
huangapple go评论63阅读模式

is it wrong to treat panic / recover as throw / catch


作为一个新的Go爱好者,试图使用Go的错误处理方式。明确一点 - 我喜欢异常。


if err != nil {


defer func() {
    if err := recover(); err != nil {
        log.Printf("%s: %s", err, debug.Stack()) // line 20


但是这感觉非常像一个throw/catch的场景 - 而Go语言声称不支持这种方式。问题是:

  • 这种方式稳定吗?也就是说,作为一种持续的生活方式,恢复panic是可以接受的。它不仅仅是稍微延迟立即关闭的意图。
  • 我在这个主题上寻找了讨论,但没有找到任何相关的信息 - 有什么指引吗?



Speaking as a new go enthusiast trying to work with the go way of error handling. To be clear - I like exceptions.

I have a server that accepts a connection , processes a set of requests and replies to them. I found that I can do

if err != nil{

in the deep down processing code

and have

defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			log.Printf("%s: %s", err, debug.Stack()) // line 20

in the client connection code (each connection is in a goroutine). This nicely wraps everything up, forcefully closes the connection (other defers fire) and my server continues to hum along.

But this feels an awful lot like a throw/catch scenario - which golang states it doesn't support. Questions

  • is this stable. ie recovering a panic is an OK thing to do as an
    ongoing way of life. Its not intended to just slightly defer an
    immediate shutdown
  • I looked for a discussion on this topic and did not find it anywhere - any pointers?

I feel that the answer is 'yes it works' and can be used inside you own code, but panic should NOT be used by a library intended for wider use. The standard and polite way for a library to behave is by error returns


得分: 13




  • 在正常情况下使用error。这应该是你的默认选择。
  • 如果使用panic/recover可以使你的代码更清晰、更简单(例如递归调用堆栈),那么可以在特定情况下使用它。
  • 不要让包泄漏panic。在包内使用的panic应该在包内进行恢复,并作为错误返回。
  • 从panic中恢复是稳定的。不用担心在恢复后继续执行。你可以在标准库中看到这种行为,比如net/http包在处理程序中从panic中恢复,以防止整个HTTP服务器在单个请求上发生panic时崩溃。

Yes, you can do what you suggest. There are some situations within the standard packages where panic/recover is used for handling errors. The official Go blog states:

> For a real-world example of panic and recover, see the json package
> from the Go standard library. It decodes JSON-encoded data with a set
> of recursive functions. When malformed JSON is encountered, the parser
> calls panic to unwind the stack to the top-level function call, which
> recovers from the panic and returns an appropriate error value (see
> the 'error' and 'unmarshal' methods of the decodeState type in
> decode.go).

Some pointers:

  • Use error for your normal use cases. This should be your default.
  • If your code would get clearer and simpler by using a panic/recover (such as with a recursive call stack), then use it for that particular case.
  • Never let a package leak panics. Panics used within a package should be recovered within the package and returned as an error.
  • Recovering from a panic is stable. Don't worry about continuing execution after a recover. You can see such behavior in standard library such as with the net/http package which recovers from panics within handlers to prevent the entire http server to go crash when panicing on a single request.


得分: 1




Generally most methods won't panic, they will return an error instead, and there's a bit of an overhead of using defer.

So yes, it does work, but the "proper" / "go" way is to return an error instead of using panic / recover.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年6月6日 06:03:01
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/24070922.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
