
huangapple go评论107阅读模式

What is the intended usage of named return variables in Go?






  1. package main
  2. func main() {
  3. var sVar1, sVar2 string
  4. println("Test Function return-values")
  5. sVar1, sVar2 = fGetVal(1)
  6. println("This was returned for '1' : " + sVar1 + ", " + sVar2)
  7. sVar1, sVar2 = fGetVal(2)
  8. println("This was returned for '2' : " + sVar1 + ", " + sVar2)
  9. }
  10. func fGetVal(iSeln int) (sReturn1 string, sReturn2 string) {
  11. sReturn1 = "This is 'sReturn1'"
  12. sReturn2 = "This is 'sReturn2'"
  13. switch iSeln {
  14. case 1 : return
  15. default : return "This is not 'sReturn1'", "This is not 'sReturn2'"
  16. }
  17. }

I find the provision of named returned variables in Go to be a useful feature, because it can avoid the separate declaration of a variable or variables. However, in some instances I want to return a different variable to the variable declared in the function as the return-variable. That appears to work ok, however I do find it a little strange to declare a return variable and then return something else.

While writing a test program to help learn Go (not the one below), I found it a little annoying specifying the return variable in the return statement of functions returning multiple variables. Particularly so, because the variables had been named in the function declaration. I now find while posting this, that it appears that where there are named return variables, they don't need to be used in the return statement, just "return" will suffice and will implicitly use the named variables. That I find this a great feature.

So, although I have possibly partly answered my own question, could someone advise if my usage below is acceptable? I'm sure this is documented, but I haven't come across it, and it doesn't appear to be in the reference-book that I purchased which I think overlooks this feature.

Basically, the rule appears to be (as far as I can determine), that where named return variables are used, that the function statement declares the variables, and also the function can optionally implicitly uses them as the return values, however this can be overridden by using explicit return values.

Example Program :

  1. package main
  2. func main() {
  3. var sVar1, sVar2 string
  4. println("Test Function return-values")
  5. sVar1, sVar2 = fGetVal(1)
  6. println("This was returned for '1' : " + sVar1 + ", " + sVar2)
  7. sVar1, sVar2 = fGetVal(2)
  8. println("This was returned for '2' : " + sVar1 + ", " + sVar2)
  9. }
  10. func fGetVal(iSeln int) (sReturn1 string, sReturn2 string) {
  11. sReturn1 = "This is 'sReturn1'"
  12. sReturn2 = "This is 'sReturn2'"
  13. switch iSeln {
  14. case 1 : return
  15. default : return "This is not 'sReturn1'", "This is not 'sReturn2'"
  16. }
  17. }


得分: 23





  1. func f(a int, b int, c int) (int, int)


  1. * a
  2. * b
  3. * c
  4. * 用于返回参数1的空间
  5. * 用于返回参数2的空间


  1. func f(a int, b int, c int) (x int, y int)
  2. * a
  3. * b
  4. * c
  5. * x
  6. * y


现在来看一些反汇编代码!使用go build -gcflags -S test.go编译这段代码:

  1. package a
  2. func f(a int, b int, c int) (int, int) {
  3. return a, 0
  4. }
  5. func g(a int, b int, c int) (x int, y int) {
  6. x = a
  7. return
  8. }


  1. --- prog list "f" ---
  2. 0000 (test.go:3) TEXT f+0(SB),$0-40
  3. 0001 (test.go:3) LOCALS ,$0
  4. 0002 (test.go:3) TYPE a+0(FP){int},$8
  5. 0003 (test.go:3) TYPE b+8(FP){int},$8
  6. 0004 (test.go:3) TYPE c+16(FP){int},$8
  7. 0005 (test.go:3) TYPE ~anon3+24(FP){int},$8
  8. 0006 (test.go:3) TYPE ~anon4+32(FP){int},$8
  9. 0007 (test.go:4) MOVQ a+0(FP),BX
  10. 0008 (test.go:4) MOVQ BX,~anon3+24(FP)
  11. 0009 (test.go:4) MOVQ $0,~anon4+32(FP)
  12. 0010 (test.go:4) RET ,
  13. --- prog list "g" ---
  14. 0011 (test.go:7) TEXT g+0(SB),$0-40
  15. 0012 (test.go:7) LOCALS ,$0
  16. 0013 (test.go:7) TYPE a+0(FP){int},$8
  17. 0014 (test.go:7) TYPE b+8(FP){int},$8
  18. 0015 (test.go:7) TYPE c+16(FP){int},$8
  19. 0016 (test.go:7) TYPE x+24(FP){int},$8
  20. 0017 (test.go:7) TYPE y+32(FP){int},$8
  21. 0018 (test.go:7) MOVQ $0,y+32(FP)
  22. 0019 (test.go:8) MOVQ a+0(FP),BX
  23. 0020 (test.go:8) MOVQ BX,x+24(FP)
  24. 0021 (test.go:9) RET ,



