Go, sudo, and apache port 80

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Go, sudo, and apache port 80




$ go run app.go 
2014/06/28 00:34:12 Listening...
2014/06/28 00:34:12 ListenAndServe: listen tcp :80: bind: permission denied
exit status 1




I am using gorilla/mux package in golang, but there are some problems. The first is I have no permissions to use port 80 on my application becuase I cannot run the application from sudo as the $GOPATH is not set when using sudo.

Here is the error I get from my program:

$ go run app.go 
2014/06/28 00:34:12 Listening...
2014/06/28 00:34:12 ListenAndServe: listen tcp :80: bind: permission denied
exit status 1

I am unsure if it will even work when I fix the sudo problem, because apache is already using port 80 and I am not sure if both my app and apache can "play nice" together.

Any advice on how to solve this would be great. Thank you.


得分: 8


> 你有两个选择:要么关闭Apache(因为只有一个服务可以绑定到一个端口),要么(更好!)使用Apache的ProxyPass将任何传入的请求代理到特定主机名上运行的Go服务器,该服务器运行在(例如)8000端口上。第二种方法非常流行、稳定,并且您可以使用Apache来处理请求日志和SSL。





您可以通过不使用HTTP从Apache到Go服务器的连接来提高反向代理的整体性能。这是通过FastCGI协议实现的,该协议最初用于shell、Perl和PHP脚本,但在Go中也可以很好地工作。要使用此功能,您必须修改Go服务器以使用fcgi API进行侦听。还需要Apache FastCGI。从Apache到您的服务器的流量使用更紧凑的格式(而不是HTTP),这会减少每一端的负载。





Quoting elithar's comment,

> You have two options: either turn off Apache (because only one service
> can bind to a port), or (better!) use Apache's ProxyPass to proxy any
> incoming requests to a specific Hostname to your Go server running on
> port (e.g.) 8000. The second method is very popular, robust, and you
> can use Apache to handle request logging and SSL for you.

Reverse Proxying

Using Apache on port 80 in this way is called a reverse proxy. It receives all incoming connections on port 80 (and/or port 443 for https) and passes them on, usually unencrypted, via internal localhost connections only, to your Go program running on whatever port you choose. 8000 and 8080 are often used. The traffic between Apache and your server is itself HTTP traffic.

Because your Go program does not run as root, it is unable to alter critical functions on the server. Therefore it gives an extra degree of security, should your program ever contain security flaws, because any attacker would gain only limited access.


You can improve the overall performance of the reverse proxying by not using HTTP for the connection from Apache to the Go server. This is done via the FastCGI protocol, originally developed for shell, Perl and PHP scripts, but working well with Go too. To use this, you have to modify your Go server to listen using the fcgi API. Apache FastCGI is also required. The traffic from Apache to your server uses a more compact format (not HTTP) and this puts less load on each end.

The choice of socket type is also open: instead of the usual TCP sockets, it is possible to use Unix sockets, which reduce the processing load even further. I haven't done this in Go myself, but the API supports the necessary bits (see a related question).


Whilst all the above describes using Apache, there are other server products that can provide a reverse proxy too. The most notable is Nginx (Nginx reverse proxy example), which will give you small but useful performance and scalability advantages. If you have this option on your servers, it is worth the effort to learn and deploy.


得分: -2




sudo visudo


Defaults env_keep += "GOPATH"
Defaults env_keep += "GOROOT"

顺便提一下,我使用的是Ubuntu 12.04。我认为之前关于使用端口80的代理的回答是正确的选择,因为在解决sudo问题后,我遇到了关于端口80的错误:

$ sudo go run app.go 
2014/06/28 01:26:30 Listening...
2014/06/28 01:26:30 ListenAndServe: listen tcp :80: bind: address already in use
exit status 1



Based on this previous answer about environment variables, I was able to solve the sudo problem easily.


 sudo visudo

added these lines:

Defaults env_keep +="GOPATH"
Defaults env_keep +="GOROOT"

Using ubuntu 12.04 by the way. I think the previous answer about the proxy for using port 80 is the correct choice, because after fixing the sudo issue I was given this error about port 80 instead:

$ sudo go run app.go 
2014/06/28 01:26:30 Listening...
2014/06/28 01:26:30 ListenAndServe: listen tcp :80: bind: address already in use
exit status 1

Meaning the sudo command was fixed but the proxy binding would not work with another service already using port 80 (apache).

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月28日 08:40:56
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