如何在循环中填充一个多结构体映射(multi-struct map)?

huangapple go评论75阅读模式

golang: How can I populate a multi-struct map in a loop?


我有客户与 API 的交互日志文件。我想解析这些日志并将结果输入到一个结构体映射中,以便我可以将数据组织成有用的信息。例如,我想回答以下查询:"显示每个用户每天的请求总数"。

我已经创建了一个似乎足够的数据结构来保存数据。然而,当我尝试运行程序时,我得到了错误:invalid operation: dates[fields[1]] (type *Dates does not support indexing) [process exited with non-zero status]



package main

import (

type Stats struct {
	totalNumberOfRequests int
type Customer struct {
	listOfCustomers map[string]Stats // map[customerid]Stats
type Dates struct {
	listOfDates map[string]Customer // map[date]Customer

var requestLog = []string{
	"2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
	"2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",

func main() {
	dates := new(Dates)
	for _, entry := range requestLog {
		fmt.Println("entry:", entry)
		fields := strings.Split(entry, ", ")



I have log files of customer interactions with an API. I want to parse those logs and feed the results into a map of structs so that I can organize the data into helpful information. For example, I would like to respond to the following query: "show me the total number of requests per user per day".

I have created what seems like an adequate structure to hold the data. However, when I try to run the program I get the error: invalid operation: dates[fields[1]] (type *Dates does not support indexing) [process exited with non-zero status].


package main

import (

type Stats struct {
	totalNumberOfRequests int
type Customer struct {
	listOfCustomers map[string]Stats // map[customerid]Stats
type Dates struct {
	listOfDates map[string]Customer // map[date]Customer

var requestLog = []string{
	"2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
	"2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",

func main() {
	dates := new(Dates)
	for _, entry := range requestLog {
		fmt.Println("entry:", entry)
		fields := strings.Split(entry, "'")

Is there a better structure to use? Or is there a way to make this structure work for this particular purpose?


得分: 1

如果我理解你对输出的期望,这里有一个解决方案。然而,我不喜欢"Customer is a map with id and Stat.. I think it should be a simpler struct with two Fields (cid string and stat Stats). Also the Dates structure does not allow for multiple customers on the same date, so I've changed to map single date to list of users."这句话。我认为它应该是一个更简单的结构,有两个字段(cid stringstat Stats)。另外,Dates结构不允许在同一天有多个客户,所以我将其更改为将单个日期映射到用户列表的方式。




package main

import (

type Stats struct {
	totalNumberOfRequests int
type Customer struct {
	customerWithStat map[string]*Stats // a customer with it's corresponding stats

type Dates struct {
	listOfDates map[string][]*Customer // map[date]list of customers (for each date)

var requestLog = []string{
	"2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",
	"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",

func main() {
	listOfDates := make(map[string][]*Customer)
	dates := Dates{listOfDates}
	for _, entry := range requestLog {
		fields := strings.Split(entry, ",")
		curDateStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[0])
		curCustIdStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[1])

		if customersAtDate, dateExists := dates.listOfDates[curDateStr]; dateExists {
			// Date already exist
			for _, curCustomer := range customersAtDate {
				if curStat, customerExists := curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr]; customerExists {
					// The user has already accessed this resource - just increment
				} else {
					// New user - set access to 1
					curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1}
		} else {
			// New Date

			// Init the Statistic for the new customer
			newCustomerData := make(map[string]*Stats)
			newCustomerData[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1}

			// Create the customer itself
			newCustomer := &Customer{newCustomerData}

			// add to the current day list
			dates.listOfDates[curDateStr] = append(dates.listOfDates[curDateStr], newCustomer)


	// Print result
	for date, customers := range dates.listOfDates {
		fmt.Println("Date: ", date)
		for _, customer := range customers {
			for cid, stat := range customer.customerWithStat {
				fmt.Println("  Customer: ", cid)
				fmt.Println("  # Requests: ", *stat)


Date:  2011-10-05
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-06
Customer:  5678
# Requests:  {2}
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {4}
Date:  2011-10-09
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-12
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-13
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {2}

If I understood your expectations about the output here's a solution. However I don't like that "Customer is a map with id and Stat.. I think it should be a simpler struct with two Fields (cid string and stat Stats). Also the Dates structure does not allow for multiple customers on the same date, so I've changed to map single date to list of users.

I've also added more "tests scenarios" to cover the cases for a customer accessing the resource multiple times on the same date.

You don't seem to use the "apiquery" your example, so the code below does not match against it.

Regarding the change to pointers in the structs - see this issue (as noted in the comments to your question)

package main
import (
type Stats struct {
totalNumberOfRequests int
type Customer struct {
customerWithStat map[string]*Stats // a customer with it's corresponding stats
type Dates struct {
listOfDates map[string][]*Customer // map[date]list of customers (for each date)
var requestLog = []string{
"2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
func main() {
listOfDates := make(map[string][]*Customer)
dates := Dates{listOfDates}
for _, entry := range requestLog {
fields := strings.Split(entry, ",")
curDateStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[0])
curCustIdStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[1])
if customersAtDate, dateExists := dates.listOfDates[curDateStr]; dateExists {
// Date already exist
for _, curCustomer := range customersAtDate {
if curStat, customerExists := curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr]; customerExists {
// The user has already accessed this resource - just increment
} else {
// New user - set access to 1
curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1}
} else {
// New Date
// Init the Statistic for the new customer
newCustomerData := make(map[string]*Stats)
newCustomerData[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1}
// Create the customer itself
newCustomer := &Customer{newCustomerData}
// add to the current day list
dates.listOfDates[curDateStr] = append(dates.listOfDates[curDateStr], newCustomer)
// Print result
for date, customers := range dates.listOfDates {
fmt.Println("Date: ", date)
for _, customer := range customers {
for cid, stat := range customer.customerWithStat {
fmt.Println("  Customer: ", cid)
fmt.Println("  # Requests: ", *stat)

This will output:

Date:  2011-10-05
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-06
Customer:  5678
# Requests:  {2}
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {4}
Date:  2011-10-09
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-12
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {1}
Date:  2011-10-13
Customer:  1234
# Requests:  {2}

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年12月4日 06:06:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/27282602.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
