你如何使用go (golang) gocheck测试框架的基准标志?

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How do you use the benchmark flags for the go (golang) gocheck testing framework?


如何在gocheck测试框架中使用标志选项进行基准测试?在我提供的链接中,他们似乎只提供了一个示例,即运行go test -check.b,但是他们没有提供关于它如何工作的其他注释,所以很难使用它。当我运行go help test或者go help testflag时,甚至在go文档中都找不到-check。特别是我想知道如何更好地使用基准测试框架,并控制它运行的时间或迭代次数等等。例如,在他们提供的示例中:

  1. func (s *MySuite) BenchmarkLogic(c *C) {
  2. for i := 0; i < c.N; i++ {
  3. // Logic to benchmark
  4. }
  5. }

这里有一个变量c.N。如何指定这个变量?是通过实际的程序本身,还是通过go test及其标志或命令行?

另外,go help testflag中的文档确实提到了-bench regexbenchmembenchtime t选项,但没有提到-check.b选项。然而,我尝试按照文档中描述的运行这些选项,但似乎没有任何明显的效果。gocheck是否与go test的原始选项兼容?


  1. -check.b=false: 运行基准测试
  2. -check.btime=1s: 每个基准测试的大致运行时间
  3. -check.f="": 选择要运行的测试和/或套件的正则表达式
  4. -check.list=false: 列出将运行的所有测试的名称
  5. -check.v=false: 详细模式
  6. -check.vv=false: 超详细模式(禁用输出缓存)
  7. -check.work=false: 显示并且不删除测试工作目录
  8. -gocheck.b=false: 运行基准测试
  9. -gocheck.btime=1s: 每个基准测试的大致运行时间
  10. -gocheck.f="": 选择要运行的测试和/或套件的正则表达式
  11. -gocheck.list=false: 列出将运行的所有测试的名称
  12. -gocheck.v=false: 详细模式
  13. -gocheck.vv=false: 超详细模式(禁用输出缓存)
  14. -gocheck.work=false: 显示并且不删除测试工作目录
  15. -test.bench="": 选择要运行的基准测试的正则表达式
  16. -test.benchmem=false: 打印基准测试的内存分配情况
  17. -test.benchtime=1s: 每个基准测试的大致运行时间
  18. -test.blockprofile="": 在执行后将goroutine阻塞分析写入指定的文件
  19. -test.blockprofilerate=1: 如果>= 0,则调用runtime.SetBlockProfileRate()
  20. -test.coverprofile="": 在执行后将覆盖率分析写入指定的文件
  21. -test.cpu="": 用于每个测试的CPU数量的逗号分隔列表
  22. -test.cpuprofile="": 在执行期间将CPU分析写入指定的文件
  23. -test.memprofile="": 在执行后将内存分析写入指定的文件
  24. -test.memprofilerate=0: 如果>=0,则设置runtime.MemProfileRate
  25. -test.outputdir="": 写入配置文件的目录
  26. -test.parallel=1: 最大测试并行度
  27. -test.run="": 选择要运行的测试和示例的正则表达式
  28. -test.short=false: 运行较小的测试套件以节省时间
  29. -test.timeout=0: 如果为正数,则为所有测试设置一个总时间限制
  30. -test.v=false: 详细模式:打印额外的输出



How does one use the flag options for benchmarks with the gocheck testing framework? In the link that I provided it seems to be that the only example they provide is by running go test -check.b, however, they do not provide additional comments on how it works so its hard to use it. I could not even find the -check in the go documentation when I did go help test nor when I did go help testflag. In particular I want to know how to use the benchmark testing framework better and control how long it runs for or for how many iterations it runs for etc etc. For example in the example they provide:

  1. func (s *MySuite) BenchmarkLogic(c *C) {
  2. for i := 0; i &lt; c.N; i++ {
  3. // Logic to benchmark
  4. }
  5. }

There is the variable c.N. How does one specify that variable? Is it through the actual program itself or is it through go test and its flags or the command line?

