
huangapple go评论121阅读模式

Calling a template with several pipeline parameters






  1. *The great GopherBook* (以Dewey的身份登录)
  2. [最受欢迎]
  3. >> Huey
  4. >> Dewey
  5. >> Louie
  6. [最活跃]
  7. >> Huey
  8. >> Louie
  9. [最新]
  10. >> Louie


  • 显然,我可以将子模板代码复制粘贴到主模板中(但我不想这样做,因为这样就失去了使用子模板的好处)。
  • 或者我可以使用一些全局变量和访问器(但我也不想这样做)。
  • 或者我可以为每个模板参数列表创建一个新的特定结构类型(不太好)。

In a Go template, sometimes the way to pass the right data to the right template feels awkward to me. Calling a template with a pipeline parameter looks like calling a function with only one parameter.

Let's say I have a site for Gophers about Gophers. It has a home page main template, and a utility template to print a list of Gophers.


Output :

  1. *The great GopherBook* (logged in as Dewey)
  2. [Most popular]
  3. >> Huey
  4. >> Dewey
  5. >> Louie
  6. [Most active]
  7. >> Huey
  8. >> Louie
  9. [Most recent]
  10. >> Louie

Now I want to add a bit of context in the subtemplate : format the name "Dewey" differently inside the list because it's the name of the currently logged user. But I can't pass the name directly because there is only one possible "dot" argument pipeline! What can I do?

  • Obviously I can copy-paste the subtemplate code into the main template (I don't want to because it drops all the interest of having a subtemplate).
  • Or I can juggle with some kind of global variables with accessors (I don't want to either).
  • Or I can create a new specific struct type for each template parameter list (not great).


得分: 74


  1. {{template "userlist" dict "Users" .MostPopular "Current" .CurrentUser}}


  1. var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
  2. "dict": func(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  3. if len(values)%2 != 0 {
  4. return nil, errors.New("invalid dict call")
  5. }
  6. dict := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2)
  7. for i := 0; i < len(values); i+=2 {
  8. key, ok := values[i].(string)
  9. if !ok {
  10. return nil, errors.New("dict keys must be strings")
  11. }
  12. dict[key] = values[i+1]
  13. }
  14. return dict, nil
  15. },
  16. }).ParseGlob("templates/*.html")

You could register a "dict" function in your templates that you can use to pass multiple values to a template call. The call itself would then look like that:

  1. {{template &quot;userlist&quot; dict &quot;Users&quot; .MostPopular &quot;Current&quot; .CurrentUser}}

The code for the little "dict" helper, including registering it as a template func is here:

  1. var tmpl = template.Must(template.New(&quot;&quot;).Funcs(template.FuncMap{
  2. &quot;dict&quot;: func(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  3. if len(values)%2 != 0 {
  4. return nil, errors.New(&quot;invalid dict call&quot;)
  5. }
  6. dict := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2)
  7. for i := 0; i &lt; len(values); i+=2 {
  8. key, ok := values[i].(string)
  9. if !ok {
  10. return nil, errors.New(&quot;dict keys must be strings&quot;)
  11. }
  12. dict[key] = values[i+1]
  13. }
  14. return dict, nil
  15. },
  16. }).ParseGlob(&quot;templates/*.html&quot;)


得分: 5


  1. template.FuncMap{"isUser": func(g Gopher) bool { return string(g) == string(data.User); }}


  1. {{define "sub"}}
  2. {{range $y := .}}>> {{if isUser $y}}!!{{$y}}!!{{else}}{{$y}}{{end}}
  3. {{end}}
  4. {{end}}

在 playground 上的这个更新版本会在当前用户周围输出漂亮的 !!

  1. *The great GopherBook* (logged in as Dewey)
  2. [Most popular]
  3. >> Huey
  4. >> !!Dewey!!
  5. >> Louie
  6. [Most active]
  7. >> Huey
  8. >> Louie
  9. [Most recent]
  10. >> Louie


由于在调用 Funcs 时可以覆盖函数,你实际上可以在编译模板时预先填充模板函数,并使用实际的闭包更新它们,像这样:

  1. var defaultfuncs = map[string]interface{}{
  2. "isUser": func(g Gopher) bool { return false; },
  3. }
  4. func init() {
  5. // 默认值返回 `false`(只需要正确的类型)
  6. t = template.New("home").Funcs(defaultfuncs)
  7. t, _ = t.Parse(subtmpl)
  8. t, _ = t.Parse(hometmpl)
  9. }
  10. func main() {
  11. // 在实际服务时,我们更新闭包:
  12. data := &HomeData{
  13. User: "Dewey",
  14. Popular: []Gopher{"Huey", "Dewey", "Louie"},
  15. Active: []Gopher{"Huey", "Louie"},
  16. Recent: []Gopher{"Louie"},
  17. }
  18. t.Funcs(template.FuncMap{"isUser": func(g Gopher) bool { return string(g) == string(data.User); }})
  19. t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "home", data)
  20. }

虽然我不确定当多个 goroutine 尝试访问同一个模板时会发生什么...



