How exactly are interface variables implemented in Go?

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How exactly are interface variables implemented in Go?


在下面的代码片段中,我想了解当iPerson的内容仍未初始化时,实际上存储了什么:只是一个值为0的字节吗?还是在底层实际上是一个指针(当然也初始化为0字节)?无论如何,在iPerson = person发生了什么?

如果iPerson = person复制了person,那么当一个实现了IPerson接口但具有不同大小/内存占用的对象被赋值给iPerson时会发生什么?我理解iPerson是一个存储在堆栈上的变量,所以它的大小必须是固定的。这是否意味着堆实际上在底层被使用,所以iPerson实际上是一个指针,但赋值仍然会复制对象,就像上面的代码所示?


  1. type Person struct{ name string }
  2. type IPerson interface{}
  3. func main() {
  4. var person Person = Person{"John"}
  5. var iPerson IPerson
  6. fmt.Println(person) // => John
  7. fmt.Println(iPerson) // => <nil> ...所以看起来是一个指针
  8. iPerson = person // ...这似乎是在复制
  9. fmt.Println(iPerson) // => John
  10. = "Mike"
  11. fmt.Println(person) // => Mike
  12. fmt.Println(iPerson) // => John ...所以看起来它不是一个指针,
  13. // 或者至少肯定复制了某些东西
  14. }



  1. iPerson = person
  2. iPerson = &person
  • 这两种都是合法的。然而,对我来说,这引发了一个问题:为什么编译器允许发生这种弱类型转换?上述的一个含义是:
  1. iPerson = &person
  2. var person2 = iPerson.(Person) # panic: interface conversion: interface is *main.Person, not main.Person


  1. iPerson = person
  2. var person2 = iPerson.(Person) # OK



In the below code snippet, I'd like to understand what exactly gets stored in iPerson when its contents are still uninitialized: just a value of 0-bytes? Or is it actually a pointer under the hood (and also initialized to 0-bytes of course)? In any case, what exactly happens at iPerson = person?

If iPerson = person makes a copy of person, what happens then when an object implementing IPerson but with a different size/memory footprint gets assigned to iPerson? I understand iPerson is a variable stored on the stack, so its size must be fixed. Does that mean that the heap is actually used under the hood, so iPerson is actually implemented as a pointer, but assignments still copy the object, as demonstrated by the above code?
Here's the code:

  1. type Person struct{ name string }
  2. type IPerson interface{}
  3. func main() {
  4. var person Person = Person{&quot;John&quot;}
  5. var iPerson IPerson
  6. fmt.Println(person) // =&gt; John
  7. fmt.Println(iPerson) // =&gt; &lt;nil&gt; looks like a pointer
  8. iPerson = person // ...this seems to be making a copy
  9. fmt.Println(iPerson) // =&gt; John
  10. = &quot;Mike&quot;
  11. fmt.Println(person) // =&gt; Mike
  12. fmt.Println(iPerson) // =&gt; John looks like it wasn&#39;t a pointer,
  13. // or at least something was definitely copied
  14. }

(This question is the result of me having second thoughts on the precise factual correctness of my answer to So I decided to try to do some investigation to understand how is it exactly that interface variables and assignments to them work in Go.)

EDIT: after having received a few useful answers, I'm still puzzled with this:

  1. iPerson = person
  2. iPerson = &amp;person

—both are legal. However, to me, this raises the question of why the compiler allows such weak typing to occur? One implication of the above is this:

  1. iPerson = &amp;person
  2. var person2 = iPerson.(Person) # panic: interface conversion: interface is *main.Person, not main.Person

whereas changing the first line fixes it:

  1. iPerson = person
  2. var person2 = iPerson.(Person) # OK it's not possible to determine statically whether iPerson holds a pointer or a value; and it seems that anything can assign either one to it at runtime with no errors raised. Why was such design decision made? What purpose does it serve? It definitely does not to fit within the "type safety" mindset.


得分: 9


  1. iPerson = person
  2. iPerson = &person





You ask why both of

  1. iPerson = person
  2. iPerson = &amp;person

are permitted. They are both permitted because both person and &person implement the IPerson interface. This is obvious, because IPerson is the empty interface--every value implements it.

It's true that you can't determine statically whether a value of IPerson holds a pointer or a value. So what? All you know about IPerson is that any object stored in a value of that type implements the list of methods in the interface. The assumption is that those methods are implemented correctly. Whether IPerson holds a value or a pointer is irrelevant to that.

For example, if the method is supposed to change something stored in the object, then that the method pretty much has to be a pointer method, in which case only a pointer value can be stored in the variable of interface type. But if none of the methods change something stored in the object, then they can all be value methods, and a non-pointer value can be stored in the variable.


得分: 7


接口值的第二个字指向实际数据,在这种情况下是b的一个副本。赋值var s Stringer = b会创建b的一个副本,而不是指向b,原因与var c uint64 = b创建副本的原因相同:如果b后来发生了变化,sc应该保留原始值,而不是新值。


[...] 当实现IPerson接口的对象的大小/内存占用不同时,将一个这样的对象分配给iPerson时会发生什么?






So, looks like internally, the interface variable does hold a pointer to what was assigned to it. An excerpt from

> The second word in the interface value points at the actual data, in this case a copy of b. The assignment var s Stringer = b makes a copy of b rather than point at b for the same reason that var c uint64 = b makes a copy: if b later changes, s and c are supposed to have the original value, not the new one.

My question

> [...] what happens then when an object implementing IPerson but with a different size/memory footprint gets assigned to iPerson?

...also gets answered in the article:

> Values stored in interfaces might be arbitrarily large, but only one word is dedicated to holding the value in the interface structure, so the assignment allocates a chunk of memory on the heap and records the pointer in the one-word slot.

So yeah, a copy on the heap is made and a pointer to it assigned to the interface variable. But, apparently, to the programmer, the interface variable has the semantics of a value variable not a pointer variable.

(Thanks to Volker for providing the link; but also, the first part of his answer is factually plain wrong... So I don't know if I should downvote for the misleading information or upvote for the non-misleading and rather useful link (which also happens to contradict his own answer).)


得分: 6


  1. iPerson = person

你将一个 Person 值存储在接口变量中。由于对结构体的赋值会执行一次拷贝,所以你的代码确实进行了一次拷贝。要从接口内部检索结构体,你需要再进行一次拷贝:

  1. p := iPerson.(Person)


  1. iPerson = &person



When you execute the following line:

  1. iPerson = person

You are storing a Person value in the interface variable. Since assignment to a struct performs a copy, yes your code is taking a copy. To retrieve the struct from inside the interface you'll need to take another copy:

  1. p := iPerson.(Person)

so you'd rarely want to do this with mutable types. If you instead want to store a pointer to the struct in the interface variable, you need to do this explicitly:

  1. iPerson = &amp;person

As far as what goes on under the hood, you are right that interface variables allocate heap space to store values larger than a pointer, but this is usually not visible to the user.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年10月7日 18:12:58
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