有没有工具可以在Git中重新定位一个分支,同时在每个提交时运行go fmt?

huangapple go评论103阅读模式

Any tools rebase a branch in Git while running go fmt each commit separately?


我希望使用像go fmtindent这样的源代码格式化工具来重建/重新基于Git分支X中的所有提交。


git cherry-pick $_
go fmt ...
git commit -a --amend


git cherry-pick -n $_
go fmt ...
git cherry-pick --continue

不过,我不认为-n--continue可以这样一起使用。完成后,我会在X上进行一个go fmt提交,并使用go diff X new进行比较。

然而,这个过程中可能会出现许多问题,比如-a试图更改原始提交中未更改的文件,go fmt混淆了Git的补丁,Git更改了提交日期等等。



I wish to rebuild/rebase all commits in a Git branch X using a source code formatting tool like go fmt or indent.

I'd expect the workflow to roughly consist of making a new branch off master and iterating the following with $_ ranging over the commits in X:

git cherry-pick $_
go fmt ...
git commit -a --amend

Or maybe even

git cherry-pick -n $_
go fmt ...
git cherry-pick --continue

I wouldn't expect -n and --continue to play together like that, though. Also, one should naturally do a go fmt commit to X and go diff X new when done.

However, there are many steps that can go wrong with this procedure, like the -a seeking to change files that weren't changed in the original commit, go fmt confusing Git's patching, Git changing the commit dates, etc.

None of that is particularly troublesome, but if a quick tool or simpler workflow does this more cleanly, then I'd love to know about it.


得分: 1


正如Joseph K. Strauss评论中提到的那样,git filter-branch应该足够了,再加上使用三个点符号的go fmt

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'go fmt ...'

你可以在“git filter-branch - discard the changes to a set of files in a range of commits”中阅读更多关于filter-branch的内容。

这个命令将对所有本地分支运行,并且会改变历史(因为每个修改的提交都会生成新的SHA1)。可能需要使用git push --force将新的历史发布到上游仓库:请提醒其他协作者重置他们的本地仓库。


> but if a quick tool or simpler workflow does this more cleanly, then I'd love to know about it.

As Joseph K. Strauss mentions in the comments, git filter-branch should be enough, plus go fmt using the three dot notation:

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'go fmt ...'

You can read (much) more on filter-branch at "git filter-branch - discard the changes to a set of files in a range of commits".

That command will run against all local branch, and will change the history (since new SHA1 will be generated for each modified commit).
A git push --force might be needed to publish the new history to its upstream repo: do warn the other collaborators, for them to reset their local repos.

  • 本文由 发表于 2015年1月2日 14:59:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/27738571.html



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