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Using buffer for read and read operations examples in Go




my os background is not strong, could someone provide some examples (in Go please if possible), why using buffer is important?


得分: 6


假设你有一个var fin *os.File,并且该文件被包装在一个缓冲区中,var instrm *bufio.Reader。现在想象一下,你正在编写一种解析器,它以每次一个字符(比如字节)的方式读取输入。bufio包实现了缓冲I/O。

如果你调用myParser.Parse(fin),你将调用.Read 4,194,304次来读取每个字节,这将导致系统调用4,194,304次,从而引起4,194,304次上下文切换上下文切换是控制从用户空间程序转移到操作系统的过程,是最慢的(非IO)操作之一。在操作系统没有合并/预取IO请求的情况下,还有一种可怕的可能性,即IO设备正在逐字节地寻找和读取,但大多数操作系统的IO电梯、预取和设备端缓冲区现在都可以防止这种情况发生(但最好还是以大的顺序批量读取)。





Assuming you're talking about IO:

Imagine you have a var fin *os.File and that file wrapped in a buffer, var instrm *bufio.Reader. Now imagine you are writing some kind of parser that reads the input one character (lets say byte) at a time. Package bufio implements buffered I/O.

If you call myParser.Parse(fin) you will call .Read 4,194,304 times to read each byte, which will make a system call 4,194,304 times, which will cause 4,194,304 context switches. context switches are when control transfers from the userspace program to the OS and are one of the slowest (non-IO) operations. In situations where the OS is not coalescing/prefetching IO requests there is also the horrible possibility your IO device is seeking and reading one byte at a time, but most operating system's IO elevator, prefetching and device-side buffers prevent this nowadays (but it is always better to read in large sequential batches).

If you call myParser.Parse(instrm) with the default bufio.Reader buffer being 4K you will cause 1,024 context switches (each system call reads 4K rather than 1 byte). Since each system call has some overhead, this will mean less time is spent making system calls and more time for your program to run. It is also worth pointing out that running this way (without the extra context switches) will often increase the CPU instruction cache hit rate since more time will be spent branching within a smaller region of memory.

Buffers are even important in areas like network IO as it will allow you to send bursts of packets at the maximum MTU size rather than sending a trickle of tiny packets.

Just don't forget to flush your write buffers.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年7月8日 17:03:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/17522677.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
