Unpacking <select> fields with gorilla/schema

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Unpacking <select> fields with gorilla/schema





  1. type Listing struct {
  2. Id string `schema:"-"`
  3. Title string `schema:"title"`
  4. Company string `schema:"company"`
  5. Location string `schema:"location"`
  6. ...
  7. Term string `schema:"term"`
  8. }
  1. if r.Method == "POST" {
  2. // 省略了错误处理代码,但请相信,它是存在的!
  3. err = r.ParseForm()
  4. err = decoder.Decode(listing, r.PostForm)
  5. err = listing.Validate() // 检查字段长度,因为我使用的是无模式的数据存储
  6. }
  1. <label for="term">Term</label>
  2. <select data-placeholder="Term...?" id="term" name="term" required>
  3. <option name="term" value="full-time">Full Time</option>
  4. <option name="term" value="part-time">Part Time</option>
  5. <option name="term" value="contract">Contract</option>
  6. <option name="term" value="freelance">Freelance</option>
  7. </select>


  1. renderTemplate(w, "create_listing.tmpl", M{
  2. "listing": listing,
  3. })
  1. <label for="term">Term</label>
  2. <select data-placeholder="Term...?" id="term" name="term" required>
  3. <option name="term" value="full-time" {{ if .term == "full-time" }}selected{{end}}>Full Time</option>
  4. <option name="term" value="part-time"{{ if .term == "part-time" }}selected{{end}}>Part Time</option>
  5. <option name="term" value="contract" {{ if .term == "contract" }}selected{{end}}>Contract</option>
  6. <option name="term" value="freelance" {{ if .term == "freelance" }}selected{{end}}>Freelance</option>
  7. </select>

显然,这样做是行不通的。我考虑过使用template.FuncMap作为可能的解决方案,但我不确定在我想要将整个listing实例传递给模板时如何使用它(即而不是逐个字段地传递)。如果可能的话,我还希望尽量减少结构体中不必要的字段。我可以为每个值(例如Fulltime bool)添加布尔字段,但如果用户返回并编辑其他字段,我还需要编写代码将其他字段更改为“false”。



I'm using gorilla/schema to unpack r.PostForm into a struct.

My issue is that I'm trying to figure out a "sensible" way to get the selected value of a &lt;select&gt; element in a way that allows me to easily use html/template to re-select the field (i.e. when re-populating the form from a session) noting that there isn't an easy way to test for equality and just by passing an instance of the struct to RenderTemplate.

To illustrate what I have:

  1. type Listing struct {
  2. Id string `schema:&quot;-&quot;`
  3. Title string `schema:&quot;title&quot;`
  4. Company string `schema:&quot;company&quot;`
  5. Location string `schema:&quot;location&quot;`
  6. ...
  7. Term string `schema:&quot;term&quot;`
  8. }

  1. if r.Method == &quot;POST&quot; {
  2. // error handling code removed for brevity, but trust me, it exists!
  3. err = r.ParseForm()
  4. err = decoder.Decode(listing, r.PostForm)
  5. err = listing.Validate() // checks field lengths as I&#39;m using a schema-less datastore

  1. &lt;label for=&quot;term&quot;&gt;Term&lt;/label&gt;
  2. &lt;select data-placeholder=&quot;Term...?&quot; id=&quot;term&quot; name=&quot;term&quot; required&gt;
  3. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;full-time&quot;&gt;Full Time&lt;/option&gt;
  4. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;part-time&quot;&gt;Part Time&lt;/option&gt;
  5. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;contract&quot;&gt;Contract&lt;/option&gt;
  6. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;freelance&quot;&gt;Freelance&lt;/option&gt;
  7. &lt;/select&gt;

... and what I want to be able to do when I pass an instance of listing to the template:

  1. renderTemplate(w, &quot;create_listing.tmpl&quot;, M{
  2. &quot;listing&quot;: listing,
  3. })

