in question ends in a word that would not be legal as the end of a statement, such as a period or an infix operator.
> * The next line begins with a word that cannot start a statement.
> * The line ends while inside parentheses (...) or brackets [...], because these cannot contain multiple statements anyway.

Quoted from Scala - The rules of semicolon inference.

Rule #1 is how the Go works as well. Rule #3 too. The only difference is rule #2 – it involves single lookahead, since there is one token involved ("word").

What kind of performance penalty is involved: 1% slower, 5%, 10%?

I would love to see a comment (not the question) why Go designers left out that rule – if not for performance, it makes language more reliable, for example in method chaining:

x = some_object.select(...)

If I am not mistaken for Go it is an error (you can solve it in two possible ways – taking entire statement in braces or expression in parentheses, but it is manual tweaking), Scala will take it as it should.


得分: 7

性能惩罚与编译器的其他任务相比,完全可以忽略不计。Scala内部邮件列表中有以下Haoyi Li和Martin Odersky之间关于Haoyi为Scala编写的parboiled2解析器的交流:

Haoyi Li:就性能而言,它可以在15秒内解析scala/scala、lift、scalaz、scalajs、playframework和shapeless中的所有内容...有人知道编译器和宏中有多少时间花在解析上吗?我的印象是绝大部分时间都花在类型检查器上。

Odersky:是的,与编译器的其他任务相比,解析相当微不足道...话虽如此,[下一代Scala编译器的解析器](手写的,包括错误报告、准确位置和树构建在内,共2100行)每秒可以解析数十万行。所以parboiled还有一段路要走才能超越它 单令牌前瞻的性能惩罚是什么?




The performance penalty is utterly negligible compared to everything else that the compiler has to do. The Scala-internals mailing list has the following exchange between Haoyi Li and Martin Odersky regarding a parboiled2 parser Haoyi wrote for Scala:

> Haoyi Li: In terms of perf[ormance], it can parse everything in scala/scala, lift, scalaz, scalajs, playframework and shapeless in 15 seconds.... Does anyone know how much of the time in the compiler and macros is spent parsing? My impression is that the vast vast vast majority of the time is spent in the typechecker.

> Odersky: Yes, parsing is pretty insignificant compared to the other tasks of a compiler ... That said, the [parser for the next-generation Scala compiler] (hand-written, 2100 lines including error reporting, accurate positions and tree construction) achieves several hundred thousand lines a second. So parboiled still has some way to go to beat that 单令牌前瞻的性能惩罚是什么?

When we're talking about hundreds of thousands of lines of code parsed per second including rule #2, one can infer that speed is not the issue. Go compilation tends to clock in at around 20k lines per second, so even if Go parsing took zero time, and the entire time for Scala parsing was taken up by the one-line lookahead, it would be less than 10% of a penalty to the build process.

In reality it should be more like 0%. Lookahead is usually really cheap; you've already got a token stream, so you just look at the next one.


得分: 1



Seems if line begins with anything but statement compiler would complain. Also you can chain methods in Go https://play.golang.org/p/h8NYnBXjFI

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年1月28日 15:21:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/28186733.html



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