
huangapple go评论71阅读模式

Get pointer to value using reflection



type Z struct {
    Id int

type V struct {
    Id int
    F Z

type T struct {
    Id int
    F V


func InspectStruct(o interface{}) {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(o)
    if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !val.IsNil() {
        elm := val.Elem()
        if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !elm.IsNil() && elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            val = elm
    if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        val = val.Elem()

    for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
        valueField := val.Field(i)
        typeField := val.Type().Field(i)
        address := "not-addressable"

        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !valueField.IsNil() {
            elm := valueField.Elem()
            if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !elm.IsNil() && elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
                valueField = elm
        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            valueField = valueField.Elem()
        if valueField.CanAddr() {
            address = fmt.Sprint(valueField.Addr().Pointer())

        fmt.Printf("Field Name: %s,\t Field Value: %v,\t Address: %v\t, Field type: %v\t, Field kind: %v\n", typeField.Name,
            valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())

        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {


t := new(T)
t.Id = 1
t.F = *new(V)
t.F.Id = 2
t.F.F = *new(Z)
t.F.F.Id = 3



Field Name: Id,     Field Value: 1,     Address: 408125440    , Field type: int    , Field kind: int
Field Name: F,      Field Value: {2 {3}},     Address: 408125444    , Field type: main.V   , Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,     Field Value: 2,     Address: not-addressable    , Field type: int    , Field kind: int
Field Name: F,      Field Value: {3},     Address: not-addressable    , Field type: main.Z   , Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,     Field Value: 3,     Address: not-addressable    , Field type: int    , Field kind: int



I have a function that iterates through all fields of an interface passed as parameter. In order to achieve this is I am using reflection. The issue is that I do not know how to obtain the address of a non-pointer field. Here is an example:

type Z struct {
	Id int

type V struct {
	Id int
	F Z

type T struct {
	Id int
	F V

The above code represents my test structures. Now here is the actual function which traverses a specified structure and lists details about it:

func InspectStruct(o interface{}) {
	 val := reflect.ValueOf(o)
	 if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface &amp;&amp; !val.IsNil() {
	 	elm := val.Elem()
		if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr &amp;&amp; !elm.IsNil() &amp;&amp; elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
			val = elm
	 if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
	 	val = val.Elem()

	for i := 0; i &lt; val.NumField(); i++ {
		valueField := val.Field(i)
		typeField := val.Type().Field(i)
		address := &quot;not-addressable&quot;
		if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Interface &amp;&amp; !valueField.IsNil() {
			elm := valueField.Elem()
			if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr &amp;&amp; !elm.IsNil() &amp;&amp; elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
				valueField = elm
		if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
	 		valueField = valueField.Elem()
		if valueField.CanAddr() {
			address = fmt.Sprint(valueField.Addr().Pointer())

		fmt.Printf(&quot;Field Name: %s,\t Field Value: %v,\t Address: %v\t, Field type: %v\t, Field kind: %v\n&quot;, typeField.Name, 
			valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())
		if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {

And here is the actual test after structure instantiation/initialization:

t := new(T)
t.Id = 1
t.F = *new(V)
t.F.Id = 2
t.F.F = *new(Z)
t.F.F.Id = 3


And finally the output of InspectStruct call:

Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 1,	 Address: 408125440	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int
Field Name: F,	 Field Value: {2 {3}},	 Address: 408125444	, Field type: main.V	, Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 2,	 Address: not-addressable	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int
Field Name: F,	 Field Value: {3},	 Address: not-addressable	, Field type: main.Z	, Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 3,	 Address: not-addressable	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int

As you can see I am using recursion, so if one of the fields is a struct kind then I call InspectStruct for it.
My issue is that though all fields have been initialized for the entire structure "t" hierarchy, I am not able to get the address for any field located at a higher depth than "t". I would really appreciate any help.


得分: 22



func InspectStructV(val reflect.Value) {
    if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !val.IsNil() {
        elm := val.Elem()
        if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !elm.IsNil() && elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            val = elm
    if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        val = val.Elem()

    for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
        valueField := val.Field(i)
        typeField := val.Type().Field(i)
        address := "not-addressable"

        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !valueField.IsNil() {
            elm := valueField.Elem()
            if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !elm.IsNil() && elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
                valueField = elm

        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            valueField = valueField.Elem()

        if valueField.CanAddr() {
            address = fmt.Sprintf("0x%X", valueField.Addr().Pointer())

        fmt.Printf("Field Name: %s,\t Field Value: %v,\t Address: %v\t, Field type: %v\t, Field kind: %v\n", typeField.Name,
            valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())

        if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {

func InspectStruct(v interface{}) {



Passing reflect.Value instead of interface{} seems to fix the problem, however I don't know why valueField.Interface() doesn't work.

