What is the "go" way to checking custom types in go?

huangapple go评论110阅读模式

What is the "go" way to checking custom types in go?




  1. type Animal interface {
  2. Speak() string
  3. }


  1. type Dog struct {
  2. }
  3. func (d Dog) Speak() string {
  4. return "Woof!"
  5. }



  1. func isDog(thing Animal) bool {
  2. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == packageName.Dog {
  3. return true
  4. } else {
  5. return false
  6. }
  7. }


  1. func isDog(thing Interface{}) bool {
  2. d := Dog{}
  3. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == reflect.TypeOf(d) {
  4. return true
  5. } else {
  6. return false
  7. }
  8. }


  1. func isDog(thing Interface{}) bool {
  2. d := Dog{}
  3. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == packageName.Dog {
  4. return true
  5. } else if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == *packageName.Dog {
  6. return true
  7. } else {
  8. return false
  9. }
  10. }

I was trying to test the exact type of an object (either a costume struct or interface) in golang and was trying to figure out how to do it a way that does not real like a cheap hack. (Notice that built in types like strings, ints, floats, slices, etc are not what I am asking about).

Say that I have a Animal interface that implements a Speak method:

  1. type Animal interface {
  2. Speak() string
  3. }

and a Dog struct that implements that interface:

  1. type Dog struct {
  2. }
  3. func (d Dog) Speak() string {
  4. return "Woof!"
  5. }

say I have some variable x, how do I check what struct type it has and act accordingly?

For example I wanted something like:

  1. func isDog(thing Animal{}) bool {
  2. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == packageName.Dog{
  3. return true
  4. }else{
  5. return false
  6. }
  7. }

The only solution that I thought of doing was not really what I wanted to do but I guess it works. First create an empty struct of the type I want to check and then use the reflect package to check for equality. Something like:

  1. func isDog(thing Interface{}) bool {
  2. d := Dog{}
  3. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == reflect.TypeOf(d){
  4. return true
  5. }else{
  6. return false
  7. }
  8. }

The reason I didn't really like that is, say I have a larger code that I need a switch statement eventually. Then, I have to write so much extra code that I feel is unnecessary, like, I need to create the number of many empty struct types as I have cases. It seems unnecessary and really ugly. Is that the only way to do it? I also wanted it to be flexible enough to me it check for pointers too. Something like:

  1. func isDog(thing Interface{}) bool {
  2. d := Dog{}
  3. if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == packageName.Dog{
  4. return true
  5. }else if reflect.TypeOf(thing) == *packageName.Dog{
  6. return true
  7. }else{
  8. return false
  9. }
  10. }


得分: 3

要确定接口变量的动态类型,可以使用type assertion的两个返回值形式。例如,你的isDog函数可以实现为:

  1. func isDog(thing Animal) bool {
  2. _, isdog := thing.(packageName.Dog)
  3. _, isdogptr := thing.(*packageName.Dog)
  4. return isdog || isdogptr
  5. }

To determine the dynamic type of an interface variable, you can use the two-return form of a type assertion. For example, your isDog function could be implemented as:

  1. func isDog(thing Animal) bool {
  2. _, isdog := thing.(packageName.Dog)
  3. _, isdogptr := thig.(*packageName.Dog)
  4. return isdog || isdogptr
  5. }


得分: 3


  1. func isDog(animal Animal) bool {
  2. switch animal.(type) {
  3. case Dog:
  4. case *Dog:
  5. default:
  6. return false
  7. }
  8. return true
  9. }

The idiomatic way is to use a type switch rather than type assertions directly.

  1. func isDog(animal Animal) bool {
  2. switch animal.(type) {
  3. case Dog:
  4. case *Dog:
  5. default:
  6. return false
  7. }
  8. return true
  9. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月24日 13:50:18
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/24379192.html



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