Project Euler 16 – 帮助解决问题

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Project Euler 16 - Help in solving it


我正在解决Project Euler问题16,我已经得到了一个可以逻辑上解决它的代码,但是由于溢出或其他原因无法处理。我尝试使用int64替换int,但它只打印0,0。如果我将幂改为30以下的任何值,它都可以工作,但是超过30就无法工作了。有人能指出我的错误吗?我认为它无法计算2^1000。

// PE_16项目 main.go
package main

import (

func power(x, y int) int {
    var pow int
    var final int
    final = 1
    for pow = 1; pow <= y; pow++ {
        final = final * x
    return final

func main() {
    var stp int
    var sumfdigits int
    var u, t, h, th, tth, l int
    stp = power(2,1000)
    u = stp / 1 % 10
    t = stp / 10 % 10
    h = stp / 100 % 10
    th = stp / 1000 % 10
    tth = stp / 10000 % 10
    l = stp / 100000 % 10
    sumfdigits = u + t + h + th + tth + l

I'm solving Project Euler problem 16, I've ended up with a code that can logically solve it, but is unable to process as I believe its overflowing or something? I tried int64 in place of int but it just prints 0,0. If i change the power to anything below 30 it works, but above 30 it does not work, Can anyone point out my mistake? I believe its not able to calculate 2^1000.

// PE_16 project main.go
package main

import (

func power(x, y int) int {
	var pow int
	var final int
	final = 1
	for pow = 1; pow &lt;= y; pow++ {
		final = final * x
	return final

func main() {
	var stp int
	var sumfdigits int
	var u, t, h, th, tth, l int
	stp = power(2,1000)
	u = stp / 1 % 10
	t = stp / 10 % 10
	h = stp / 100 % 10
	th = stp / 1000 % 10
	tth = stp / 10000 % 10
	l = stp / 100000 % 10
	sumfdigits = u + t + h + th + tth + l

1: "Project Euler: Problem 16"


得分: 8

你对这个问题的方法需要精确的整数运算,最多可以达到1000位大小。但是你正在使用32位或64位的intmath/big.Int可以处理这样的任务。我故意没有提供使用big.Int的现成解决方案,因为我假设你的目标是通过自己的努力学习,这也是Project Euler的目的。


Your approach to this problem requires exact integer math up to 1000 bits in size. But you're using int which is 32 or 64 bits. math/big.Int can handle such task. I intentionally do not provide a ready made solution using big.Int as I assume your goal is to learn by doing it by yourself, which I believe is the intent of Project Euler.


得分: 1


大约一年前,我解决了一些Project Euler的问题,使用Go语言来熟悉这门语言。我不喜欢那些需要使用big.Int的问题,在Go中使用它们并不容易。对于这个问题,我在Ruby中用一行代码“作弊”解决了:





As noted by @jnml, ints aren't large enough; if you wish to calculate 2^1000 in Go, big.Ints are a good choice here. Note that math/big provides the Exp() method which will be easier to use than converting your power function to big.Ints.

I worked through some Project Euler problems about a year ago, doing them in Go to get to know the language. I didn't like the ones that required big.Ints, which aren't so easy to work with in Go. For this one, I "cheated" and did it in one line of Ruby:

Removed because I remembered it was considered bad form to show a working solution, even in a different language.

Anyway, my Ruby example shows another thing I learned with Go's big.Ints: sometimes it's easier to convert them to a string and work with that string than to work with the big.Int itself. This problem strikes me as one of those cases.

Converting my Ruby algorithm to Go, I only work with big.Ints on one line, then it's easy to work with the string and get the answer in just a few lines of code.


得分: 1



func double(pxs *[]int) {
	xs := *pxs
	carry := 0
	for i, x := range xs {
		n := x*2 + carry
		if n >= 10 {
			carry = 1
			n -= 10
		} else {
			carry = 0
		xs[i] = n
	if carry != 0 {
		*pxs = append(xs, carry)

You don't need to use math/big. Below is a school boy maths way of doubling a decimal number as a hint!

xs holds the decimal digits in least significant first order. Pass in a pointer to the digits (pxs) as the slice might need to get bigger.

func double(pxs *[]int) {
	xs := *pxs
	carry := 0
	for i, x := range xs {
		n := x*2 + carry
		if n &gt;= 10 {
			carry = 1
			n -= 10
		} else {
			carry = 0
		xs[i] = n
	if carry != 0 {
		*pxs = append(xs, carry)

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
