QuickBooks API不再接受我的访问令牌:token_rejected

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QuickBooks API no longer accepting my Access Token: token_rejected


我正在使用一个Go库连接到QB API,该库是我在OAuth 1.0a中找到的:https://github.com/kurrik/oauth1a。实际上,我已经把所有东西都弄好了,我想不出我改变了什么,但现在我发出的每个请求都返回token_rejected。根据我在其他地方读到的信息,这通常意味着我的访问令牌已过期,但即使我从头开始整个3-legged OAuth过程,一旦我被验证,我也会得到相同的响应。我已经三次检查了我的消费者密钥和密钥,我知道它们是正确的。我可以将使用API Explorer创建的访问令牌和密钥插入到我的代码中,它可以正常工作,所以我知道问题与我从QB那里得到的访问令牌有关。当我打印出我正在使用的令牌时,一切看起来都很正常,它们与握手过程后QB通过查询字符串发送给我的内容匹配。我已经整整一天都在头疼这个问题,任何帮助都将是很好的。


I am connecting to the QB API using a Go library that I found for OAuth 1.0a: https://github.com/kurrik/oauth1a. I actually had everything working, and I cannot think of anything that I changed, but now every request I make is returned with token_rejected. From what I have read elsewhere, this usually means that my access token has expired, but even if I start the whole 3-legged OAuth process from the beginning I will get the same response as soon as I am verified. I have triple-checked my consumer key and secret, I know they are correct. I can plug in the Access Token and Secret created using the API Explorer into my code and it works just fine, so I know the problem is something related to the Access Token that I am getting back from QB. Everything looks OK when I print out the tokens that I am using, they do match what QB sends me back via the querystring after the handshake process. I have been banging my head against the wall all day now, any help would be great.


得分: 2




Just adding the answer, it was an issue with the Oauth Library code and is now resolved.


  • 本文由 发表于 2013年6月6日 05:11:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/16949982.html



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