如何从 golang 中的 reflect.Value 中获取底层值?

huangapple go评论74阅读模式

How to get underlying value from a reflect.Value in golang?





package main

import (

type Foo struct {
	FirstName string `tag_name:"tag 1"`
	LastName  string `tag_name:"tag 2"`
	Age       int    `tag_name:"tag 3"`

func inspect(f interface{}) map[string]string {

	m := make(map[string]string)
	val := reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()

	for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
		valueField := val.Field(i)
		typeField := val.Type().Field(i)

		f := valueField.Interface()
		val := reflect.ValueOf(f)
		m[typeField.Name] = val.String()

	return m

func dump(m map[string]string) {

	for k, v := range m {
		fmt.Printf("%s : %s\n", k, v)

func main() {
	f := &Foo{
		FirstName: "Drew",
		LastName:  "Olson",
		Age:       30,

	a := inspect(f)



FirstName : Drew
LastName : Olson
Age : <int Value>




So I found some code that help me get started with reflection in Go (golang), but I'm having trouble getting a the underlying value so that I can basically create a map[string]string from a struct and it's fields.

Eventually, I'd like to make the result into a map[string]interface{}, but this one issue is kind of blocking me.

The code I have at the moment:

package main

import (

type Foo struct {
	FirstName string `tag_name:&quot;tag 1&quot;`
	LastName  string `tag_name:&quot;tag 2&quot;`
	Age       int  `tag_name:&quot;tag 3&quot;`

func inspect(f interface{}) map[string]string {

	m := make(map[string]string)
	val := reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()

	for i := 0; i &lt; val.NumField(); i++ {
		valueField := val.Field(i)
		typeField := val.Type().Field(i)

		f := valueField.Interface()
		val := reflect.ValueOf(f)
		m[typeField.Name] = val.String()

	return m

func dump(m map[string]string) {

	for k, v := range m {
		fmt.Printf(&quot;%s : %s\n&quot;, k, v)

func main() {
	f := &amp;Foo{
		FirstName: &quot;Drew&quot;,
		LastName:  &quot;Olson&quot;,
		Age:       30,

	a := inspect(f)


The output from running the code:

FirstName : Drew
LastName : Olson
Age : &lt;int Value&gt;

From what I understand the output for FirstName and LastName are actual reflect.Value objects but for strings the String() method on value just outputs the underlying String. I'd like to either get the int and change it into a string, but from the relfect package documentation I'm not immediately seeing how that's done.

Soo.... How do I get the underlying value from a reflect.Value in golang?


得分: 30



switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
    m[typeField.Name] = strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), 10)
case reflect.String:
    m[typeField.Name] = val.String()	
// 等等...



A good example of how to parse values is the fmt package. See this code.

Using the mentioned code to match your problem would look like this:

switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
    m[typeField.Name] = strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), 10)
case reflect.String:
    m[typeField.Name] = val.String()	
// etc...

Basically you need to check for all available Kinds.


得分: 6


一旦你从val.Interface() / val.String() / val.Int()中获取到值,你可以根据需要进行转换。你使用的方法将取决于reflect.Kind。要将int转换为string或从string转换为int,你需要使用strconv包。



It looks like you're on the right track. The problem I see with your code is it makes assumptions about the values, meaning when do you call Elem() and how many times (to resolve pointers). In order to know this you need to look at the reflect.Kind. Is the value a reflect.Ptr? Then use Elem().

Once you have the value from val.Interface() / val.String() / val.Int() you can convert your values as needed. What you use is going to depend on reflect.Kind. To convert an int to/from string you need to use the strconv package.

The encoding/json and encoding/xml packages do this kind of work already. The source code provides some great examples. For example, take a look at copyValue in encoding/xml/read.go and marshalSimple in encoding/xml/marshal.go.


得分: 4

这在 Go 1.5(2015年8月)中应该更容易实现。
参见 review 8731commit 049b89dRob Pike (robpike) 提交的更改:

> ## fmt: 特殊处理 reflect.Value - 作为其所持有的值

这将允许您打印 Reflect.Value() 参数的实际值:

> 当将 reflect.Value 传递给 Printf(等等)时,fmt 调用了 String 方法,该方法不会透露其内容。
要获取内容,可以调用 Value.Interface(),但如果 Value 未导出或受其他限制,则此操作是非法的。

> 这个更改通过对 fmt 包进行微小的更改来改善情况:当我们将 reflect.Value 视为参数时,我们将其与在包内创建的 reflect.Value 完全相同对待。
这意味着我们始终打印 Value 的内容,就好像 那个 是传递给 Printf 的参数一样。

> 这可能是一个破坏性的更改,但我认为这是一个真正的改进,不会比我们对该包的格式化输出进行的许多其他微调更破坏。


This should be easier to do with Go 1.5 (August 2015)
See review 8731 and commit 049b89d by Rob Pike (robpike):

> ## fmt: treat reflect.Value specially - as the value it holds

This would allow you to print the actual value of a Reflect.Value() argument:

> When a reflect.Value is passed to Printf (etc.), fmt called the String method, which does not disclose its contents.
To get the contents, one could call Value.Interface(), but that is illegal
if the Value is not exported or otherwise forbidden.

> This CL improves the situation with a trivial change to the fmt package: when we see a reflect.Value as an argument, we treat it exactly as we treat a reflect.Value we make inside the package.
This means that we always print the contents of the Value as if that was the argument to Printf.

> This is arguably a breaking change but I think it is a genuine improvement and no greater a break than many other tweaks we have made to formatted output from this package.


得分: 2


flavorName = fmt.Sprintf("%v", strct)



Another simple solution can be ,

flavorName = fmt.Sprintf(&quot;%v&quot;,strct)

" fmt.Sprintf() " will return the value which can be stored in a variable.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年8月7日 06:23:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/18091562.html



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