Your usage is absolutely fine and you'll find plenty of similar examples in the Go source code.

I'll attempt to explain how the return statement actually works in Go to give a deeper appreciation of why. It is useful to have a think about how Go implements parameter passing and return from functions. Once you understand that you'll understand why named return variables are so natural.

All arguments to functions and all return values from functions are passed on the stack in Go. This varies from C which usually passes some parameters in registers. When a function is called in Go the caller makes space on the stack for both the arguments and the return values then calls the function.

Specifically, when this function is called, which has 3 input parameters a, b, c and two return values

  1. func f(a int, b int, c int) (int, int)

The stack will look like this (low memory address at the top)

  1. * a
  2. * b
  3. * c
  4. * space for return parameter 1
  5. * space for return parameter 2

Now it is obvious that naming your return parameter just names those locations on the stack.

  1. func f(a int, b int, c int) (x int, y int)
  2. * a
  3. * b
  4. * c
  5. * x
  6. * y

It should now also be obvious what an empty return statement does - it just returns to the caller with whatever the values of x and y are.

Now for some disassembly! Compiling this with go build -gcflags -S test.go

  1. package a
  2. func f(a int, b int, c int) (int, int) {
  3. return a, 0
  4. }
  5. func g(a int, b int, c int) (x int, y int) {
  6. x = a
  7. return
  8. }


  1. --- prog list "f" ---
  2. 0000 (test.go:3) TEXT f+0(SB),$0-40
  3. 0001 (test.go:3) LOCALS ,$0
  4. 0002 (test.go:3) TYPE a+0(FP){int},$8
  5. 0003 (test.go:3) TYPE b+8(FP){int},$8
  6. 0004 (test.go:3) TYPE c+16(FP){int},$8
  7. 0005 (test.go:3) TYPE ~anon3+24(FP){int},$8
  8. 0006 (test.go:3) TYPE ~anon4+32(FP){int},$8
  9. 0007 (test.go:4) MOVQ a+0(FP),BX
  10. 0008 (test.go:4) MOVQ BX,~anon3+24(FP)
  11. 0009 (test.go:4) MOVQ $0,~anon4+32(FP)
  12. 0010 (test.go:4) RET ,
  13. --- prog list "g" ---
  14. 0011 (test.go:7) TEXT g+0(SB),$0-40
  15. 0012 (test.go:7) LOCALS ,$0
  16. 0013 (test.go:7) TYPE a+0(FP){int},$8
  17. 0014 (test.go:7) TYPE b+8(FP){int},$8
  18. 0015 (test.go:7) TYPE c+16(FP){int},$8
  19. 0016 (test.go:7) TYPE x+24(FP){int},$8
  20. 0017 (test.go:7) TYPE y+32(FP){int},$8
  21. 0018 (test.go:7) MOVQ $0,y+32(FP)
  22. 0019 (test.go:8) MOVQ a+0(FP),BX
  23. 0020 (test.go:8) MOVQ BX,x+24(FP)
  24. 0021 (test.go:9) RET ,

Both functions assemble to pretty much the same code. You can see quite clearly the declarations of a,b,c,x,y on the stack in g, though in f, the return values are anonymous anon3 and anon4.


