如何深拷贝一个 map 并清空原始 map?

huangapple go评论81阅读模式

How to deep copy a map and then clear the original?



for something := range fruits{
        aMap := make(map[string]aStruct)
        aSuperMap := make(map[string]map[string]aStruct)
        for x := range something{
        	aMap[x] = aData
        	aSuperMap[y] = aMap
            delete(aMap, x)



aSuperMap[y][x] = aData

问题是如何创建一个关联地图?在PHP中,我只需使用aSuperMap[y][x] = aData。似乎golang没有任何明显的方法。如果我删除delete(aMap, x),它在超级地图中的引用也会被删除。如果我不删除它,超级地图最终会有重复的数据。基本上,在每次循环中,它会得到带有新值和所有旧值的aMap


I'm trying to copy the contents of a map ( amap ) inside another one (aSuperMap) and then clear amap so that it can take new values on the next iteration/loop.
The issue is that you can't clear the map without to clear its reference in the supermap as well.
Here is some pseudo code.

for something := range fruits{
        aMap := make(map[string]aStruct)
        aSuperMap := make(map[string]map[string]aStruct)
        for x := range something{
        	aMap[x] = aData
        	aSuperMap[y] = aMap
            delete(aMap, x)
//save aSuperMap


I've also tried some dynamic stuff but obviously it throws an error (cannot assign to nil)

aSuperMap[y][x] = aData

The question is how can I create an associative map ? In PHP I simply use aSuperMap[y][x] = aData. It seems that golang doesn't have any obvious method. If I delete delete(aMap, x) its reference from the super map is deleted as well. If I don't delete it the supermap ends up with duplicate data. Basically on each loop it gets aMap with the new value plus all the old values.


得分: 162


for k, v := range originalMap {
  newMap[k] = v

以下是一个来自现已停用的 SO 文档的示例:

// 创建原始地图
originalMap := make(map[string]int)
originalMap["one"] = 1
originalMap["two"] = 2

// 创建目标地图
targetMap := make(map[string]int)

// 从原始地图复制到目标地图
for key, value := range originalMap {
  targetMap[key] = value

摘自Maps - Copy a Map。原作者是JepZ。详细的归属信息可以在贡献者页面上找到。该来源使用CC BY-SA 3.0许可,并可在文档存档中找到。参考主题 ID:732,示例 ID:9834。


You are not copying the map, but the reference to the map. Your delete thus modifies the values in both your original map and the super map. To copy a map, you have to use a for loop like this:

for k,v := range originalMap {
  newMap[k] = v

Here's an example from the now-retired SO documentation:

// Create the original map
originalMap := make(map[string]int)
originalMap["one"] = 1
originalMap["two"] = 2

// Create the target map
targetMap := make(map[string]int)

// Copy from the original map to the target map
for key, value := range originalMap {
  targetMap[key] = value

> Excerpted from Maps - Copy a Map. The original author was JepZ. Attribution details can be found on the contributor page. The source is licenced under CC BY-SA 3.0 and may be found in the Documentation archive. Reference topic ID: 732 and example ID: 9834.


得分: 30


package utils

func CopyMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
	cp := make(map[string]interface{})
	for k, v := range m {
		vm, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			cp[k] = CopyMap(vm)
		} else {
			cp[k] = v

	return cp


package utils

import (


func TestCopyMap(t *testing.T) {
	m1 := map[string]interface{}{
		"a": "bbb",
		"b": map[string]interface{}{
			"c": 123,

	m2 := CopyMap(m1)

	m1["a"] = "zzz"
	delete(m1, "b")

	require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{"a": "zzz"}, m1)
	require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
		"a": "bbb",
		"b": map[string]interface{}{
			"c": 123,
	}, m2)



I'd use recursion just in case so you can deep copy the map and avoid bad surprises in case you were to change a map element that is a map itself.

Here's an example in a utils.go:

<!-- language: go -->

package utils

func CopyMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
	cp := make(map[string]interface{})
	for k, v := range m {
		vm, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			cp[k] = CopyMap(vm)
		} else {
			cp[k] = v

	return cp

And its test file (i.e. utils_test.go):

<!-- language: go -->

package utils

import (


func TestCopyMap(t *testing.T) {
	m1 := map[string]interface{}{
		&quot;a&quot;: &quot;bbb&quot;,
		&quot;b&quot;: map[string]interface{}{
			&quot;c&quot;: 123,

	m2 := CopyMap(m1)

	m1[&quot;a&quot;] = &quot;zzz&quot;
	delete(m1, &quot;b&quot;)

	require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{&quot;a&quot;: &quot;zzz&quot;}, m1)
	require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
		&quot;a&quot;: &quot;bbb&quot;,
		&quot;b&quot;: map[string]interface{}{
			&quot;c&quot;: 123,
	}, m2)

It should easy enough to adapt if you need the map key to be something else instead of a string.