Working example : http://play.golang.org/p/nleA2YWMj8

func InspectStructV(val reflect.Value) {
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface &amp;&amp; !val.IsNil() {
elm := val.Elem()
if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr &amp;&amp; !elm.IsNil() &amp;&amp; elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = elm
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
for i := 0; i &lt; val.NumField(); i++ {
valueField := val.Field(i)
typeField := val.Type().Field(i)
address := &quot;not-addressable&quot;
if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Interface &amp;&amp; !valueField.IsNil() {
elm := valueField.Elem()
if elm.Kind() == reflect.Ptr &amp;&amp; !elm.IsNil() &amp;&amp; elm.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
valueField = elm
if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
valueField = valueField.Elem()
if valueField.CanAddr() {
address = fmt.Sprintf(&quot;0x%X&quot;, valueField.Addr().Pointer())
fmt.Printf(&quot;Field Name: %s,\t Field Value: %v,\t Address: %v\t, Field type: %v\t, Field kind: %v\n&quot;, typeField.Name,
valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())
if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
func InspectStruct(v interface{}) {


得分: 12


type MyStruct struct {
    F Foo

type Foo struct {
    i int

func ExtractField(ptr *MyStruct) interface{} {
    return ptr.F

func main() {
    ms := &MyStruct{Foo{5}}
    f := ExtractField(ms).(Foo) // 提取值
    f.i = 19
    fmt.Println(f, ms.F)            // ???
    fmt.Println(&f == &ms.F)        // 不相同!





// 免责声明:这不是 reflect.Value 的真实结构
type Value struct {
    fieldAddress uintptr
    value        Foo


// 再次,这只是为了说明目的而对真实接口包装器进行的抽象
type interface{} struct {
    value Foo

The reason Interface() doesn't work is because of the interface wrapper it returns. To give an idea of what's going on, let's look at what we're doing without reflection:

type MyStruct struct {
F Foo
type Foo struct {
i int
func ExtractField(ptr *MyStruct) interface{} {
return ptr.F
func main() {
ms := &amp;MyStruct{Foo{5}}
f := ExtractField(ms).(Foo) // extract value
f.i = 19
fmt.Println(f, ms.F)            // ???
fmt.Println(&amp;f == &amp;ms.F)        // Not the same!


However, think about the interface{} this returns. What is it wrapping? The value of ptr.F -- that is, a copy of it. This is what value.Interface does, it returns you the interface{} wrapping the field. There is no longer any pointer metadata, it's completely detached from the original struct.

As you'll note, passing a value directly to reflect.ValueOf will always return false for CanAddr for the "top tier" -- because that address is meaningless, since it would give you the address of the copy of the value, changing it wouldn't really mean anything. (Keep in mind that pointers are values too -- if you want the address of a pointer-valued field like *Foo, you're really looking for **Foo).

So, in our example above, if we were to naively pass in reflect.ValueOf(ExtractField(ms)) we'd get the ValueOf f, which not only doesn't have the address you want -- it isn't even addressable according to reflect because it would never give a valid address as far as reflect is concerned (the only address it could give you is the address of the internal value copy in the Value struct).

So why does passing the Value down the rabbit hole work? Well, the only real way to say it is that reflect.Value maintains the necessary metadata when you use Elem and Field, while the interface{} cannot. So while the reflect.Value may look like:

// Disclaimer: not the real structure of a reflect.Value
type Value struct {
fieldAddress uintptr
value        Foo

All it can give you is this

// Again, an abstraction of the real interface wrapper 
// just for illustration purposes
type interface{} struct {
value Foo


得分: 3





    if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
-	  InspectStruct(valueField.Interface())
+	  InspectStruct(valueField.Addr().Interface())


字段名称:F,字段值:{2 {3}},地址:842350527560,字段类型:lib.V,字段种类:struct

I went down a reflect rabbit hole today, learned a lot from studying this code and LinearZoetrope's answer, thank you. I came to a different conclusion though about your problem which led to perhaps a more straightforward solution:

  1. You're passing in a pointer to a struct when you originally call the function, but...

  2. When you recurse by calling 'InspectStruct(valueField.Interface())', rather than passing the embedded structure by pointer, you're passing it by value.

Since you're passing by value, go will create a temporary and won't let you take the address. Instead, when you recurse, call valueField.Addr().Interface(), which will pass a pointer to the embedded struct.

    if valueField.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
-	  InspectStruct(valueField.Interface())
+	  InspectStruct(valueField.Addr().Interface())

With this change, I get the output you are expecting:

Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 1,	 Address: 842350527552	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int
Field Name: F,	 Field Value: {2 {3}},	 Address: 842350527560	, Field type: lib.V	, Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 2,	 Address: 842350527560	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int
Field Name: F,	 Field Value: {3},	 Address: 842350527568	, Field type: lib.Z	, Field kind: struct
Field Name: Id,	 Field Value: 3,	 Address: 842350527568	, Field type: int	, Field kind: int


得分: 1


if valueField.IsValid() {
    fmt.Printf("Field Name: %s, Field Value: %v, Address: %v, Field type: %v, Field kind: %v\n", typeField.Name,
        valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())



Answer of @OneofOne is perfect, but it is better to add one additional check

if valueField.IsValid() {
fmt.Printf(&quot;Field Name: %s, Field Value: %v, Address: %v, Field type: %v, Field kind: %v\n&quot;, typeField.Name,
valueField.Interface(), address, typeField.Type, valueField.Kind())

it is needed because sometimes you can ask for interface from a zero value struct. Ones it happens, it will panic.


得分: 0


iface := valueField.Interface()
ptr := reflect.NewAt(fieldVal.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(&iface))

Some of the above solutions fail if the element is not addressable. I found this way:

iface := valueField.Interface()
ptr := reflect.NewAt(fieldVal.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(&amp;iface))

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月22日 12:39:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/24348184.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
