When should I use concurrency in Go?

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When should I use concurrency in Go?




So besides handling multiple server requests is there any other time that concurrency is relevant? I ask because it's so built into the language that I feel wasteful if I don't use it but I can barely find a use for it.


得分: 9





你不需要为多个goroutine做特殊安排,它们可以和谐地一起工作 - 它们只是这样做!

这是一个自然并发算法的示例 - 我想将多个通道合并为一个。一旦所有输入通道都耗尽,我就想关闭输出通道。

使用并发只是更简单 - 实际上它看起来甚至不像并发 - 它几乎看起来像是过程化的。

  1. /*
  2. 将多个通道复用为一个通道。
  3. */
  4. func Mux(channels []chan big.Int) chan big.Int {
  5. // 当每个通道关闭时进行倒计时。当计数为零时 - 关闭 ch。
  6. var wg sync.WaitGroup
  7. wg.Add(len(channels))
  8. // 输出通道。
  9. ch := make(chan big.Int, len(channels))
  10. // 为每个通道创建一个 goroutine。
  11. for _, c := range channels {
  12. go func(c <-chan big.Int) {
  13. // 进行数据传输。
  14. for x := range c {
  15. ch <- x
  16. }
  17. // 它已关闭。
  18. wg.Done()
  19. }(c)
  20. }
  21. // 在传输完成后关闭通道。
  22. go func() {
  23. // 等待所有人完成。
  24. wg.Wait()
  25. // 关闭通道。
  26. close(ch)
  27. }()
  28. return ch
  29. }


请注意,这不是完全我自己的工作 - 我在这里得到了很多帮助这里


Not an expert in Go (yet) but I'd say:

Whenever it is easiest to do so.

The beauty of the concurrency model in Go is that it is not fundamentally a multi-core architecture with checks and balances where things usually break - it is a multi-threaded paradigm that not only fits well into a multi-core architecture, it also fits well into a distributed system architecture.

You do not have to make special arrangements for multiple goroutines to work together harmoniously - they just do!

Here's an example of a naturally concurrent algorithm - I want to merge multiple channels into one. Once all of the input channels are exhausted I want to close the output channel.

It is just simpler to use concurrency - in fact it doesn't even look like concurrency - it looks almost procedural.

  1. /*
  2. Multiplex a number of channels into one.
  3. */
  4. func Mux(channels []chan big.Int) chan big.Int {
  5. // Count down as each channel closes. When hits zero - close ch.
  6. var wg sync.WaitGroup
  7. wg.Add(len(channels))
  8. // The channel to output to.
  9. ch := make(chan big.Int, len(channels))
  10. // Make one go per channel.
  11. for _, c := range channels {
  12. go func(c &lt;-chan big.Int) {
  13. // Pump it.
  14. for x := range c {
  15. ch &lt;- x
  16. }
  17. // It closed.
  18. wg.Done()
  19. }(c)
  20. }
  21. // Close the channel when the pumping is finished.
  22. go func() {
  23. // Wait for everyone to be done.
  24. wg.Wait()
  25. // Close.
  26. close(ch)
  27. }()
  28. return ch
  29. }

The only concession I have to make to concurrency here is to use a sync.WaitGroup as a counter for concurrent counting.

Note that this is not purely my own work - I had a great deal of help with this here.


得分: 7

这里有一个来自Go语言发明者之一Rob Pike的很好的例子,展示了使用并发的好处,因为它是表达问题解决方案的一种更简单的方式:






Here is a good example from one of Go's inventors, Rob Pike, of using concurrency because it is an easier way to express the solution to a problem:

Lexical Scanning in Go

Generalizing on that a bit, any producer-consumer problem is a natural fit for 2 goroutines using a channel to pass outputs from the producer to the consumer.

Another good use for concurrency is interacting with multiple input/output sources (disks, network, terminal, etc.). Your program should be able to wake up and do some work whenever a result comes from any of these sources. It is possible to do this with one thread and a system call like poll(2) or select(2). When your thread wakes up, it must figure out which result came in, find where it left off in the relevant task, and pick up from there. That's a lot of code you need to write.

Writing that code is much easier using one goroutine per task. Then the state of that task is captured implicitly in the goroutine, and picking up where it left off is as simple as waking up and running.


得分: 5

我的两分钱...如果你只在并发的上下文中考虑通道/ goroutine,那你就错过了很多。





My 2 cents... If you think about channels/goroutines only in the context of concurrency, you are missing the boat.

While go is not an object language or strictly a functional language, it does allow you to take design features from both and apply them.

One of the basic tenets of object oriented design is the Single Responsibility
Principle. Applying this principle forces you to think about design in terms of messages, rather than complex object behavior. These same design constraints can be used in go, to allow you to start thinking about "messages on channels" connecting single purpose functions.

This is just one example, but if you start thinking this way, you'll see many more.


得分: 0


  • 在等待网络请求、磁盘I/O或数据库查询完成时执行操作
  • 更快地执行分而治之的算法
  • 由于goroutine是函数,而函数在Go中是一等公民,你可以将它们作为变量传递。当程序有许多自治的部分时,这非常方便。(例如,我正在尝试模拟城市的交通系统。每辆车都是一个独立的goroutine,它们通过使用通道与交叉口和其他车辆进行通信。每个goroutine都在做自己的事情。)
  • 在不同设备上同时进行I/O操作
  • 使用并发在图像的一组点上执行Dijkstra算法以绘制“智能剪刀”线条——每个点一个goroutine,这种实现方式显著提高了速度。
  • GoConvey使用并发同时在多个包中运行测试,以便在使用Web UI进行调试时更快地响应变化。(作为固有的奖励,这样做会为测试序列添加一些伪随机性,使测试结果真正一致。)


关于这些问题的一些启发和重要区别,以及一些有趣的Gopher图片,请参阅Concurrency is not Parallelism


Also not an expert at Go, so some of my approaches may be non-canonical, but here are some ways I've found concurrency useful so far:

  • Doing operations while waiting for a network request, disk I/O, or database query to finish
  • Executing divide-and-conquer algorithms more quickly
  • Since goroutines are functions, and functions are first-class citizens in Go, you can pass them around as variables. This is convenient when your program has many autonomous pieces. (For example, I'm playing around with simulating a city's traffic system. Each vehicle is its own goroutine, and they communicate with intersections and other vehicles by using channels. Each one does its own thing.)
  • Simultaneous I/O operations across different devices
  • Used concurrency to perform Dijkstra's algorithm on a set of points in an image to draw "intelligent scissor" lines -- one goroutine per point made this implementation significantly faster.
  • GoConvey uses concurrency to run tests across packages at the same time to respond faster to changes while debugging using the web UI. (As an inherent bonus, this adds some pseudo-randomness to the testing sequence so your test results are truly consistent.)

Concurrency could be (read: "is sometimes, but not necessarily always") useful when you have operations that could run independently of each other but would otherwise run sequentially. Even if those operations depend on data or some sort of signal from other goroutines at certain points, you can communicate that all with channels.

For some inspiration and an important distinction in these matters, and for some funny gopher pictures, see Concurrency is not Parallelism.


得分: -1



Any time an item of data doesn't depend on the previous one.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年11月3日 07:09:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/19747950.html



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