Can someone explain why GOPATH is convenient and how it should be used in general?

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Can someone explain why GOPATH is convenient and how it should be used in general?









I am new to Go programming language and every tutorial starts off from setting GOPATH to current project folder.

Am I missing something? Is programmer really supposed to set GOPATH manually when he cd to his new Go project folder? I have read several FAQ entries about GOPATH but still couldn't wrap my head around it.

And why does GOROOT exist then? What's its purpose?

Are there any automatic tools which detects if current directory is root folder of Go project (for example by some hidden file) and changes GOPATH to this directory automatically?

Thank you, any advice really appriciated

ps. For example I develop completely disjoint Go projects A, B and C, should they live in single "workspace" environment? I guess not, but what I should do with GOPATH and GOROOT then?


得分: 42





如何处理不同的项目完全取决于你。Go的方式是将每个项目作为一个包放在$GOPATH/src目录中,并从那里进行所有操作。但我个人不太喜欢这种方式,我将我的GOPATH定义为$HOME/.go。然后我将每个项目放在计算机的其他地方的一个专用目录中,并将项目目录的符号链接放入$GOPATH/src目录中。然后我就可以使用每个Go工具链命令(例如go build myproject),将该项目作为另一个项目的包使用,等等。


The goal of the GOPATH is to centralize all packages into one common workspace. It is not really a new concept by itself (think of the Java Classpath for example), but Go's use is drastically simpler by not supporting packages versioning.

The Go programmer isn't supposed to set GOPATH manually when entering a new project folder. Each project folder is supposed to be a package by itself, and reside in the GOPATH along other packages, so GOPATH should be set only once. Tutorials begin by setting the GOPATH in order to isolate the tutorial workspace from anything else (or simply assuming that a user hasn't set the GOPATH, yet).

GOROOT is set to provide the standard packages to the Go programmer, you don't need to do anything with it. In short, there is a single rule for GOROOT: never, ever, touch it. Don't install anything in it, don't modify standard packages, etc.

I'm not aware of a tool to detect Go projects in the current directory, but it shouldn't be highly complex to create.

How you handle different projects is up to you. The Go way is to put every project as a package in the $GOPATH/src directory and do everything from there. As I don't really like it, I defined my GOPATH to be $HOME/.go. Then I put each project in a dedicated directory somewhere else (anywhere in my computer), and symlink the project directory into my $GOPATH/src dir. I can then use every Go toolchain command (e.g. go build myproject), use the project as package for another one, etc.


得分: 12



  1. if [ `type -p go` = "" ]; then
  2. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  3. fi
  4. export GOPATH=$PWD
  5. export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin


  1. .




  1. export GORP_TEST_DSN=test/testuser/TestPasswd9
  2. export GO_TEST_DSN=testuser:TestPasswd9@/test




GOPATH allows you to collect dependency source code and the resulting compiled binaries in one place. This seems like a really attractive idea. However, I found myself working on several totally unrelated Go projects and an alternative approach suited me better.

This is a similar but different strategy to Elwinar's symlnks. I start a new project in an empty folder and create src. And I drop into the folder this shell script called

  1. if [ `type -p go` = "" ]; then
  2. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  3. fi
  4. export GOPATH=$PWD
  5. export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin

Each time I start work, I use

  1. .

Note the dot and space - they matter.

Now, everything I do on this project is localised within this folder. It's possibly not the most widely-used strategy, but it works well for me.

And another thing: if your dependencies make use of environment variables for testing etc, you can put them in too. For example, Gorp has

  1. export GORP_TEST_DSN=test/testuser/TestPasswd9
  2. export GO_TEST_DSN=testuser:TestPasswd9@/test


In the most recent Go versions, GOPATH is optional; if you don't set it, the default is $HOME/go. If you do set it and also want to use the new modules feature, set GO111MODULES=on also.


得分: 10




现在有Go模块支持(自Go 1.11起),因此您不再需要使用GOPATH。例如,您可以转到系统上的任何目录($GOPATH之外),然后在那里初始化一个新的Go模块,然后开始在那里工作。不需要GOPATH。


  1. go mod init


  • 源文件($GOPATH/src)
  • 编译的包文件($GOPATH/pkg)
  • 可运行文件($GOPATH/bin)



  1. export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin



You don't need to set your GOPATH or GOROOT. GOPATH by default is under your user/home directory.

> If no GOPATH is set, it is assumed to be $HOME/go on Unix systems and %USERPROFILE%\go on Windows. If you want to use a custom location as your workspace, you can set the GOPATH environment variable.

Go Modules

Now there's Go Modules support (since Go 1.11), so you don't have to use GOPATH anymore. For example, you can go to any directory on your system (outside of $GOPATH), and you can initialize a new Go module there, then you start working there. No GOPATH is needed.

You just need to do this once (while in a directory):

  1. go mod init

$GOPATH: Go stores these files under it:

  • Source files ($GOPATH/src)
  • Compiled package files ($GOPATH/pkg)
  • Runnable files ($GOPATH/bin)

$GOROOT: Where the Go source code resides like Go Standard Library.

Also to run any go installed executable file from anywhere on your system, you might want to add $GOPATH/bin to your path environment variable like this:

  1. export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

More information check out this.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月19日 20:04:47
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