
huangapple go评论105阅读模式

golang type assertion using reflect.Typeof()


reflect.TypeOf 返回 Type

但是类型断言需要一个 type

如何将 Type 转换为 type


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "reflect"
  5. )
  6. type Article struct {
  7. Id int64 `json:"id"`
  8. Title string `json:"title",sql:"size:255"`
  9. Content string `json:"content"`
  10. }
  11. func IdentifyItemType(name string) interface{} {
  12. var item interface{}
  13. switch name {
  14. default:
  15. item = Article{}
  16. }
  17. return item
  18. }
  19. func main() {
  20. i := IdentifyItemType("name")
  21. item := i.(Article)
  22. fmt.Printf("Hello, item: %v\n", item)
  23. item2 := i.(reflect.TypeOf(i)) // reflect.TypeOf(i) 不是一个类型
  24. fmt.Printf("Hello, item2: %v\n", item2)
  25. }

I've tried to identify a struct with string value(name).
reflect.TypeOf returns Type.

But type assertion needs a type.

How can I casting Type to type?

Or any suggestion to handle it?


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "reflect"
  5. )
  6. type Article struct {
  7. Id int64 `json:"id"`
  8. Title string `json:"title",sql:"size:255"`
  9. Content string `json:"content"`
  10. }
  11. func IdentifyItemType(name string) interface{} {
  12. var item interface{}
  13. switch name {
  14. default:
  15. item = Article{}
  16. }
  17. return item
  18. }
  19. func main() {
  20. i := IdentifyItemType("name")
  21. item := i.(Article)
  22. fmt.Printf("Hello, item : %v\n", item)
  23. item2 := i.(reflect.TypeOf(i)) // reflect.TypeOf(i) is not a type
  24. fmt.Printf("Hello, item2 : %v\n", item2)
  25. }


得分: 10


  1. switch x.(type){
  2. case int:
  3. dosomething()
  4. }


  1. s := reflect.ValueOf(x)
  2. for i:=0; i<s.NumValues; i++{
  3. switch s.Field(i).Interface().(type){
  4. case int:
  5. dosomething()
  6. }
  7. }



If you need to switch on the type of the outer interface{} you wont need reflection.

  1. switch x.(type){
  2. case int:
  3. dosomething()
  4. }

...but if you need to switch on the type of the attributes in an interface then you can do this:

  1. s := reflect.ValueOf(x)
  2. for i:=0; i&lt;s.NumValues; i++{
  3. switch s.Field(i).Interface().(type){
  4. case int:
  5. dosomething()
  6. }
  7. }

I haven't found a cleaner way, I'd love to know if it exists.


得分: 9




  1. 在编译时:它使得结果表达式具有所需的编译时类型。表达式 x.(T) 的编译时类型为 T。这允许你对表达式进行一些你可以对类型 T 进行的操作,而这些操作可能无法对 x 的类型进行。
  2. 在运行时:它检查值是否不为 nil,并且实际上是给定类型的值,如果不是,则引发 panic。



  1. if reflect.TypeOf(x) != someTypeComputedAtRuntime {
  2. panic(42)
  3. }

A type assertion, syntactically, takes a type in the parentheses, not an expression. So it is a syntax error.

You seem to be trying to do a type assertion with a value computed at runtime. Does that make sense? Let's think about what a type assertion is.

A type assertion consists of two things:

  1. At compile time: It causes the resulting expression to have the desired compile-time type. The expression x.(T) has compile-time type T. This allows you to do stuff the expression that you can do with type T, which you may not be able to do with the type of x.
  2. At runtime: It checks whether the value is not nil and is actually of the given type, and if not, it causes a panic.

The first part obviously doesn't make sense for a type computed at runtime. The compile-time type of the resulting expression cannot depend on something that is not known at compile-time.

The second one (runtime check) can be done with a type computed at runtime. Something like:

  1. if reflect.TypeOf(x) != someTypeComputedAtRuntime {
  2. panic(42)
  3. }


得分: 6


但它不起作用的更根本原因是因为它不能...在声明变量时,Go需要知道变量的类型。它的类型可以在var声明中显式给出,或者可以从var x = value声明或x := value短赋值中的初始化值的类型推断出来。在编译时,类型不可能是未知的。Go不允许您编写产生未确定类型的表达式。




Lots of things, but basically "it doesn't work that way". The thing inside the parentheses in a type assertion needs to be a type, that is a type name or a type literal. reflect.TypeOf(i) isn't one of those, it's a method call expression. Therefore this is a syntax error. reflect.TypeOf doesn't "return a type" (which isn't really a thing you can do in Go), it returns a reflect.Type, which is an ordinary go struct that contains information about a type (i.e. sort of a meta-type).

But the more fundamental reason why it doesn't work is because it can't... Go needs to know what the type of a variable is when it's declared. Either its type is given explicitly in a var declaration, or it's inferred from the type of the initialization value in a var x = value declaration or x := value short assignment. It is not possible for the type to be unknown at compile time. Go doesn't let you write an expression that produces an undetermined type.

The very purpose of a type assertion is to take a value of an interface type (which is a kind of "box" that can hold values of multiple types, or for interface{}, any type at all) and retrieve a value of a specific concrete type. The value produced by the assertion will have the type named by the assertion, and no other. (In the case of a ,ok assignment, if the assertion fails, the variable will hold a zero value but still be of the correct type). If you could write an assertion to a type that was known only at runtime, the whole thing would fall apart, so you can't write it — it's an error.

In short, you can't use reflection to do that. You can use reflect to learn what the type of i is, you can learn that type's name, you can learn that its underlying Kind is Struct, you can enumerate the struct's fields and get the values out of them, etc... all of these are legitimate uses of reflection. But it can't give you back a variable of type MyStruct — the way to do that is i.(MyStruct).


得分: 3



I think what you're looking for here is a type switch.


得分: 2

如果你可以处理噪音并实现一个额外的方法,让所有类型都实现,比如 'Type() string',你可以像这样做:

  1. ve := &ValidationError{}
  2. nf := &NotFound{}
  3. switch err.Type() {
  4. case ve.Type() :
  5. SendBadRequest(w, err)
  6. case nf.Type() :
  7. http.NotFound(w, r)
  8. default:
  9. SendInternalError(w, err)
  10. }

If you can handle the noise and implement an extra method which all the types implement e.g. 'Type() string', you can do something like this:

  1. ve := &amp;ValidationError{}
  2. nf := &amp;NotFound{}
  3. switch err.Type() {
  4. case ve.Type() :
  5. SendBadRequest(w, err)
  6. case nf.Type() :
  7. http.NotFound(w, r)
  8. default:
  9. SendInternalError(w, err)
  10. }


得分: -3


item2 := reflect.ValueOf(i)
fmt.Printf("你好,item2:%v\n", item2)


I think you can use ValueOf to solve this

  1. item2 := reflect.ValueOf(i)
  2. fmt.Printf(&quot;Hello, item2 : %v\n&quot;, item2)

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年1月12日 19:06:00
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/27900568.html



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