On the side note, the documentation from go help testflag did talk about -bench regex, benchmem and benchtime t options, however, it does not talk about the -check.b option. However I did try to run these options as described there but it didn't really do anything I could notice. Does gocheck work with the original options for go test?

The main problem I see is that there is no clear documentation for how to use the gocheck tool or its commands. I accidentally gave it a wrong flag and it threw me a error message suggesting useful commands that I need (which limited description):

  1. -check.b=false: Run benchmarks
  2. -check.btime=1s: approximate run time for each benchmark
  3. -check.f=&quot;&quot;: Regular expression selecting which tests and/or suites to run
  4. -check.list=false: List the names of all tests that will be run
  5. -check.v=false: Verbose mode
  6. -check.vv=false: Super verbose mode (disables output caching)
  7. -check.work=false: Display and do not remove the test working directory
  8. -gocheck.b=false: Run benchmarks
  9. -gocheck.btime=1s: approximate run time for each benchmark
  10. -gocheck.f=&quot;&quot;: Regular expression selecting which tests and/or suites to run
  11. -gocheck.list=false: List the names of all tests that will be run
  12. -gocheck.v=false: Verbose mode
  13. -gocheck.vv=false: Super verbose mode (disables output caching)
  14. -gocheck.work=false: Display and do not remove the test working directory
  15. -test.bench=&quot;&quot;: regular expression to select benchmarks to run
  16. -test.benchmem=false: print memory allocations for benchmarks
  17. -test.benchtime=1s: approximate run time for each benchmark
  18. -test.blockprofile=&quot;&quot;: write a goroutine blocking profile to the named file after execution
  19. -test.blockprofilerate=1: if &gt;= 0, calls runtime.SetBlockProfileRate()
  20. -test.coverprofile=&quot;&quot;: write a coverage profile to the named file after execution
  21. -test.cpu=&quot;&quot;: comma-separated list of number of CPUs to use for each test
  22. -test.cpuprofile=&quot;&quot;: write a cpu profile to the named file during execution
  23. -test.memprofile=&quot;&quot;: write a memory profile to the named file after execution
  24. -test.memprofilerate=0: if &gt;=0, sets runtime.MemProfileRate
  25. -test.outputdir=&quot;&quot;: directory in which to write profiles
  26. -test.parallel=1: maximum test parallelism
  27. -test.run=&quot;&quot;: regular expression to select tests and examples to run
  28. -test.short=false: run smaller test suite to save time
  29. -test.timeout=0: if positive, sets an aggregate time limit for all tests
  30. -test.v=false: verbose: print additional output

is writing wrong commands the only way to get some help with this tool? it doesn't have a help flag or something?


得分: 11

我5年晚了,但是要指定运行多少次N次,请使用选项-benchtime Nx


  1. go test -bench=. -benchtime 100x

> BenchmarkTest 100 ... ns/op



I'm 5 years late, but to specify how many N times to run. Use the option -benchtime Nx.


  1. go test -bench=. -benchtime 100x

> BenchmarkTest 100 ... ns/op

Please read more about all go testing flags here.


得分: 3


  1. -bench regexp
  2. 运行与正则表达式匹配的基准测试。
  3. 默认情况下,不运行任何基准测试。要运行所有基准测试,
  4. 使用'-bench .''-bench=.'

<code>-check.b</code> 的工作方式与 <code>-test.bench</code> 相同。


  1. go test -check.b=.


  1. go test -check.b=BenchmarkLogic



see the Description_of_testing_flags:

  1. -bench regexp
  2. Run benchmarks matching the regular expression.
  3. By default, no benchmarks run. To run all benchmarks,
  4. use &#39;-bench .&#39; or &#39;-bench=.&#39;.

<code>-check.b</code> works the same way as <code>-test.bench</code>.

E.g. to run all benchmarks:

  1. go test -check.b=.

to run a specific benchmark:

  1. go test -check.b=BenchmarkLogic

more information about testing in Go can be found here

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月26日 10:35:09
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/24421535.html



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