GoSublime的GoLint / GoType无法工作(没有重复)

huangapple go评论71阅读模式

GoSublime's GoLint / GoType not working (no duplicate)


在Debian Testing的Sublime 3中,我在启用/检测GoSublime + Linters方面遇到了问题。在OSX和Windows机器上,我已经成功地完成了这个操作多次。

Sublime Text控制台显示:

SublimeLinter: debug mode: off
SublimeLinter: annotations activated:
SublimeLinter: WARNING: golint deactivated, cannot locate 'golint'
SublimeLinter: WARNING: gotype deactivated, cannot locate 'gotype'
SublimeLinter: WARNING: govet deactivated, cannot locate 'go'


GoSblime r13.12.26-3 sh: load env vars ['/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', 'echo "..."' ]: go version: ['/usr/local/go/bin/go', 'version'] -> go version go1.3.1 linux/amd64 -> go1.3.1: 0.043s
GoSublime r13.12.26-3: init mod(mg9)
SublimeLinter: debug mode: off
SublimeLinter: json activated:
SublimeLinter: annotations activated:




"env": {
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
"GOPATH": "$HOME/go",



"shell": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "$CMD"],
"env": {
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
"GOPATH": "$HOME/go",



Debian Testing(所有更新的软件包)
Go 1.3.1(从源代码发布构建,位于/usr/local/go)
Sublime Text 3 3065(已注册)
go get github.com/golang/lint(在终端中工作)
go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/gotype(在终端中工作)
go vet(在终端中工作)



exec GOPATH="$HOME/go"
exec GOROOT="/usr/local/go"
exec PATH="$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"


export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export GOROOT="/usr/local/go"




SublimeLinter: annotations linter loaded
SublimeLinter: golint linter loaded
SublimeLinter: gotype linter loaded
SublimeLinter: govet linter loaded
SublimeLinter: json linter loaded




Having a problem getting GoSublime + Linters enabled/detected on Debian Testing in Sublime 3. I've done this a half a dozen times on OSX and Windows machines without fail.

The ST console says:

SublimeLinter: debug mode: off 
SublimeLinter: annotations activated: <builtin> 
SublimeLinter: WARNING: golint deactivated, cannot locate 'golint' 
SublimeLinter: WARNING: gotype deactivated, cannot locate 'gotype' 
SublimeLinter: WARNING: govet deactivated, cannot locate 'go'

Interesting how it says it can't locate go as I haven't noticed that one before when setting things up with previous errors (that I fixed up). Go is there, as the GoSublime shows:

GoSblime r13.12.26-3 sh: load env vars ['/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', 'echo "..."']: go version: ['/usr/local/go/bin/go', 'version'] -> `go version go1.3.1 linux/amd64
` -> `go1.3.1`: 0.043s
GoSublime r13.12.26-3: init mod(mg9)
SublimeLinter: debug mode: off 
SublimeLinter: json activated: <builtin> 
SublimeLinter: annotations activated: <builtin> 

** 2014-09-18 08:48:11.608847 **:
GoSublime init r13.12.26-3 (0.001s)
|   install margo: no
|   install state: done
| sublime.version: 3065
| sublime.channel: stable
|       about.ann: a14.02.25-1
|   about.version: r13.12.26-3
|         version: r13.12.26-3
|        platform: linux-x64
|            ~bin: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/linux-x64/bin
|       margo.exe: ~bin/gosublime.margo_r13.12.26-3_go1.3.1.exe (ok)
|          go.exe: /usr/local/go/bin/go (ok)
|      go.version: go1.3.1
|          GOROOT: /usr/local/go
|          GOPATH: ~/go
|           GOBIN: (not set) (should usually be `(not set)`)
|       set.shell: ['/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', '$CMD']
|       env.shell: /bin/bash
|       shell.cmd: ['/bin/bash', '--login', '-c', '${CMD}']

The GOBIN (not set) is another interesting one that I admit I haven't paid attention to before on other systems.

So it's a problem with the Linter plugin configuration that is proxied from the GoSublime plugin I would imagine? I believe I have it set correctly, as I copy-n-paste the directories and they function in terminal (telling me there is no typeo).

# GoSublime.sublime-settings (User)
	"env": { 
		"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
		"GOPATH": "$HOME/go",
		"PATH": "$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"

MarGo doesn't complain that it cannot find the GOPATH any longer either; so, I do have that set right and it is detected.

I even dug into the wonderful GoSublime settings today to try to resolve this and found the nugget about setting the shell command I can specify for bash; so, I now have this:

"shell": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "$CMD"],
"env": { 
	"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
	"GOPATH": "$HOME/go",
	"PATH": "$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"

But that didn't help either.