You can define functions in your template, and have these functions being closures defined on your data like this:

  1. template.FuncMap{&quot;isUser&quot;: func(g Gopher) bool { return string(g) == string(data.User);},}

Then, you can simply call this function in your template:

  1. {{define &quot;sub&quot;}}
  2. {{range $y := .}}&gt;&gt; {{if isUser $y}}!!{{$y}}!!{{else}}{{$y}}{{end}}
  3. {{end}}
  4. {{end}}

This updated version on the playground outputs pretty !! around the current user:

  1. *The great GopherBook* (logged in as Dewey)
  2. [Most popular]
  3. &gt;&gt; Huey
  4. &gt;&gt; !!Dewey!!
  5. &gt;&gt; Louie
  6. [Most active]
  7. &gt;&gt; Huey
  8. &gt;&gt; Louie
  9. [Most recent]
  10. &gt;&gt; Louie


Since you can override functions when calling Funcs, you can actually pre-populate the template functions when compiling your template, and update them with your actual closure like this:

  1. var defaultfuncs = map[string]interface{} {
  2. &quot;isUser&quot;: func(g Gopher) bool { return false;},
  3. }
  4. func init() {
  5. // Default value returns `false` (only need the correct type)
  6. t = template.New(&quot;home&quot;).Funcs(defaultfuncs)
  7. t, _ = t.Parse(subtmpl)
  8. t, _ = t.Parse(hometmpl)
  9. }
  10. func main() {
  11. // When actually serving, we update the closure:
  12. data := &amp;HomeData{
  13. User: &quot;Dewey&quot;,
  14. Popular: []Gopher{&quot;Huey&quot;, &quot;Dewey&quot;, &quot;Louie&quot;},
  15. Active: []Gopher{&quot;Huey&quot;, &quot;Louie&quot;},
  16. Recent: []Gopher{&quot;Louie&quot;},
  17. }
  18. t.Funcs(template.FuncMap{&quot;isUser&quot;: func(g Gopher) bool { return string(g) == string(data.User); },})
  19. t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, &quot;home&quot;, data)
  20. }

Although I am not sure how that plays when several goroutines try to access the same template...

The working example


得分: 3

最直接的方法(尽管不是最优雅的方法)-特别适合相对新手的人-是在代码中使用匿名结构体。这个方法早在2012年Andrew Gerrand的演讲《关于Go你可能不知道的10件事》中就有记录和建议。



// 定义模板
const someTemplate = insert into {{.Schema}}.{{.Table}} (field1, field2) values {{ range .Rows }} ({{.Field1}}, {{.Field2}}), {{end}};

// 封装你的值并执行模板
data := struct {
Schema string
Table string
Rows []MyCustomType

t, err := template.New("new_tmpl").Parse(someTemplate)
if err != nil {

// 工作缓冲区
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}

err = t.Execute(buf, data)



The most straightforward method (albeit not the most elegant) - especially for someone relatively new to go - is to use anon structs "on the fly". This was documented/suggested as far back as Andrew Gerrand's excellent 2012 presentation "10 things you probably don't know about go"


Trivial example below :

  1. // define the template
  2. const someTemplate = `insert into {{.Schema}}.{{.Table}} (field1, field2)
  3. values
  4. {{ range .Rows }}
  5. ({{.Field1}}, {{.Field2}}),
  6. {{end}};`
  7. // wrap your values and execute the template
  8. data := struct {
  9. Schema string
  10. Table string
  11. Rows []MyCustomType
  12. }{
  13. schema,
  14. table,
  15. someListOfMyCustomType,
  16. }
  17. t, err := template.New(&quot;new_tmpl&quot;).Parse(someTemplate)
  18. if err != nil {
  19. panic(err)
  20. }
  21. // working buffer
  22. buf := &amp;bytes.Buffer{}
  23. err = t.Execute(buf, data)

Note that this won't technically run as-is, since the template needs some minor cleaning-up (namely getting rid of the comma on the last line of the range loop), but that's fairly trivial. Wrapping the params for your template in an anonymous struct may seem tedious and verbose, but it has the added benefit of explicitly stating exactly what will be used once the template executes. Definitely less tedious than having to define a named struct for every new template you write.


