In Go what happens if you write to closed channel? Can I treat channels as deterministic RE destruction?

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In Go what happens if you write to closed channel? Can I treat channels as deterministic RE destruction?



好吧,Stack Overflow(SO)正在警告我标题过于主观,请允许我解释一下。现在我正在研究Go语言,我已经阅读了规范,观看了一些IO的讲座,它看起来很有趣,但我有一些问题。



to := Time.DoAfter(1000 * Time.MS)
    case <-to:
        return nil //超时
    case d := <-waitingfor:
        return d



if(chanToSendTimeOutOn.isOpen()) {











Okay SO is warning me about a subjective title so please let me explain. Right now I'm looking at Go, I've read the spec, watched a few IO talks, it looks interesting but I have some questions.

One of my favourite examples was this select statement that listened to a channel that came from "DoAfter()" or something, the channel would send something at a given time from now.

Something like this (this probably wont work, pseudo-go if anything!)

to := Time.DoAfter(1000 * Time.MS)
    case &lt;-to:
        return nil //we timed out
    case d := &lt;-waitingfor:
        return d

Suppose the thing we're waiting for happens really fast, so this function returns and isn't listening to to any more, what happens in DoAfter?

I like and know that you ought not test the channel, for example

if(chanToSendTimeOutOn.isOpen()) {

I like how channels sync places, with this for example it is possible that the function above could return after the isOpen() test but before the sending of true. I really am against the test, this avoids what channels do - hide locks and whatnot.

I've read the spec and seen the run time panics and recovery, but in this example where do we recover? Is the thing waiting to send the timeout a go routine or an "object" of sorts? I imagined this "object" which had a sorted list of things it had to send things to after given times, and that it'd just append TimeAfter requests to the queue in the right order and go through it. I'm not sure where that'd get an opportunity to actually recover.

If it spawned go-routines each with their own timer (managed by the run-time of course, so threads don't actually block for time) what then would get the chance to recover?

The other part of my question is about the lifetime of channels, I would imagine they're ref counted, well those able to read are ref-counted, so that if nothing anywhere holds a readable reference it is destroyed. I'd call this deterministic. For the "point-to-point" topologies you can form it will be if you stick towards Go's "send stuff via channels, don't access it"

So here for example, when the thing that wants a timeout returns the to channel is no longer read by anyone. So the go-routine is pointless now, is there a way to make it return without doing work?


File-reading go routine that has used defer to close the file when it is done, can it "sense" the channel it is supposed to send stuff to has closed, and thus return without reading any more?

I'd also like to know why the select statement is "nondeterministic" I'd have quite liked it if the first case took priority if the first and second are ready (for a non-blocking operation) - I wont condemn it for that, but is there a reason? What's the implementation of this?

Lastly, how are go-routines scheduled? Does the compiler add some sort of "yielding" every so many instructions, so a thread running will switch between different goroutines? Where can I find info on the lower level stuff?

I know Go touts that "you simply don't need to worry about this" but I like to know what things I write actually hide (that could be a C++ thing) and the reasons why.


得分: 19

如果向一个关闭的通道写入数据,你的程序将会发生 panic(参见 的示例)。你可以使用 recover 来捕获这个错误,但是在不知道要写入的通道是否打开的情况下,通常意味着程序中存在 bug。通道的发送方负责关闭通道,因此它应该知道当前的状态。如果有多个 goroutine 在通道上发送数据,那么它们应该协调关闭通道(例如使用 sync.WaitGroup)。

在你提出的 Time.DoAfter 的假设中,这将取决于通道是否有缓冲区。如果它是一个无缓冲的通道,那么向计时器通道写入数据的 goroutine 将会阻塞,直到有人从通道中读取数据。如果这从未发生,那么该 goroutine 将一直阻塞,直到程序完成。如果通道有缓冲区,发送操作将立即完成。在有人从通道中读取数据之前,该通道可能会被垃圾回收。

标准库的 time.After 函数的行为就是这样,它返回一个带有一个缓冲区的通道。


If you write to a closed channel, your program will panic (see for example). You could potentially catch this error with recover, but being in a situation where you don't know whether the channel you are writing to is open is usually a sign of a bug in the program. The send side of the channel is responsible for closing it, so it should know the current state. If you have multiple goroutines sending on the channel, then they should coordinate in closing the channel (e.g. by using a sync.WaitGroup).

In your Time.DoAfter hypothetical, it would depend on whether the channel was buffered. If it was an unbuffered channel, then the goroutine writing to the timer channel would block until someone read from the channel. If that never happened, then the goroutine would remain blocked until the program completed. If the channel was buffered, the send would complete immediately. The channel could be garbage collected before anyone read from it.

The standard library time.After behaves this way, returning a channel with a one slot buffer.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月7日 18:00:13
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