得分: 5


> 请参阅http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#maps。重要的部分实际上是“对底层数据结构的引用”。这也适用于切片。


我稍微修改了Francesco Casula的答案,以适应映射和切片。





copy := CopyableMap(originalMap).DeepCopy()


copy := CopyableSlice(originalSlice).DeepCopy()



package utils

type CopyableMap   map[string]interface{}
type CopyableSlice []interface{}

// DeepCopy will create a deep copy of this map. The depth of this
// copy is all inclusive. Both maps and slices will be considered when
// making the copy.
func (m CopyableMap) DeepCopy() map[string]interface{} {
    result := map[string]interface{}{}

    for k,v := range m {
        // Handle maps
        mapvalue,isMap := v.(map[string]interface{})
        if isMap {
            result[k] = CopyableMap(mapvalue).DeepCopy()

        // Handle slices
        slicevalue,isSlice := v.([]interface{})
        if isSlice {
            result[k] = CopyableSlice(slicevalue).DeepCopy()

        result[k] = v

    return result

// DeepCopy will create a deep copy of this slice. The depth of this
// copy is all inclusive. Both maps and slices will be considered when
// making the copy.
func (s CopyableSlice) DeepCopy() []interface{} {
    result := []interface{}{}

    for _,v := range s {
        // Handle maps
        mapvalue,isMap := v.(map[string]interface{})
        if isMap {
            result = append(result, CopyableMap(mapvalue).DeepCopy())

        // Handle slices
        slicevalue,isSlice := v.([]interface{})
        if isSlice {
            result = append(result, CopyableSlice(slicevalue).DeepCopy())

        result = append(result, v)

    return result


package utils

import (


func TestCopyMap(t *testing.T) {
    m1 := map[string]interface{}{
        "a": "bbb",
        "b": map[string]interface{}{
            "c": 123,
        "c": []interface{} {
            "d", "e", map[string]interface{} {
                "f": "g",

    m2 := CopyableMap(m1).DeepCopy()

    m1["a"] = "zzz"
    delete(m1, "b")
    m1["c"].([]interface{})[1] = "x"
    m1["c"].([]interface{})[2].(map[string]interface{})["f"] = "h"

    require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
        "a": "zzz", 
        "c": []interface{} {
            "d", "x", map[string]interface{} {
                "f": "h",
    }, m1)
    require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
        "a": "bbb",
        "b": map[string]interface{}{
            "c": 123,
        "c": []interface{} {
            "d", "e", map[string]interface{} {
                "f": "g",
    }, m2)

As stated in seong's comment:

> Also see http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#maps. The important part is really the "reference to underlying data structure". This also applies to slices.

However, none of the solutions here seem to offer a solution for a proper deep copy that also covers slices.

I've slightly altered Francesco Casula's answer to accommodate for both maps and slices.

This should cover both copying your map itself, as well as copying any child maps or slices. Both of which are affected by the same "underlying data structure" issue. It also includes a utility function for performing the same type of Deep Copy on a slice directly.

Keep in mind that the slices in the resulting map will be of type []interface{}, so when using them, you will need to use type assertion to retrieve the value in the expected type.

Example Usage

Maps (Will automatically deep-copy slices as well)

copy := CopyableMap(originalMap).DeepCopy()

Slices (Will automatically deep-copy maps as well)

copy := CopyableSlice(originalSlice).DeepCopy()



package utils

type CopyableMap   map[string]interface{}
type CopyableSlice []interface{}

// DeepCopy will create a deep copy of this map. The depth of this
// copy is all inclusive. Both maps and slices will be considered when
// making the copy.
func (m CopyableMap) DeepCopy() map[string]interface{} {
    result := map[string]interface{}{}

    for k,v := range m {
        // Handle maps
        mapvalue,isMap := v.(map[string]interface{})
        if isMap {
            result[k] = CopyableMap(mapvalue).DeepCopy()

        // Handle slices
        slicevalue,isSlice := v.([]interface{})
        if isSlice {
            result[k] = CopyableSlice(slicevalue).DeepCopy()

        result[k] = v

    return result

// DeepCopy will create a deep copy of this slice. The depth of this
// copy is all inclusive. Both maps and slices will be considered when
// making the copy.
func (s CopyableSlice) DeepCopy() []interface{} {
    result := []interface{}{}

    for _,v := range s {
        // Handle maps
        mapvalue,isMap := v.(map[string]interface{})
        if isMap {
            result = append(result, CopyableMap(mapvalue).DeepCopy())