得分: 2


  1. {{ template "userlist" UserList (Users .MostPopular) (Current .CurrentUser) }}

Depending on your goals, https://github.com/josharian/tstruct (blog post) might be helpful. You would define a Go struct called UserList, use tstruct to autogenerate FuncMap helpers for it, and then write something like:

  1. {{ template &quot;userlist&quot; UserList (Users .MostPopular) (Current .CurrentUser) }}


得分: 1



  1. {{define "foo"}}
  2. {{if $args := . | require "arg1" | require "arg2" "int" | args }}
  3. {{with .Origin }} // 原始点
  4. {{.Bar}}
  5. {{$args.arg1}}
  6. {{ end }}
  7. {{ end }}
  8. {{ end }}
  9. {{ template "foo" . | arg "arg1" "Arg1" | arg "arg2" 42 }}
  10. {{ template "foo" . | arg "arg1" "Arg1" | arg "arg2" "42" }} // 将引发错误

Github 仓库


I implemented a library for this issue which supports pipe-like arguments passing&check.


  1. {{define &quot;foo&quot;}}
  2. {{if $args := . | require &quot;arg1&quot; | require &quot;arg2&quot; &quot;int&quot; | args }}
  3. {{with .Origin }} // Original dot
  4. {{.Bar}}
  5. {{$args.arg1}}
  6. {{ end }}
  7. {{ end }}
  8. {{ end }}
  9. {{ template &quot;foo&quot; . | arg &quot;arg1&quot; &quot;Arg1&quot; | arg &quot;arg2&quot; 42 }}
  10. {{ template &quot;foo&quot; . | arg &quot;arg1&quot; &quot;Arg1&quot; | arg &quot;arg2&quot; &quot;42&quot; }} // will raise an error

Github repo


得分: 1



  1. {{template "userlist" dict "Users" .MostPopular "Current" .CurrentUser}}


  1. {{template "userlist" dict .MostPopular .CurrentUser}}


  1. {{template "userlist" dict .MostPopular "Current" .CurrentUser}}


  1. {{template "userlist" dict .MostPopular "Name" .CurrentUser.name}}


  1. var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
  2. "dict": func(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  3. if len(values) == 0 {
  4. return nil, errors.New("invalid dict call")
  5. }
  6. dict := make(map[string]interface{})
  7. for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ {
  8. key, isset := values[i].(string)
  9. if !isset {
  10. if reflect.TypeOf(values[i]).Kind() == reflect.Map {
  11. m := values[i].(map[string]interface{})
  12. for i, v := range m {
  13. dict[i] = v
  14. }
  15. } else {
  16. return nil, errors.New("dict values must be maps")
  17. }
  18. } else {
  19. i++
  20. if i == len(values) {
  21. return nil, errors.New("specify the key for non array values")
  22. }
  23. dict[key] = values[i]
  24. }
  25. }
  26. return dict, nil
  27. },
  28. }).ParseGlob("templates/*.html"))



based on @tux21b

I have improved the function so it can be used even without specifying the indexes ( just to keep the way go attaches variables to the template)

So now you can do it like this:

  1. {{template &quot;userlist&quot; dict &quot;Users&quot; .MostPopular &quot;Current&quot; .CurrentUser}}


  1. {{template &quot;userlist&quot; dict .MostPopular .CurrentUser}}


  1. {{template &quot;userlist&quot; dict .MostPopular &quot;Current&quot; .CurrentUser}}

but if the parameter (.CurrentUser.name) is not an array you definitely need to put an index in order to pass this value to the template

  1. {{template &quot;userlist&quot; dict .MostPopular &quot;Name&quot; .CurrentUser.name}}

see my code:

  1. var tmpl = template.Must(template.New(&quot;&quot;).Funcs(template.FuncMap{
  2. &quot;dict&quot;: func(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  3. if len(values) == 0 {
  4. return nil, errors.New(&quot;invalid dict call&quot;)
  5. }
  6. dict := make(map[string]interface{})
  7. for i := 0; i &lt; len(values); i ++ {
  8. key, isset := values[i].(string)
  9. if !isset {
  10. if reflect.TypeOf(values[i]).Kind() == reflect.Map {
  11. m := values[i].(map[string]interface{})
  12. for i, v := range m {
  13. dict[i] = v
  14. }
  15. }else{
  16. return nil, errors.New(&quot;dict values must be maps&quot;)
  17. }
  18. }else{
  19. i++
  20. if i == len(values) {
  21. return nil, errors.New(&quot;specify the key for non array values&quot;)
  22. }
  23. dict[key] = values[i]
  24. }
  25. }
  26. return dict, nil
  27. },
  28. }).ParseGlob(&quot;templates/*.html&quot;)