  1. &lt;label for=&quot;term&quot;&gt;Term&lt;/label&gt;
  2. &lt;select data-placeholder=&quot;Term...?&quot; id=&quot;term&quot; name=&quot;term&quot; required&gt;
  3. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;full-time&quot; {{ if .term == &quot;full-time&quot; }}selected{{end}}&gt;Full Time&lt;/option&gt;
  4. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;part-time&quot;{{ if .term == &quot;part-time&quot; }}selected{{end}}&gt;Part Time&lt;/option&gt;
  5. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;contract&quot; {{ if .term == &quot;contract&quot; }}selected{{end}}&gt;Contract&lt;/option&gt;
  6. &lt;option name=&quot;term&quot; value=&quot;freelance&quot; {{ if .term == &quot;freelance&quot; }}selected{{end}}&gt;Freelance&lt;/option&gt;
  7. &lt;/select&gt;

Obviously this won't work. I've considered template.FuncMap as a possible solution but I'm not sure how I can use this when I want to pass the entire listing instance to the template (i.e. instead of field-by-field). I also want to, if possible, minimise unnecessary fields in my struct. I could have boolean fields for each value (i.e. Fulltime bool, but I then need code to change the other fields to "false" if the user goes back and edits things.

Is there a way to achieve this in way that meshes well with the limitations of template/html?


得分: 5


  1. {{define "select"}}
  2. <select name="{{.Name}}">
  3. {{range $a, $b := .Options}}
  4. <option value="{{print $a}}" {{if $a == .Selected}}selected{{end}}>{{print $b}}</option>
  5. {{end}}
  6. </select>
  7. {{end}}


  1. type SelectBlock struct {
  2. Name string
  3. Selected string
  4. Options map[string]string
  5. }


  1. termSelect := SelectBlock{
  2. Name: "term",
  3. Selected: "",
  4. Options: map[string]string{
  5. "full-time": "全职",
  6. "part-time": "兼职",
  7. "contract": "合同工",
  8. "freelance": "自由职业",
  9. },
  10. }


  1. termSelect.Selected = "full-time"


  1. {{template "select" $termSelect}}



You could write a view to build and represent a select element:

  1. {{define &quot;select&quot;}}
  2. &lt;select name=&quot;{{.Name}}&gt;
  3. {{range $a, $b := .Options}}
  4. &lt;option value=&quot;{{print $a}}&quot; {{if $a == .Selected}}&gt;{{print $b}}&lt;/option&gt;
  5. {{end}}
  6. &lt;/select&gt;
  7. {{end}}

And the corresponding data structure:

  1. type SelectBlock struct {
  2. Name string
  3. Selected string
  4. Options map[string]string
  5. }

Then instantiate it:

  1. termSelect := SelectBlock{
  2. Name: &quot;term&quot;,
  3. Selected: &quot;&quot;,
  4. Options: map[string]string{
  5. &quot;full-time&quot;: &quot;Full Time&quot;,
  6. &quot;part-time&quot;: &quot;Part Time&quot;,
  7. &quot;contract&quot;: &quot;Contract&quot;,
  8. &quot;freelance&quot;: &quot;Freelance&quot;,
  9. },
  10. }

And set the Selected field:

  1. termSelect.Selected = &quot;full-time&quot;

And output the view fragment inside your form view:

  1. {{template &quot;select&quot; $termSelect}}

Where $termSelect would be your instance of SelectBlock.


得分: 2

对于将来使用 Go v1.2 或更高版本的其他人来说,text/templatehtml/template 现在提供了一个相等运算符(以及其他新的运算符):http://golang.org/doc/go1.2#text_template

{{if eq .Term "full-time" }}selected{{end}}
{{if eq .Term "freelance" }}selected{{end}}


For others looking at this in the future, who are using Go v1.2 or later: text/template and html/template now offer an equality operator (amongst other new operators): http://golang.org/doc/go1.2#text_template

  1. {{if eq .Term &quot;full-time&quot; }}selected{{end}}
  2. ...
  3. {{if eq .Term &quot;freelance&quot; }}selected{{end}}

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年10月21日 12:06:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/19486103.html



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