
huangapple go评论181阅读模式

How does Stride in unicode.RangeTable work?




func printChars(ranges []unicode.Range16) {
  for _, r := range ranges {

    if r.Hi >= 0x80 { // 只显示ASCII字符
    fmt.Println("Lo:", r.Lo, "Hi:", r.Hi, "Stride:", r.Stride)

    for c := r.Lo; c <= r.Hi; c++ {
      fmt.Print(string(c) + " ")


// Lo: 48 Hi: 57 Stride: 1
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


// Lo: 33 Hi: 35 Stride: 1
// ! " #
// Lo: 37 Hi: 42 Stride: 1
// % & ' ( ) *
// Lo: 44 Hi: 47 Stride: 1
// , - . /
// Lo: 58 Hi: 59 Stride: 1
// : ;
// Lo: 63 Hi: 64 Stride: 1
// ? @
// Lo: 91 Hi: 93 Stride: 1
// [ \ ]
// Lo: 95 Hi: 123 Stride: 28
// _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z {



  • ) 右括号 (U+0029, Pe)
  • ] 右方括号 (U+005D, Pe)
  • } 右花括号 (U+007D, Pe)


// Lo: 41 Hi: 93 Stride: 52
// ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]




I'd like some help on understanding the unicode package's RangeTable.

Using this (supposedly helping) function:

func printChars(ranges []unicode.Range16) {
  for _, r := range ranges {

    if r.Hi &gt;= 0x80 { // show only ascii
    fmt.Println(&quot;\nLo:&quot;, r.Lo, &quot;Hi:&quot;, r.Hi, &quot;Stride:&quot;, r.Stride)

    for c := r.Lo; c &lt;= r.Hi; c++ {
      fmt.Print(string(c) + &quot; &quot;)

For digits, I can do printChars(unicode.Digit.R16), and the sequence of digits make sense to me.

 // Lo: 48 Hi: 57 Stride: 1
 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

However, to get punctuation printChars(unicode.Punct.R16) results in

 // Lo: 33 Hi: 35 Stride: 1
 // ! &quot; #
 // Lo: 37 Hi: 42 Stride: 1
 // % &amp; &#39; ( ) *
 // Lo: 44 Hi: 47 Stride: 1
 //  , - . /
 // Lo: 58 Hi: 59 Stride: 1
 // : ;
 // Lo: 63 Hi: 64 Stride: 1
 // ? @
 // Lo: 91 Hi: 93 Stride: 1
 // [ \ ]
 // Lo: 95 Hi: 123 Stride: 28
 // _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z {

I'm surprised that the lower case letters are included too. Also, what does "Stride" mean? It's 1 for all but the last, but the hi-lo difference varies.

As another example, printChars(unicode.Pe.R16). I thought this should give only the end punctuation:

  • ) right parenthesis (U+0029, Pe)
  • ] right square bracket (U+005D, Pe)
  • } right curly bracket (U+007D, Pe)

But instead my function prints

 // Lo: 41 Hi: 93 Stride: 52
 // ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]

Presumably I'm completely misunderstanding the way this is supposed to work.

How might I correctly get a list of characters in a given category, for example, Punctuation End (Pe) as above?


得分: 2


package main

import (

func printChars(ranges []unicode.Range16) {
  for _, r := range ranges {

    if r.Hi >= 0x100 {
    fmt.Println("\nLo:", r.Lo, "Hi:", r.Hi, "Stride:", r.Stride)

    for c := r.Lo; c <= r.Hi; c+=r.Stride {
      fmt.Print(string(c) + " ")

func main() {


% go run main.go

Lo: 33 Hi: 35 Stride: 1
! " # 
Lo: 37 Hi: 42 Stride: 1
% & ' ( ) * 
Lo: 44 Hi: 47 Stride: 1
, - . / 
Lo: 58 Hi: 59 Stride: 1
: ; 
Lo: 63 Hi: 64 Stride: 1
? @ 
Lo: 91 Hi: 93 Stride: 1
[ \ ] 
Lo: 95 Hi: 123 Stride: 28
_ { 
Lo: 125 Hi: 161 Stride: 36
} ¡ 
Lo: 167 Hi: 171 Stride: 4
§ « 
Lo: 182 Hi: 183 Stride: 1
¶ · 
Lo: 187 Hi: 191 Stride: 4
» ¿ 



Stride is the step with which you have to iterate over the range. Let's heighten the boundary of 0x80 a bit and make the loop to iterate using Stride:

package main

import (

func printChars(ranges []unicode.Range16) {
  for _, r := range ranges {

    if r.Hi &gt;= 0x100 {
    fmt.Println(&quot;\nLo:&quot;, r.Lo, &quot;Hi:&quot;, r.Hi, &quot;Stride:&quot;, r.Stride)

    for c := r.Lo; c &lt;= r.Hi; c+=r.Stride {
      fmt.Print(string(c) + &quot; &quot;)

func main() {

And here is the output:

<!-- language: lang-none -->

% go run main.go

Lo: 33 Hi: 35 Stride: 1
! &quot; # 
Lo: 37 Hi: 42 Stride: 1
% &amp; &#39; ( ) * 
Lo: 44 Hi: 47 Stride: 1
, - . / 
Lo: 58 Hi: 59 Stride: 1
: ; 
Lo: 63 Hi: 64 Stride: 1
? @ 
Lo: 91 Hi: 93 Stride: 1
[ \ ] 
Lo: 95 Hi: 123 Stride: 28
_ { 
Lo: 125 Hi: 161 Stride: 36
} &#161; 
Lo: 167 Hi: 171 Stride: 4
&#167; &#171; 
Lo: 182 Hi: 183 Stride: 1
&#182; &#183; 
Lo: 187 Hi: 191 Stride: 4
&#187; &#191; 

Looks pretty much correct to me.


得分: 2


func RunesFromRange(tab *unicode.RangeTable) <-chan rune {
    res := make(chan rune)
    go func() {
        for _, r16 := range tab.R16 {
            for c := r16.Lo; c <= r16.Hi; c += r16.Stride {
                res <- rune(c)
        for _, r32 := range tab.R32 {
            for c := r32.Lo; c <= r32.Hi; c += r32.Stride {
                res <- rune(c)
    return res


for c := range RunesFromRange(unicode.Punct) {
    fmt.Printf("%04x %s\n", c, string(c))

可以在Go Playground上运行可执行代码(我喜欢输出中以0x0df4开头的字符)。


Here is a helper function which makes it easy to iterate over all runes contained in a RangeTable:

func RunesFromRange(tab *unicode.RangeTable) &lt;-chan rune {
	res := make(chan rune)
	go func() {
		for _, r16 := range tab.R16 {
			for c := r16.Lo; c &lt;= r16.Hi; c += r16.Stride {
				res &lt;- rune(c)
		for _, r32 := range tab.R32 {
			for c := r32.Lo; c &lt;= r32.Hi; c += r32.Stride {
				res &lt;- rune(c)
	return res

The function can be used as follows:

for c := range RunesFromRange(unicode.Punct) {
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%04x %s\n&quot;, c, string(c))

Runnable code to play with is on the Go Playground (I like the characters starting with 0x 0df4 in the output).

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年11月24日 23:01:34
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
