goroutine 的返回值会发生什么情况?

huangapple go评论123阅读模式

What happens to return value from goroutine




  1. // 函数getNumber返回"int i",但我们无法使用这个返回值
  2. // 因为该函数是作为goroutine调用的。
  3. // 我们知道,要在主函数和goroutine之间通信,可以使用通道(chan <- i),
  4. // 但我想知道在goroutine中使用返回值i的用途。是否可以获取/使用这个返回值。
  5. func getNumber(i int) int {
  6. return i
  7. }
  8. func main() {
  9. for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  10. go printNumber(i)
  11. }
  12. time.Sleep(5)
  13. }



Could someone please give clarification values returned from the goroutine. Does the returned value from the goroutine is getting stored on stake.

example :

  1. // function getNumber returns the &quot;int i&quot; and we can&#39;t use this returned value
  2. // because this function is invoked as goroutine.
  3. // We know that, to communicate between main and goroutine one could
  4. // use the channel ( chan &lt;- i), but I am interested to know about
  5. // the use of return i in goroutine. Is it possible to get/ use this
  6. // returned value.
  7. func getNumber(i int) int {
  8. return i
  9. }
  10. func main() {
  11. for i:=0; i&lt;10; i++ {
  12. go printNumber(i)
  13. }
  14. time.Sleep(5)
  15. }

Should we try to avoid the return valued in go routine ?


得分: 19


  1. $ go build -gcflags -S z.go

getNumber() 函数将其结果存储到堆栈中:

  1. "".getNumber t=1 size=16 value=0 args=0x10 locals=0x0
  2. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:5) TEXT "".getNumber+0(SB),4,$0-16
  3. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:6) MOVQ "".i+8(FP),BX
  4. 0x0005 00005 (z.go:6) MOVQ BX,"".~r1+16(FP)
  5. 0x000a 00010 (z.go:6) RET ,

因此,当它从 goroutine 中调用时,它会将其结果存储到堆栈中。但是,这是一个新的堆栈,在 goroutine 结束时被销毁,因此无法检索返回值。

  1. "".main t=1 size=96 value=0 args=0x0 locals=0x18
  2. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:9) TEXT "".main+0(SB),$24-0
  3. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:9) MOVQ (TLS),CX
  4. 0x0009 00009 (z.go:9) CMPQ SP,16(CX)
  5. 0x000d 00013 (z.go:9) JHI ,22
  6. 0x000f 00015 (z.go:9) CALL ,runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
  7. 0x0014 00020 (z.go:9) JMP ,0
  8. 0x0016 00022 (z.go:9) SUBQ $24,SP
  9. 0x001a 00026 (z.go:10) MOVQ $0,AX
  10. 0x001c 00028 (z.go:10) CMPQ AX,$10
  11. 0x0020 00032 (z.go:10) JGE $0,74
  12. 0x0022 00034 (z.go:11) MOVQ AX,"".i+16(SP)
  13. 0x0027 00039 (z.go:11) MOVQ AX,(SP)
  14. 0x002b 00043 (z.go:11) MOVQ $"".getNumber·f+0(SB),CX
  15. 0x0032 00050 (z.go:11) PUSHQ CX,
  16. 0x0033 00051 (z.go:11) PUSHQ $16,
  17. 0x0035 00053 (z.go:11) PCDATA $0,$0
  18. 0x0035 00053 (z.go:11) CALL ,runtime.newproc(SB)
  19. 0x003a 00058 (z.go:11) POPQ ,CX
  20. 0x003b 00059 (z.go:11) POPQ ,CX
  21. 0x003c 00060 (z.go:10) MOVQ "".i+16(SP),AX
  22. 0x0041 00065 (z.go:10) INCQ ,AX
  23. 0x0044 00068 (z.go:10) NOP ,
  24. 0x0044 00068 (z.go:10) CMPQ AX,$10
  25. 0x0048 00072 (z.go:10) JLT $0,34
  26. 0x004a 00074 (z.go:13) MOVQ $5,(SP)
  27. 0x0052 00082 (z.go:13) PCDATA $0,$0
  28. 0x0052 00082 (z.go:13) CALL ,time.Sleep(SB)
  29. 0x0057 00087 (z.go:14) ADDQ $24,SP
  30. 0x005b 00091 (z.go:14) RET ,



A quick bit of looking at the assembly output shows

  1. $ go build -gcflags -S z.go

The getNumber() function does store its results to the stack

  1. &quot;&quot;.getNumber t=1 size=16 value=0 args=0x10 locals=0x0
  2. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:5) TEXT &quot;&quot;.getNumber+0(SB),4,$0-16
  3. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:6) MOVQ &quot;&quot;.i+8(FP),BX
  4. 0x0005 00005 (z.go:6) MOVQ BX,&quot;&quot;.~r1+16(FP)
  5. 0x000a 00010 (z.go:6) RET ,

So when it is called from a goroutine, it does store its results to the stack. However this is a new stack which is destroyed when the goroutine ends so there is no possibility of retrieving the return value.