        // Handle slices
        slicevalue,isSlice := v.([]interface{})
        if isSlice {
            result = append(result, CopyableSlice(slicevalue).DeepCopy())

        result = append(result, v)

    return result

Test File (deepcopy_tests.go)

package utils

import (


func TestCopyMap(t *testing.T) {
    m1 := map[string]interface{}{
        &quot;a&quot;: &quot;bbb&quot;,
        &quot;b&quot;: map[string]interface{}{
            &quot;c&quot;: 123,
        &quot;c&quot;: []interface{} {
            &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;, map[string]interface{} {
                &quot;f&quot;: &quot;g&quot;,

    m2 := CopyableMap(m1).DeepCopy()

    m1[&quot;a&quot;] = &quot;zzz&quot;
    delete(m1, &quot;b&quot;)
    m1[&quot;c&quot;].([]interface{})[1] = &quot;x&quot;
    m1[&quot;c&quot;].([]interface{})[2].(map[string]interface{})[&quot;f&quot;] = &quot;h&quot;

    require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
        &quot;a&quot;: &quot;zzz&quot;, 
        &quot;c&quot;: []interface{} {
            &quot;d&quot;, &quot;x&quot;, map[string]interface{} {
                &quot;f&quot;: &quot;h&quot;,
    }, m1)
    require.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{
        &quot;a&quot;: &quot;bbb&quot;,
        &quot;b&quot;: map[string]interface{}{
            &quot;c&quot;: 123,
        &quot;c&quot;: []interface{} {
            &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;, map[string]interface{} {
                &quot;f&quot;: &quot;g&quot;,
    }, m2)


得分: 4


package main

import (

func copyMap(in, out interface{}) {
   buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

func main() {
   a := map[string]int{"month": 12, "day": 31}
   b := make(map[string]int)
   copyMap(a, &b)


package main

import (

func copyVal(v url.Values) url.Values {
   u := url.URL{
      RawQuery: v.Encode(),
   return u.Query()

func main() {
   a := url.Values{
      "west": {"left"}, "east": {"right"},
   b := copyVal(a)

You can roundtrip it through encoding/gob:

package main
import (
func copyMap(in, out interface{}) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
func main() {
a := map[string]int{&quot;month&quot;: 12, &quot;day&quot;: 31}
b := make(map[string]int)
copyMap(a, &amp;b)

This works with other packages too. Here is an example with net/url:

package main
import (
func copyVal(v url.Values) url.Values {
u := url.URL{
RawQuery: v.Encode(),
return u.Query()
func main() {
a := url.Values{
&quot;west&quot;: {&quot;left&quot;}, &quot;east&quot;: {&quot;right&quot;},
b := copyVal(a)


得分: 1



go get -u github.com/drgrib/maps/cmd/mapper


mapper -types string:aStruct


func ContainsKeyStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct, k string) bool {
	_, ok := m[k]
	return ok

func ContainsValueStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct, v aStruct) bool {
	for _, mValue := range m {
		if mValue == v {
			return true

	return false

func GetKeysStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) []string {
	keys := []string{}

	for k, _ := range m {
		keys = append(keys, k)

	return keys

func GetValuesStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) []aStruct {
	values := []aStruct{}

	for _, v := range m {
		values = append(values, v)

	return values

func CopyStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) map[string]aStruct {
	copyMap := map[string]aStruct{}

	for k, v := range m {
		copyMap[k] = v

	return copyMap

完整披露:我是这个工具的创建者。我创建了它及其所包含的包,因为我发现自己经常为不同类型组合的Go map重写这些算法。


You have to manually copy each key/value pair to a new map. This is a loop that people have to reprogram any time they want a deep copy of a map.

You can automatically generate the function for this by installing mapper from the maps package using

go get -u github.com/drgrib/maps/cmd/mapper

and running

mapper -types string:aStruct

which will generate the file map_float_astruct.go containing not only a (deep) Copy for your map but also other "missing" map functions ContainsKey, ContainsValue, GetKeys, and GetValues:

func ContainsKeyStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct, k string) bool {
	_, ok := m[k]
	return ok

func ContainsValueStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct, v aStruct) bool {
	for _, mValue := range m {
		if mValue == v {
			return true

	return false

func GetKeysStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) []string {
	keys := []string{}

	for k, _ := range m {
		keys = append(keys, k)

	return keys

func GetValuesStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) []aStruct {
	values := []aStruct{}

	for _, v := range m {
		values = append(values, v)

	return values

func CopyStringAStruct(m map[string]aStruct) map[string]aStruct {
	copyMap := map[string]aStruct{}

	for k, v := range m {
		copyMap[k] = v

	return copyMap

Full disclosure: I am the creator of this tool. I created it and its containing package because I found myself constantly rewriting these algorithms for the Go map for different type combinations.


得分: 0


maps := map[string]int {

maps2 := make(map[string]int)
for k2,v2 := range maps {
    maps2[k2] = v2


fmt.Println("maps: ",maps," vs. ","maps2: ",maps2)



Individual element copy, it seems to work for me with just a simple example.

maps := map[string]int {
maps2 := make(map[string]int)
for k2,v2 := range maps {
maps2[k2] = v2
fmt.Println(&quot;maps: &quot;,maps,&quot; vs. &quot;,&quot;maps2: &quot;,maps2)

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年4月14日 18:28:38
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/23057785.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
