
huangapple go评论92阅读模式

best way to handle list of integers and to - find, add, and delete






I need to create a list of integers and to be able to quickly add, delete, and find items in that list. While I could create a string containing them and a function to handle the add/delete/locate, it obviously makes more sense if Go can handle it for me. I looked at container/list and it appeared not entirely suitable, but maybe I'm wrong.

To very quickly implement something, I am using an integer array, however that is far from ideal, and I need to find a better solution. The list will probably hold up to 1,000 values.

Can someone please advise the "best" way to handle this in Go? An example is worth 1,000 words.


得分: 4

没有一个“最好”的方法来回答你的问题,因为你没有说明你想要做什么或者什么样的性能对你来说很重要。数据结构的问题在于,每种结构在不同的情况下表现得更好或更差。一般来说,我会说对于1000个条目,整数切片的性能表现还不错,并且使用起来也不太困难。另外,Nick提出的解决方案也很吸引人,因为它为你提供了对值的O(1)查找时间(平均值!),而不是在数组中进行O(n)(未排序)或O(log n)(已排序)的搜索时间。


  • 获取x[i]
  • 插入x[i] = jx = append(x, j)或使用排序插入
  • 删除x = append(x[:i], x[i+1:]...)
  • 搜索:如果你使用了排序插入,你可以使用sort.SearchInts,否则你需要循环并线性搜索。


以下示例(playground)为你提供了一个具有O(log n)搜索时间和O(n)插入时间的[]int

type Ints []int

// 将v插入到ints中,使其保持排序
func (ints *Ints) Append(v int) {
    i := sort.SearchInts(*ints, v)
    *ints = append((*ints)[:i], append([]int{v}, (*ints)[i:]...)...)

// 根据索引删除
func (ints *Ints) Delete(i int) {
    *ints = append((*ints)[:i], (*ints)[i+1:]...)

func (ints Ints) Search(v int) (int, bool) {
    i := sort.SearchInts(ints, v)
    return i, i < len(ints) && ints[i] == v

data := make(Ints, 0, 1000)
index, ok := data.Search(10)

正如你在示例中看到的,Append会在插入新值时搜索插入位置,根据大小有效地按升序对切片的内容进行排序。这使得可以通过sort.SearchInts使用二分搜索,将搜索时间从O(n)降低到O(log n)。但是,插入时需要进行排序,而排序又是通过搜索插槽来完成的,这在最坏情况下的成本是O(log n)。因此,插入也是O(log n)的。


There is no 'best' way to your question as you don't state what you would like to do or what
sort of performance is important to you. The problem with data structures is, that every structure
performs better or worse depending on the circumstances. Generally I would say that an integer slice
would perform reasonably well for 1000 entries and is not so hard to use. Also the solution Nick
proposed is appealing, as it offers you O(1) lookup time (average!) for your values instead of
O(n) (unsorted) or O(log n) (sorted) search time in an array.

Go offers some operations to implement a []int store as you proposed:

  • get: x[i]
  • insert: x[i] = j or x = append(x, j) or use sorted insertion
  • delete: x = append(x[:i], x[i+1:]...)
  • search: in case you used sorted insertion, you can use sort.SearchInts, otherwise you need to loop and search linearly.

For more operations on slices see here.

The following example (playground) offers you a []int
with O(log n) time for searching and O(n) for insertion. Retrieval, deletion and setting
by index is, of course, O(1).

type Ints []int

// Insert v so that ints is sorted
func (ints *Ints) Append(v int) {
	i := sort.SearchInts(*ints, v)
	*ints = append((*ints)[:i], append([]int{v}, (*ints)[i:]...)...)

// Delete by index
func (ints *Ints) Delete(i int) {
	*ints = append((*ints)[:i], (*ints)[i+1:]...)

func (ints Ints) Search(v int) (int, bool) {
	i := sort.SearchInts(ints, v)
	return i, i &lt; len(ints) &amp;&amp; ints[i] == v

data := make(Ints, 0, 1000)
index,ok := data.Search(10)

As you can see in the example, Append searches for the place to insert the new value in, depending
on the size, effectively sorting the contents of the slice in ascending order. This makes it possible
to use binary search via sort.SearchInts, reducing the search time from O(n) to O(log n).
With that comes the cost to sort while inserting, which in turn is done by searching for a slot, which
costs O(log n) in worst case. Therefore, inserting is O(log n) as well.


得分: 3



package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // 创建一个整数集合
    xs := make(map[int]bool)

    // 向集合中添加一些元素
    xs[1] = true
    xs[2] = true
    xs[3] = true

    // 查找元素
    if xs[2] {
    } else {
    if xs[8] {
    } else {

    // 删除元素
    delete(xs, 2)

    // 列出元素
    for x := range xs {
        fmt.Println("内容", x)


内容 3
内容 1



In the interest of keeping it simple I would use a map. Maps are very fast, efficient and built in.

(playground link)

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

func main() {
	// Make our collection of integers
	xs := make(map[int]bool)

	// Add some things to the collection
	xs[1] = true
	xs[2] = true
	xs[3] = true

	// Find them
	if xs[2] {
		fmt.Println(&quot;Found 2&quot;)
	} else {
		fmt.Println(&quot;Didn&#39;t Find 2&quot;)
	if xs[8] {
		fmt.Println(&quot;Found 8&quot;)
	} else {
		fmt.Println(&quot;Didn&#39;t Find 8&quot;)

	// Delete them
	delete(xs, 2)

	// List them
	for x := range xs {
		fmt.Println(&quot;Contents&quot;, x)

Which produces

Found 2
Didn't Find 8
Contents 3
Contents 1

Possibly the only disadvantage of this solution is that the integers aren't kept in any particular order, which may or may not be important to your application.


得分: 0




This is really more of an abstract data structure question. The answer depends on your use case. A slice of ints would do fine for the general case (look at append and such), but if you want finding items to be better than O(n) then you'll want them to be sorted, and insertion into a sorted int[] has a worst case of O(n) iirc.

So the question is which do you want to optimize, index, add, remove, or search?

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年4月13日 02:44:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/15978646.html



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