
huangapple go评论89阅读模式

Using reflection to call a function with a nil parameter results in a "Call using zero Value argument" panic



然而,当我尝试在一个接受"type error"参数的函数中使用reflect.Call来调用一个nil值时,似乎会导致panic,并显示以下消息:

  1. reflect: 使用零值参数进行调用


相关的Go Playground: http://play.golang.org/p/cYQMQ6amPH

在上面的playground中,我希望调用InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, nil)返回false,然而,reflect引发的panic导致了一个错误的结果。



我尝试过像InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, new(error))InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, error(nil))这样的方法,但都没有成功。



I'm trying to test a function that accepts a parameter of the type "error". The function should panic under certain situations and I'm trying to test scenarios.

However, when I try to use reflect.Call on a nil value (which can be passed into a function that accepts something of type "error"), it seems to result in a panic with the following message:

  1. reflect: Call using zero Value argument

I have found the following posts but I am failing to integrate it into my function.

Relevant Go Playground: http://play.golang.org/p/cYQMQ6amPH

In the playground above, I would like the call to InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, nil) to return false, however, the above panic from reflect is causing a false positive.

Are there any modifications I can make to the InvocationCausedPanic or the invoke functions to make this work (while retaining its ability to test other functions that cannot accept nil as an argument - a function that accepts a string for instance)?

Perhaps the issue is in how the function is called?

I've tred things like InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, new(error)) or InvocationCausedPanic(PanicOnErr, error(nil)) to no avail.

Thanks for any advice.


得分: 4


  1. if paramValue == nil {
  2. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.New(expectedType).Elem()
  3. } else {
  4. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.ValueOf(paramValue)
  5. }


  1. for paramIndex, paramValue := range params {
  2. if paramValue == nil {
  3. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.New(expectedType).Elem()
  4. } else {
  5. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.ValueOf(paramValue)
  6. }
  7. expectedType := funcType.In(paramIndex)
  8. actualType := reflectedParams[paramIndex].Type()
  9. if !actualType.AssignableTo(expectedType) {
  10. errStr := fmt.Sprintf("InvocationCausedPanic called with a mismatched parameter type [parameter #%v: expected %v; got %v].", paramIndex, expectedType, actualType)
  11. panic(errStr)
  12. }
  13. }



If the parameter value is nil, then use a zero value of the function parameter type.

  1. if paramValue == nil {
  2. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.New(expectedType).Elem()
  3. } else {
  4. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.ValueOf(paramValue)
  5. }


You can simplify the code if you compute the reflect value and then check assignability. With this change, the compatible function is not required.

  1. for paramIndex, paramValue := range params {
  2. if paramValue == nil {
  3. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.New(expectedType).Elem()
  4. } else {
  5. reflectedParams[paramIndex] = reflect.ValueOf(paramValue)
  6. }
  7. expectedType := funcType.In(paramIndex)
  8. actualType := reflectedParams[paramIndex].Type()
  9. if !actualType.AssignableTo(expectedType) {
  10. errStr := fmt.Sprintf(&quot;InvocationCausedPanic called with a mismatched parameter type [parameter #%v: expected %v; got %v].&quot;, paramIndex, expectedType,actualType)
  11. panic(errStr)
  12. }
  13. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年10月12日 10:01:14
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/26321115.html



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