
huangapple go评论74阅读模式

Is it possible to break out of a restricted (custom) shell?




  • ls(列出二进制目录和子目录的内容)
  • update(git克隆)
  • build(go build)
  • test(go test)
  • start(仅启动this.service)
  • stop(仅停止this.service)
  • running(二进制文件是否正在执行,以及使用了多少个GOMAXPROCS)
  • usage(内存、CPU使用情况)
  • gensvc(生成.service文件)
  • exit(退出shell/注销)





唯一的攻击面是输入字符串,或者更准确地说是字节。当然,用户可以通过git push一个构建自己的shell或运行特定命令的程序,但这超出了范围(我会使用systemd删除权限并限制设备访问,并禁止除了与数据库服务器的连接、私有tmp等之外的任何东西,还有命名空间和子命名空间,这是待办事项)。

我唯一看到的问题是git push,但我相信我可以在仅限于git的模式下通过argv和将其添加到~/.ssh/authorized_keys来解决这个问题。类似于lish gitmode,如果输入的命令以git开头或类似的形式,就执行标准输入命令。




Not sure if this is the right place to ask.

Say I write a shell that takes stdin input, filters this input so let's say only certain commands like

  • ls (list contents of binary directory and subdirectory)
  • update (git clone)
  • build (go build)
  • test (go test)
  • start (systemctl start this.service only)
  • stop (systemctl stop this.service only)
  • running (is the binary being executed and with how many GOMAXPROCS?)
  • usage (memory, cpu usage)
  • gensvc (generate .service file)
  • exit (leave shell/logout)

work, you guessed it, I'm trying to give a user only very limited maintenance access over ssh.

Say I'm careful with \0 (I'd write it in Go anyway using bufio.Scanner)

Is there any way to stop the running shell and execute /bin/sh or similar or any way to get around this shell?

The idea is a user should push their stuff via git to a bare repo, this repo is cloned to the filesystem to a certain directory, then go build is called and the binary is ran with a systemd .service file that is generated previously.

Thinking logically, if the user is only able to write certain strings that are accepted, no there is no way. But maybe you know of one, some ctrl+z witchcraft 是否可能从受限制的(自定义)shell中逃脱? or whatever.

The only attack surface is the input string or rather bytes. Of course the user could git push a program that builds its own shell or runs certain commands, but that's out of scope (I would remove capabilities with systemd and restrict device access and forbid anything but the connection to the database server, private tmp and all, namespace and subnamespace it TODO)

The only problem I see is git pushing but I'm sure I could work around that in a git only mode argv and adding it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. something like lish gitmode and execute stdin commands if they start with git or something like it.




得分: 3




func getAction() (name string, args []string) {
    // 从标准输入读取用户的命令

func doAction() {
    for {
        action, args := getAction()
        switch action {
            case "update": //假设完整的命令是:update https://repo/path.git
                if len(args) != 1 {
                out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--recursive", args[0]).CombinedOutput()
                // 处理 out 和 err



If you're only allowed certain commands, your "shell" will read the command, parse it and then execute it then you should be fine, unless I misunderstood it.

Go "memory" can't be executed, not without you doing some nasty hacks with assembly anyway, so you don't have to worry about shell injection.

Something along these lines should be safe:

func getAction() (name string, args []string) {
	// read stdin to get the command of the user

func doAction() {
	for {
		action, args := getAction()
		switch action {
			case "update": //let's assume the full command is: update https://repo/path.git
				if len(args) != 1 {
				out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--recursive", args[0]).CombinedOutput()
				// do stuff with out and err


得分: 3




If you are implementing the shell yourself and directly executing the commands via exec() or implementing them internally, then it is certainly possible to produce a secure restricted shell. If you are just superficially checking a command line before passing it on to a real shell then there will probably be edge cases you might not expect.

With that said, I'd be a bit concerned about the test command you've listed. Is it intended to run the test suite of a Go package the user uploads? If so, I wouldn't even try to exploit the restricted shell if I was an attacker: I'd simply upload a package with tests that perform the actions I want. The same could be said for build/start.


得分: 1


当破坏任何类型的沙盒时,人们可以非常有创造力。只有当您从不接受用户的输入时,您才可以认为自己在本地环境中相对安全(但在这里,任何命令都是输入)- 纸上的安全假设被认为是评估软件的弱点。它们类似于算法的“无错误”假设:一旦您实施它,99% 的时间都会出现错误。


Have it reviewed by a pentesting team.

People can be very creative when breaking out a sandbox of any type. Only if you never accept the user's input you can consider yourself rather safe on premises (but here any command is an input) - paper security assumptions are considered a weak to assess the software. They are similar to 'no-bug' assumptions for an algorithm on paper: as soon as you implement it, 99% of time a bug raises

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年9月30日 10:16:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/26111729.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