得分: 8

注意:CL 20024(2016年3月,适用于Go 1.7)澄清了命名返回值的用法,并在go自身的代码库中说明了何时适合使用它:

> ## all:当无用时删除公共命名返回值
> 命名返回值只应在公共函数和方法中使用,当它对文档有贡献时
> 如果命名返回值只是为了在函数体内节省几行代码,尤其是如果这意味着文档中有重复的内容,或者只是为了让程序员可以使用裸返回语句,那么就不应该使用命名返回值。(除非在非常小的函数中,不应使用裸返回)
> 此更改是对公共函数签名的手动审核和清理。
> 如果满足以下条件,则不更改签名:
> * 函数是私有的(不会出现在公共godoc中)
> * 文档引用了它


  1. func (f *File) Open() (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {


  1. func (f *File) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {


  1. // Open返回一个提供对文件内容访问的`ReadCloser`。
  2. // 可以同时读取多个文件。

正如Marcel Besixdouze评论中指出的那样

> 请注意,即使在该CL中,它也仅适用于对文档产生负面影响的用法,例如“(string string, err error)”。
> 当我阅读这个CL时,它似乎更多地关注于为公共方法优先提供清晰的文档,而不是关于使用该功能本身的任何问题。
> Rob之前建议Go的以下样式指南:“你可以使用整个语言。”
通过查看Git Blame,您可以看到由主要贡献者(Russ Cox,Andrew Gerrand等)编写的大部分函数声明选择使用命名返回值。


Note: CL 20024 (March 2016, for Go 1.7) clarifies the usage of named return values and illustrates within the code base of go itself when its usage is appropriate:

> ## all: remove public named return values when useless
> Named returned values should only be used on public funcs and methods
when it contributes to the documentation
> Named return values should not be used if they're only saving the
programmer a few lines of code inside the body of the function,
especially if that means there's stutter in the documentation or it
was only there so the programmer could use a naked return
statement. (Naked returns should not be used except in very small
> This change is a manual audit & cleanup of public func signatures.
> Signatures were not changed if:
> * the func was private (wouldn't be in public godoc)
> * the documentation referenced it

For instance, archive/zip/reader.go#Open() used

  1. func (f *File) Open() (rc io.ReadCloser, err error) {

It now uses:

  1. func (f *File) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {

Its named return values didn't add anything to its documentation, which was:

  1. // Open returns a `ReadCloser` that provides access to the File's contents.
  2. // Multiple files may be read concurrently.

As noted by Marcel Besixdouze in the comments

> Note that even in that CL, it only applied to usages that negatively impacted documentation, i.e. stuff like "(string string, err error)".
> When I read this CL it seems much more about prioritizing clean documentation for public methods than about any problem per se with using the feature itself.
> Rob has previously suggested the following style guide for Go: "You can use the whole language."
Looking at the Git Blame, you can see a huge percentage of function declarations written by main contributors (Russ Cox, Andrew Gerrand etc) choose to use named returns.


得分: 0


func (cacheSpot CacheSpot) callOneToOne(originalIns []reflect.Value) (returnValue []reflect.Value) {

  1. defer func() { //确保不会发生panic
  2. if r := recover(); r != nil {
  3. log.Error("正在恢复!尝试恢复缓存值时出错!%v", r)
  4. //调用原始函数
  5. returnValue = reflect.ValueOf(cacheSpot.OriginalFunc).Call(originalIns)
  6. }
  7. }()
  8. //... 进行非常棘手的反射操作,尝试缓存结果。非常容易出错。可能会panic
  9. return arrValues //.. 没问题,arrValues已经获得



Yes, it's totally acceptable. I usually use named returned variables to assure a default return in a defer error treatment, to ensure a minimum viable return, like example below:

  1. //execute an one to one reflection + cache operation
  2. func (cacheSpot CacheSpot) callOneToOne(originalIns []reflect.Value) (returnValue []reflect.Value) {
  3. defer func() { //assure for not panicking
  4. if r := recover(); r != nil {
  5. log.Error("Recovering! Error trying recover cached values!! y %v", r)
  6. //calling a original function
  7. returnValue = reflect.ValueOf(cacheSpot.OriginalFunc).Call(originalIns)
  8. }
  9. }()
  10. //... doing a really nasty reflection operation, trying to cache results. Very error prone. Maybe panic
  11. return arrValues //.. it's ok, arrValues achieved
  12. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年10月5日 14:19:06
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/19194691.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
