Manipulating JSON in Go ReST service that uses Gorilla

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Manipulating JSON in Go ReST service that uses Gorilla


我有一个接收 JSON 的 Go ReST 服务,我需要编辑 JSON 以便创建两个不同的结构体。


type Interaction struct {
	DrugName      string `json:"drugName"`
	SeverityLevel string `json:"severityLevel"`
	Summary       string `json:"summary"`

type Drug struct {
	Name         string       `json:"drugName"`
	Dosages      []string     `json:"dosages"`
	Interactions []Interaction `json:"interactions"`

示例发送的 JSON:

	"drugName": "foo",
	"dosages": ["dos1"],
	"interactions": [["advil", "high", "summaryForAdvil"]]

ReST 服务:

func CreateDrug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// 通过打印字节验证接收到的 JSON:
	bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)

我的目标是在 CreateDrug 函数中创建两个不同的 JSON,以便创建两个不同的结构体 Drug 和 Interaction:

{"drugName": "foo", "dosages": ["dos1"]}
{"drugName": "advil", "severityLevel": "high", "summary": "summaryForAdvil"}

在 Go 中,我该如何使用接收到的 JSON 来创建两个新的 JSON?


I have a Go ReST service that receives JSON, and I need to edit the JSON so I may make two different structs.

My structs:

type Interaction struct{

 DrugName string `json:"drugName"`
 SeverityLevel string `json:"severityLevel"`
 Summary string `json:"summary"`

type Drug struct {
 Name string `json:"drugName"`
 Dosages []string `json:"dosages"`
 Interactions []Interaction `json:"interactions"`

Example JSON being sent:


The ReST service:

func CreateDrug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

  //I verified the received JSON by printing out the bytes:
  bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)

My goal is the make two different JSONs in the CreateDrug function so I may make the two different structs, Drug and Interaction:

{"drugName":"advil", "severityLevel":"high", "summary":"summaryForAdvil"}

In Go, in this function, how do I use the received JSON to make two new JSONs?


得分: 0


func CreateDrug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

  // 将请求解组为与传入JSON结构匹配的值

  var v struct {
    DrugName     string
    Dosages      []string
    Interactions [][3]string
  if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&v); err != nil {
    // 处理错误

  // 复制到新的结构体值。

  var interactions []Interaction
  for _, i := range v.Interactions {
    interactions = append(interactions, Interaction{DrugName: i[0], SeverityLevel: i[1], Summary: i[2]})

  drug := &Drug{Name: v.DrugName, Dosages: v.Dosages, Interactions: interactions}

  // 编组回JSON。

  data, err := json.Marshal(drug)
  if err != nil {
    // 处理错误

  // 处理数据。




Unmarshal the request to a struct matching the structure of the request, copy values to the structs you have defined, and marshal to create the result.

func CreateDrug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

  // Unmarshal request to value matching the structure of the incoming JSON

  var v struct {
	DrugName     string
	Dosages      []string
	Interactions [][3]string
  if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&v); err != nil {
    // handle error

  // Copy to new struct values.

  var interactions []Interaction
  for _, i := range v.Interactions {
	interactions = append(interactions, Interaction{DrugName: i[0], SeverityLevel: i[1], Summary: i[2]})

  drug := &Drug{Name: v.DrugName, Dosages: v.Dosages, Interactions: interactions}

  // Marshal back to JSON.

  data, err := json.Marshal(drug)
  if err != nil {
      // handle error

  // Do something with data.

<kbd>Playground link</kbd>

(I am assuming that you want a single JSON value for Drug with the Interactions field filled in. If that's not what you want, marshal the Drug and Interactions values separately.)


得分: 0


type restValue struct {
    Name         string      `json:"drugName"`
    Dosages      []string    `json:"dosages"`
    Interactions [][3]string `json:"interactions"`

func main() {
    d := []byte(`{"drugName":"foo","dosages":["dos1"],"interactions":[["advil","high","summaryForAdvil"]]}`)
    var v restValue
    if err := json.Unmarshal(d, &v); err != nil {
    interactions := make([]Interaction, 0, len(v.Interactions))
    for _, in := range v.Interactions {
        interactions = append(interactions, Interaction{in[0], in[1], in[2]})
    drug := &Drug{Name: v.Name, Dosages: v.Dosages, Interactions: interactions}
    enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
    // 如果你想要整个Drug结构

    // 或者如果你想要两个不同的结构:
    drug = &Drug{Name: v.Name, Dosages: v.Dosages}
    for _, in := range interactions {



You can use json.Encoder and output multiple json structs to a stream, you just have to decode the input json, here's a simple example:

type restValue struct {
	Name         string      `json:&quot;drugName&quot;`
	Dosages      []string    `json:&quot;dosages&quot;`
	Interactions [][3]string `json:&quot;interactions&quot;`

func main() {
	d := []byte(`{&quot;drugName&quot;:&quot;foo&quot;,&quot;dosages&quot;:[&quot;dos1&quot;],&quot;interactions&quot;:[[&quot;advil&quot;,&quot;high&quot;,&quot;summaryForAdvil&quot;]]}`)
	var v restValue
	if err := json.Unmarshal(d, &amp;v); err != nil {
	interactions := make([]Interaction, 0, len(v.Interactions))
	for _, in := range v.Interactions {
		interactions = append(interactions, Interaction{in[0], in[1], in[2]})
	drug := &amp;Drug{Name: v.Name, Dosages: v.Dosages, Interactions: interactions}
	enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
	// if you want the whole Drug struct

	// or if you want 2 different ones:
	drug = &amp;Drug{Name: v.Name, Dosages: v.Dosages}
	for _, in := range interactions {


  • 本文由 发表于 2014年10月1日 10:17:40
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