得分: 0



  1. type PipelineDecorator struct {
  2. // 实际的流水线
  3. Data interface{}
  4. // 作为“第二个流水线”传递的一些辅助数据
  5. Deco interface{}
  6. }
  7. func decorate(data interface{}, deco interface{}) *PipelineDecorator {
  8. return &PipelineDecorator{
  9. Data: data,
  10. Deco: deco,
  11. }
  12. }



The best i've found so far (and I don't really like it) is muxing and demuxing parameters with a "generic" pair container :


  1. type PipelineDecorator struct {
  2. // The actual pipeline
  3. Data interface{}
  4. // Some helper data passed as &quot;second pipeline&quot;
  5. Deco interface{}
  6. }
  7. func decorate(data interface{}, deco interface{}) *PipelineDecorator {
  8. return &amp;PipelineDecorator{
  9. Data: data,
  10. Deco: deco,
  11. }
  12. }

I use this trick a lot for building my website, and I wonder if there exist some more idiomatic way to achieve the same.


得分: 0


从某种意义上说,每个函数都接受一个参数 - 一个多值调用记录。对于模板来说也是一样的,这个“调用”记录可以是一个原始值,或者是一个多值的{map,struct,array,slice}。模板可以从“单一”的管道参数中选择要使用的{key,field,index},放在任何位置。



Ad "... looks like calling a function with only one parameter.":

In a sense, every function takes one paramater - a multivalued invocation record. With templates it's the same, that "invocation" record can be a primitive value, or a multivalued {map,struct,array,slice}. The template can select which {key,field,index} it'll use from the "single" pipeline parameter in whatever place.

IOW, one is enough in this case.


得分: 0


  1. type Gopher struct {
  2. Name string
  3. IsCurrent bool
  4. IsAdmin bool
  5. }




Sometimes maps are a quick and easy solution to situations like this, as mentioned in a couple of the other answers. Since you're using Gophers a lot (and since, based on your other question, you care if the current Gopher is an admin), I think it deserves its own struct:

  1. type Gopher struct {
  2. Name string
  3. IsCurrent bool
  4. IsAdmin bool
  5. }

Here's an update to your Playground code: http://play.golang.org/p/NAyZMn9Pep

Obviously it gets a little cumbersome hand-coding the example structs with an extra level of depth, but since in practice they'll be machine-generated, it's straightforward to mark IsCurrent and IsAdmin as needed.


得分: 0


  1. type HomeData struct {
  2. User Gopher
  3. Popular []Gopher
  4. Active []Gopher
  5. Recent []Gopher
  6. }


  1. type HomeDataContext struct {
  2. *HomeData
  3. I interface{}
  4. }


  1. t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "home", &HomeDataContext{
  2. HomeData: data,
  3. })



  1. func (ctx *HomeDataContext) Using(data interface{}) *HomeDataContext {
  2. c := *ctx // 创建一个副本,以便我们不会实际修改原始数据
  3. c.I = data
  4. return &c
  5. }


请参阅 http://play.golang.org/p/8tJz2qYHbZ


The way I approach this is to decorate the general pipeline:

  1. type HomeData struct {
  2. User Gopher
  3. Popular []Gopher
  4. Active []Gopher
  5. Recent []Gopher
  6. }

by creating a context-specific pipeline:

  1. type HomeDataContext struct {
  2. *HomeData
  3. I interface{}
  4. }

Allocating the context-specific pipeline is very cheap. You get access to the potentially large HomeData by copying the pointer to it:

  1. t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, &quot;home&quot;, &amp;HomeDataContext{
  2. HomeData: data,
  3. })

Since HomeData is embedded in HomeDataContext, your template will access it directly (e.g. you can still do .Popular and not .HomeData.Popular). Plus you now have access to a free-form field (.I).

Finally, I make a Using function for HomeDataContext like so.

  1. func (ctx *HomeDataContext) Using(data interface{}) *HomeDataContext {
  2. c := *ctx // make a copy, so we don&#39;t actually alter the original
  3. c.I = data
  4. return &amp;c
  5. }

This allows me to keep a state (HomeData) but pass an arbitrary value to the sub-template.

See http://play.golang.org/p/8tJz2qYHbZ.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年8月16日 22:51:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/18276173.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
