使用Golang进行HTTP PATCH语义的REST更新请求

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golang - Rest update request using http patch semantics


type A struct {
Id int64
Email sql.NullString
Phone sql.NullString


A{1, "x@x.com", "1112223333"}


curl -X PUT -d '{"Email": "y@y.com", "Phone": null}' http://localhost:3000/a/1


  • 将JSON解组为空记录

    a := A{}
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(request.body), &a)

  • 从数据库加载记录

    aFromDb := <假设我们从数据库获取了记录> // A{1, "x@x.com", "1112223333"}

  • 比较a和aFromDb

  • 注意电子邮件的更改并在aFromDb上设置它 - 没问题

  • 注意电话号码的更改 - 但等等!在JSON中它是显式设置为NULL还是根本没有包含在JSON中?即JSON请求是{"Email": "y@y.com", "Phone": null}还是{"Email": "y@y.com"}?



type A struct {
    Id int64
    Email sql.NullString
    Phone sql.NullString

Assume I have one record in the database

A{1, &quot;x@x.com&quot;, &quot;1112223333&quot;}

Send an update request via PUT

curl -X PUT -d &#39;{&quot;Email&quot;: &quot;y@y.com&quot;, &quot;Phone&quot;: null}&#39; http://localhost:3000/a/1 

Here is the psuedo algorithm that would work with a full PUT request (i.e. update all fields of the record A - but it will cause difficulties with the PATCH request semantics - delta update)

-- Unmarshal json into empty record

  a := A{}
  json.Unmarshal([]byte(request.body), &amp;a)

-- Load the record from the database

aFromDb = &lt;assume we got record from db&gt; //A{1, &quot;x@x.com&quot;, &quot;1112223333&quot;}

-- Compare a and aFromDB

-- Notice the email change and set it on aFromDb - ok

-- Notice the phone number change -- but wait! Was it set to NULL in the JSON explicitly or was it not even included in the JSON? i.e. was the json request - {"Email": "y@y.com", "Phone": null} or was it {"Email": "y@y.com"}?

How can we tell by just looking at the unmarshaled json into the struct a?

Is there another method to do the update via rest (with patch semantics)? I am looking for a generic way to do it (not tied to a particular struct).


得分: 1


// 用作JSON类型
// Set标志指示类型是否已进行了解组
type RequiredInt64 struct {
    Set   bool
    Int64 int64

func (r RequiredInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    lit := strconv.FormatInt(r.Int64, 10)
    return json.Marshal(lit)

func (r *RequiredInt64) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
    var lit string
    var err error
    if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &lit); err != nil {
        return err
    r.Int64, err = strconv.ParseInt(lit, 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    r.Set = true
    return nil



I created a separate datatype for this purpose. This example is for an int64 (actually string-encoded int64), but you can easily change it to a string as well. The idea behind it is, that the UnmarshalJSON method will only be called if the value is present in the JSON. The type will implement the Marshaler and the Unmarshaler.

// Used as a JSON type
// The Set flag indicates whether an unmarshaling actually happened on the type
type RequiredInt64 struct {
	Set   bool
 	Int64 int64

func (r RequiredInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	lit := strconv.FormatInt(r.Int64, 10)
	return json.Marshal(lit)

func (r *RequiredInt64) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
	var lit string
	var err error
	if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &amp;lit); err != nil {
		return err
 	r.Int64, err = strconv.ParseInt(lit, 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
    	return err
	r.Set = true
	return nil

So, if Set is false, you know that the value was not present in the JSON.


得分: 0


type A struct {
    Id int64 `json:"Id,omitempty"`
    Email sql.NullString `json:"Email,omitempty"`
    Phone sql.NullString `json:"Phone,omitempty"`

这样,如果你进行序列化操作并且字段为空,那么生成的 JSON 将不包含该字段。

但是,在反序列化时,该字段将具有一个值,或者它将具有该类型的默认值(指针为 Nil,字符串为空字符串)。


Try adding this tags to the struct:

type A struct {
    Id int64 `json:&quot;Id,omitempty&quot;`
    Email sql.NullString `json:&quot;Email,omitempty&quot;`
    Phone sql.NullString `json:&quot;Phone,omitempty&quot;`

In this way if you are serializing and the field is empty then the json will not contain the field.

When deserializing though the field will have a either a value or it will have the default value for the type (Nil for the pointer or empty string for strings).


得分: 0





You could potentially write your own marshalling/uinmarshalling of your struct and react to the raw response within, although it might be non-obvious witgh inspection what that those functions are manipulating.

Alternatively, you could not omitempty within your fields and force null populated fields.

Or, maybe leveraging a different flavor of patching, perhaps http://jsonpatch.com/, which is more explicit in the nature of your modifications. This would require the client to be more understanding of the state of changes than say for a put.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年5月23日 07:34:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/23818768.html



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