为什么Go的Martini框架比Play Framework 2.2.x性能差?

huangapple go评论116阅读模式

Why is Go's Martini less performant than Play Framework 2.2.x


我在Golang+Martini和Play Framework 2.2.x中编写了两个相同的项目,以比较它们的性能。两者都有一个渲染10K HTML视图的动作。使用ab -n 10000 -c 1000进行测试,并通过ab输出和htop监控结果。两者都使用生产配置和编译视图。我对结果感到好奇:

Play Framework:~17000 req/sec + 我的i7所有核心持续100%使用率 = ~0.059毫秒/req
Martini:~4000 req/sec + 我的i7所有核心持续70%使用率 = ~0.25毫秒/req



Golang + Martini:

  1. ./wrk -c1000 -t10 -d10 http://localhost:9875/
  2. http://localhost:9875/ 上运行10秒测试
  3. 10个线程和1000个连接
  4. 线程统计 平均值 标准差 最大值 +/- 标准差
  5. 延迟 241.70毫秒 164.61毫秒 1.16 71.06%
  6. 每秒请求数 393.42 75.79 716.00 83.26%
  7. 10秒内的请求数: 38554,读取了91.33MB
  8. Socket错误: 连接 0,读取 0,写入 0,超时 108
  9. 每秒请求数: 3854.79
  10. 每秒传输数据: 9.13MB

Play!Framework 2:

  1. ./wrk -c1000 -t10 -d10 http://localhost:9000/
  2. http://localhost:9000/ 上运行10秒测试
  3. 10个线程和1000个连接
  4. 线程统计 平均值 标准差 最大值 +/- 标准差
  5. 延迟 32.99毫秒 37.75毫秒 965.76毫秒 85.95%
  6. 每秒请求数 2.91k 657.65 7.61k 76.64%
  7. 10秒内的请求数: 276501,读取了1.39GB
  8. Socket错误: 连接 0,读取 0,写入 0,超时 230
  9. 每秒请求数: 27645.91
  10. 每秒传输数据: 142.14MB





I wrote two equal projects in Golang+Martini and Play Framework 2.2.x to compare it's performance. Both have 1 action that render 10K HTML View. Tested it with ab -n 10000 -c 1000 and monitored results via ab output and htop. Both uses production confs and compiled views. I wonder about results:

  1. Play: ~17000 req/sec + constant 100% usage of all cores of my i7 = ~0.059 msec/req
  2. Martini: ~4000 req/sec + constant 70% usage of all cores of my i7 = ~0.25 msec/req

...as I understand martini is not bloated, so why it 4.5 times slower? Any way to speedup?

Update: Added benchmark results

Golang + Martini:

  1. ./wrk -c1000 -t10 -d10 http://localhost:9875/
  2. Running 10s test @ http://localhost:9875/
  3. 10 threads and 1000 connections
  4. Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
  5. Latency 241.70ms 164.61ms 1.16s 71.06%
  6. Req/Sec 393.42 75.79 716.00 83.26%
  7. 38554 requests in 10.00s, 91.33MB read
  8. Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 108
  9. Requests/sec: 3854.79
  10. Transfer/sec: 9.13MB

Play!Framework 2:

  1. ./wrk -c1000 -t10 -d10 http://localhost:9000/
  2. Running 10s test @ http://localhost:9000/
  3. 10 threads and 1000 connections
  4. Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
  5. Latency 32.99ms 37.75ms 965.76ms 85.95%
  6. Req/Sec 2.91k 657.65 7.61k 76.64%
  7. 276501 requests in 10.00s, 1.39GB read
  8. Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 230
  9. Requests/sec: 27645.91
  10. Transfer/sec: 142.14MB

Martini running with runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU())

I want to use golang in production, but after this benchmark I don't know how can I make such decision...

Any way to speedup?


得分: 2


  1. wrk -t10 -c1000 -d10s http://localhost:3000/
  2. http://localhost:3000/ 上运行了10秒的测试
  3. 10个线程和1000个连接
  4. 线程统计 平均值 标准差 最大值 +/- 标准差
  5. 延迟 31.94毫秒 38.80毫秒 109.56毫秒 83.25%
  6. 请求/秒 3.97k 3.63k 11.03k 49.28%
  7. 10.01秒内的235155个请求,31.17MB读取
  8. Socket错误:连接774次,读取0次,写入0次,超时3496
  9. 请求/秒: 23497.82
  10. 传输速率: 3.11MB

Macbook pro i7.

但是timeout 3496看起来不太好。


I made a simple martini app with rendering 1 html file and it's quite fast:

  1. wrk -t10 -c1000 -d10s http://localhost:3000/
  2. Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/
  3. 10 threads and 1000 connections
  4. Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
  5. Latency 31.94ms 38.80ms 109.56ms 83.25%
  6. Req/Sec 3.97k 3.63k 11.03k 49.28%
  7. 235155 requests in 10.01s, 31.17MB read
  8. Socket errors: connect 774, read 0, write 0, timeout 3496
  9. Requests/sec: 23497.82
  10. Transfer/sec: 3.11MB

Macbook pro i7.
This is app https://gist.github.com/zishe/9947025
It helps if you show your code, perhaps you didn't disable logs or missed something.

But timeout 3496 seems bad.


得分: 2

@Kr0e,没错!我发现在martini的依赖注入中过多地使用反射会导致性能下降。我转而使用gorilla mux,并编写了一些类似martini的辅助函数,得到了我想要的性能。

@Cory LaNou:我不能接受你的评论)现在我同意你的观点,生产环境中不使用框架是个好主意。谢谢



@Kr0e, right! I figured out that heavy use of reflection in DI of martini makes it perform slowly.
I moved to gorilla mux and wrote some martini-style helpers and got a wanted performance.

@Cory LaNou: I can't accept yours comment) Now I agree with you, no framework in prod is good idea. Thanks

@user3353963: See my question: Both uses production confs and compiled views


得分: 1



  1. func init(){
  2. martini.Env = martini.Prod
  3. }

add this code:

  1. func init(){
  2. martini.Env = martini.Prod
  3. }

sorry, your code have done.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年3月15日 07:39:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/22417661.html



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