Using the following:

Debian Testing (all updated packages)
i3 Window Manager (though I don't think this worked with Gnome)
Go 1.3.1 (built from source release, located at /usr/local/go)
SublimeText 3 3065 (registered)
GoSublime (latest as of posting)
go get github.com/golang/lint (and working in terminal) 
go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/gotype (works in terminal)
go vet (working in terminal)

All paths are setup correctly.

# i3wm
exec GOPATH="$HOME/go"
exec GOROOT="/usr/local/go"
exec PATH="$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"

# .bashrc
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export GOROOT="/usr/local/go"

These work fine and I can run Go commands, install packages, etc from both terminal and from i3 (writing some custom statusbars in Go).

GoType and GoLint are installed as well, and I can run them from bash.

The general SublimeLinter is loaded with correct linters.

reloading plugin SublimeLinter-annotations.linter
SublimeLinter: annotations linter loaded 
reloading plugin SublimeLinter-contrib-golint.linter
SublimeLinter: golint linter loaded 
reloading plugin SublimeLinter-contrib-gotype.linter
SublimeLinter: gotype linter loaded 
reloading plugin SublimeLinter-contrib-govet.linter
SublimeLinter: govet linter loaded 
reloading plugin SublimeLinter-json.linter
SublimeLinter: json linter loaded 
reloading plugin sublimelint.commands
reloading plugin sublimelint.sublimelint

But yet, I continue to get these errors as mentioned at the beginning.

Thanks in advance!


得分: 1





  • 将所有的GO变量移到.bash_profile文件中
  • 将所有的PATH变量也移到同一个.bash_profile文件中
  • .bashrc文件中添加一行代码,用于在交互式终端中执行.bash_profile文件


当启动终端时,这是一个“交互式”bash shell。bash只读取.bashrc文件,我已经正确设置了这个文件。我没有.bash_profile文件,因为我的.bashrc文件对于所有设置的交互式shell都工作正常。

但是在SublimeLinter中,它加载的是一个“登录”bash shell,而不是交互式的。在Linux上,这只加载.bash_profile文件,而不加载.bashrc文件。


  • .bashrc文件的顶部添加以下内容:

    source ~/.bash_profile

  • 将你的GO变量和PATH更改(以及你在这个.bashrc文件中修改的所有其他路径条目)移到一个新的.bash_profile文件中。确保从.bashrc文件中删除它们。


这样做的原因是source ~/.bash_profile文件在你打开的每个交互式终端上都会被读取,因为在那里使用了.bashrc文件。但是对于仅登录的会话,例如SublimeLinter的会话,只使用.bash_profile文件,不会执行.bashrc文件。

因此,你应该只在.bash_profile中指定自定义的GO变量(GOROOT、GOPATH等),而不是在.bashrc中。但是,为了从交互式shell(例如终端)中读取.bash_profile文件,你必须执行.bash_profile。我们可以在.bashrc文件的顶部添加第一行代码来实现这一点:source ~/.bash_profile。这将运行配置文件脚本,导入你的自定义GO变量以及所有自定义的PATH变量。




I fixed it. The issue was a lack of knowledge of bash config files. I found the details on the SublimeLinter page for troubleshooting custom linters.


Turning on Debug, I saw that the expanded PATH that the SublimeLinter was using did not include any of my custom PATH settings.

Short answer:

  • move all of your GO variables to a .bash_profile file
  • move all of your PATH variables to that same .bash_profile file
  • add a line to your .bashrc file to execute the .bash_profile file for interactive terminals

(Longer answer below, for Linux users)

When starting a terminal, this is an "interactive" bash shell. bash reads the .bashrc file only, which I had setup correctly. I did not have a .bash_profile as my .bashrc worked fine for interactive shells with all of my settings.

But from within SublimeLinter, this loads a "login" bash shell - that is not interactive. On Linux, this only loads the .bash_profile file - not the .bashrc file.

The fix:

  • Add this to the top of your .bashrc file:

    source ~/.bash_profile

  • Move your GO variables and PATH changes (and FYI, ALL OTHER path entries you've modified in this .bashrc file) to a new .bash_profile file. Make sure to remove them from .bashrc.

Done. Close Sublime and reopen. The path is now picked up properly.

This works because the source ~/.bash_profile file is read on every interactive terminal you open, cause the .bashrc file is used there. But for login only sessions, such as the one from SublimeLinter, only the .bash_profile is used - your .bashrc is not executed.

So, you want to specify your custom GO variables (GOROOT, GOPATH, etc) in your .bash_profile only, not in the .bashrc. But, in order to read this .bash_profile file from interactive shells (e.g. terminals), you have to execute that .bash_profile. We do this with the first line to add at the top of your .bashrc file: source ~/.bash_profile. This runs the profile script that sucks in your custom GO variables, as well as all of your custom PATH variables.

(for OSX) See the first link above in this comment.

You can read more about bash files here: http://www.joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年9月18日 21:12:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/25913635.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
