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Does AppEngine's datastore.Get() not verify the namespace of the requested key?



func getThing() *Thing {
  nctx := appengine.Namespace(ctx, "whatever")

  thing := Thing{}
  key, err := datastore.Get(nctx, key, &thing)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return thing, nil


另一方面,如果我使用Thing的键作为祖先进行查询,数据存储(适当地)会返回错误,因为祖先的命名空间与上下文的命名空间不匹配(形式为query namespace is 'bar' but ancestor namespace is 'foo')。



I'm using namespaces with the datastore in go-appengine, roughly as follows:

func getThing() *Thing {
  nctx := appengine.Namespace(ctx, "whatever")

  thing := Thing{}
  key, err := datastore.Get(nctx, key, &thing)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return thing, nil

Simple enough, right? Unfortunately, if it turns out that if nctx's namespace doesn't match the key's, it happily fetches the object anyway. And AFAICT, there's no way to manually get at the key's 'namespace' field to verify it manually. This matters for our app, because we have keys coming from a web client, which can in some edge cases be associated with the wrong namespace.

OTOH, if I do a query using Thing's key as an ancestor, the datastore (appropriately) returns an error because of the namespace mismatch between the ancestor's namespace and that of the context (of the form query namespace is 'bar' but ancestor namespace is 'foo').

Am I missing something about the intended constraints on datastore fetches/queries and namespaces, or does this just sound like a bug?


得分: 1


就意图而言,这种行为等同于Python API - 从urlsafe字符串创建的键可以在设置了不同命名空间的namespace_mananger上获取,但如果你只指定了种类和ID来创建键,则使用当前设置的命名空间。



I assume you're passing around encoded keys, rather than just their IDs? If you create the key using datastore.NewKey then the context passed to that will set the namespace of the key (unless there's also a parent, in which case its namespace will be used).

With respect to the intention, this behaviour is equivalent to the python API - a key created from an urlsafe string can be fetched while a different namespace is set on the namespace_mananger, but the currently-set namespace is used if you create a key by specifying just the kind and id.

Having a getter for the namespace would be good though, so you could at least verify after unserializing...

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年1月14日 03:31:21
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