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why golang is slower than scala?






In this test, we can see that the performance of golang is sometimes much slower than scala. In my opinion, since the code of golang is compiled directly to c/c++ compatible binary code, while the code of scala is compiled to JVM byte code, golang should have much better performance, especially in these computation-intensive algorithm the benchmark did. Is my understanding incorrect?

<img src="http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u64/chartvs.php?r=eNoljskRAEEIAlPCA48ozD%2Bb1dkX1UIhzELXeGcih5BqXeksDvbs8Vgi9HFr23iGiD82SgxJqRWkKNctgkMVUfwlHXnZWDkut%2BMK1nGawoYeDLlYQ8eLG1tvF91Dd8NVGm4sBfGaYo0Pok0rWQ%3D%3D&m=eNozMFFwSU1WMDIwNFYoNTNRyAMAIvoEBA%3D%3D&w=eNpLz%2FcvTk7MSQQADkoDKg%3D%3D" />


得分: 58


  1. mandelbrot:Scala实现将其内部循环展开了一次。可能是因为JVM可以像这样向量化计算,而Go编译器目前还不能做到。这是很好的手动优化,再加上JVM对加速算术运算的支持更好。

  2. regex-dna:Scala实现没有按照基准测试要求进行操作:它被要求逐个匹配替换重定向文件中的模式,并记录序列长度,但它只是计算长度并打印出来。Go版本执行了匹配替换,因此较慢。

  3. k-nucleotide:Scala实现通过使用位操作将核苷酸打包到长整型中进行了优化,而不是使用字符。这是一个很好的优化方法,也可以应用到Go代码中。

  4. binary-trees:这个测试通过填充内存来测试垃圾回收性能。的确,Java的垃圾回收比Go的垃圾回收快得多,但不将其作为Go的首要任务的论点是,通常可以通过首先不产生垃圾来避免在真实程序中进行垃圾回收。


Here's what I think's going on in the four benchmarks where the go solutions are the slowest compared to the scala solutions.

  1. mandelbrot: the scala implementation has its internal loop unrolled one time. It may be also that the JVM can vectorise the calculation like this, which I think the go compiler doesn't yet do. This is good manual optimisation plus better JVM support for speeding arithmetic.
  2. regex-dna: the scala implementation isn't doing what the benchmark requires: it's asked to """(one pattern at a time) match-replace the pattern in the redirect file, and record the sequence length""" but it's just calculating the length and printing that. The go version does the match-replace so is slower.
  3. k-nucleotide: the scala implementation has been optimised by using bit-twiddling to pack nucleotides into a long rather than use chars. It's a good optimisation that could also be applied to the Go code.
  4. binary-trees: this tests gc performance by filling RAM. It's true that java gc is much faster than the go gc, but the argument for this not being the top priority for go is that usually one can avoid gc in real programs by not producing garbage in the first place.


得分: 20




This chart is from the Programming Shootout. You should read the disclaimers on the Shootout page before taking the benchmarks as gospel. At best these benchmarks are only useful for indicating broad expectations of performance.

That said, the JVM has a decade of well-funded optimization and apart from startup time, provides excellent performance for running code. Go is still a young language. The fact that Go comes within spitting distance of a JVM language is impressive. If you enjoy programming in Go, you should not reject it over one benchmark.


得分: 15





另外,考虑一下给定编程语言的不同版本的基准测试之间的10倍(!)速度差异。C gcc #7比C gcc #5慢8.3倍,Ada #3比Ada #5慢近10倍。这些基准测试提供了一个大致的想法,即语言之间的差异,但Go和Scala之间的差异在一个数量级内,这意味着运行时之间的任何“固有”变化可能会被实现中的差异所掩盖:这篇文章描述了他们通过执行更智能的内存分配来将程序加速11倍。也许编译器/运行时应该自动处理这种优化(就像JVM在某种程度上做的那样),但我不确定你是否真的可以从这些数据中得出“Go比Scala慢(或快)”的结论。只是我的观点 为什么Go语言比Scala慢?


This is discussed in the go FAQ:

>One of Go's design goals is to approach the performance of C for comparable programs, yet on some benchmarks it does quite poorly, including several in test/bench/shootout. The slowest depend on libraries for which versions of comparable performance are not available in Go. For instance, pidigits.go depends on a multi-precision math package, and the C versions, unlike Go's, use GMP (which is written in optimized assembler). Benchmarks that depend on regular expressions (regex-dna.go, for instance) are essentially comparing Go's native regexp package to mature, highly optimized regular expression libraries like PCRE.

>Benchmark games are won by extensive tuning and the Go versions of most of the benchmarks need attention. If you measure comparable C and Go programs (reverse-complement.go is one example), you'll see the two languages are much closer in raw performance than this suite would indicate.

>Still, there is room for improvement. The compilers are good but could be better, many libraries need major performance work, and the garbage collector isn't fast enough yet. (Even if it were, taking care not to generate unnecessary garbage can have a huge effect.)

As an aside, consider the 10x (!) speed difference between the different versions of a benchmark for a given programming language. C gcc #7 is 8.3 times slower than C gcc #5, and Ada #3 almost 10 times slower than Ada #5. These benchmarks provide a rough idea of how language compare, but the difference between Go and Scala is within one order of magnitude, which means any 'intrinsic' variation between the runtimes is likely to be dwarfed by differences in the implementation: this post describes how they sped up a program 11x by performing smarter memory allocation. Maybe the compiler/runtime should be handling this kind of optimisations automatically (as the JVM does, to a certain level), but I am not sure you can really draw the conclusion that 'Go is slower (resp. faster) than Scala' in the general case from these figures. Just my opinion though 为什么Go语言比Scala慢?


得分: 11





Since you seem to be keen in looking at these biased benchmarks. Let's take a real example for real scenario not some Fibonacci implementations.

Take a look at these rankings for web frameworks benchmarks, the testing was done using native client if available and sometimes using OSS web frameworks, they also use many packages for testing with the same language. The tests vary from requests for raw strings to using ORM to query a database.

It is clear that Scala performance is no where close to Go, in all of the tests Scala was below Go. Having said this, benchmarks are nothing close to reality and I suggest you look at a language from tools/features perspective or simply what would be best to solve your problem.


得分: 4





As Brad pointed out, these results are from one particular benchmark suite. This provides some information, but don't assume it's the whole picture. It would be helpful to know whether the source code is well enough written in each case to give the fastest speed, the least memory use, or some other target goal.

Perhaps we might compare with another website that ranks languages. Take a look at http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/ in which web service codes are compared. In spite of being a young language, Go is one of the best in some of these benchmarks.

As in all benchmarks, it always depends what you strive for and how you measure it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年1月2日 10:08:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/20875341.html



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