  1. &quot;&quot;.main t=1 size=96 value=0 args=0x0 locals=0x18
  2. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:9) TEXT &quot;&quot;.main+0(SB),$24-0
  3. 0x0000 00000 (z.go:9) MOVQ (TLS),CX
  4. 0x0009 00009 (z.go:9) CMPQ SP,16(CX)
  5. 0x000d 00013 (z.go:9) JHI ,22
  6. 0x000f 00015 (z.go:9) CALL ,runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
  7. 0x0014 00020 (z.go:9) JMP ,0
  8. 0x0016 00022 (z.go:9) SUBQ $24,SP
  9. 0x001a 00026 (z.go:10) MOVQ $0,AX
  10. 0x001c 00028 (z.go:10) CMPQ AX,$10
  11. 0x0020 00032 (z.go:10) JGE $0,74
  12. 0x0022 00034 (z.go:11) MOVQ AX,&quot;&quot;.i+16(SP)
  13. 0x0027 00039 (z.go:11) MOVQ AX,(SP)
  14. 0x002b 00043 (z.go:11) MOVQ $&quot;&quot;.getNumber&#183;f+0(SB),CX
  15. 0x0032 00050 (z.go:11) PUSHQ CX,
  16. 0x0033 00051 (z.go:11) PUSHQ $16,
  17. 0x0035 00053 (z.go:11) PCDATA $0,$0
  18. 0x0035 00053 (z.go:11) CALL ,runtime.newproc(SB)
  19. 0x003a 00058 (z.go:11) POPQ ,CX
  20. 0x003b 00059 (z.go:11) POPQ ,CX
  21. 0x003c 00060 (z.go:10) MOVQ &quot;&quot;.i+16(SP),AX
  22. 0x0041 00065 (z.go:10) INCQ ,AX
  23. 0x0044 00068 (z.go:10) NOP ,
  24. 0x0044 00068 (z.go:10) CMPQ AX,$10
  25. 0x0048 00072 (z.go:10) JLT $0,34
  26. 0x004a 00074 (z.go:13) MOVQ $5,(SP)
  27. 0x0052 00082 (z.go:13) PCDATA $0,$0
  28. 0x0052 00082 (z.go:13) CALL ,time.Sleep(SB)
  29. 0x0057 00087 (z.go:14) ADDQ $24,SP
  30. 0x005b 00091 (z.go:14) RET ,

However there is no way of retrieving these results.


得分: 14





Quoting from the Go Language specification: Go statements:

> If the function has any return values, they are discarded when the function completes.

So it is allowed to execute functions with return values as goroutines - there is nothing wrong with it, and the specification clearly states that their return values are simply discarded, it will not cause any error but you won't get it in the usually way (as you would by directly calling the function).


得分: 0


  1. ...
  2. _ = getNumber(i)
  3. ...


  1. ...
  2. getNumber(i)
  3. ...



Values are discarded. And there is nothing special to go statement. You can also write

  1. ...
  2. _ = getNumber(i)
  3. ...

or just

  1. ...
  2. getNumber(i)
  3. ...



得分: 0

与大多数其他编程语言不同,Go语言的协程(Go routine)不使用堆栈来存储结果和返回地址。它有一个特殊的内存分配机制,在执行完成后自动销毁。你可以在Go语言的创始人Rob Pike的演讲中了解更多细节。点击这个链接观看YouTube视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kdp27TYZs&index=4&list=LLRA7nvHOCb4nuU7byESOYIg


Unlike most of the other programming languages, Go routine does not use stack for storing result and return address. It has a special memory allocation for that which destroys itself after execution is completed. you can see details about it in Rob Pike's(founder of golang)talk. visit this link for the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6kdp27TYZs&amp;index=4&amp;list=LLRA7nvHOCb4nuU7byESOYIg


得分: 0


  1. res := go printNumber(i)


  1. prog.go:4:7: 语法错误: 意外的 go,期望表达式



FYI: if you try to assign function result to var, like this:

  1. res := go printNumber(i)

you'll get syntax error like this:

  1. prog.go:4:7: syntax error: unexpected go, expecting expression

you can check it out here.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年1月10日 04:06:52
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/27868369.html



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