
huangapple go评论80阅读模式

How to pretty print byte array and char array?



  1. 如何通过字符串初始化字符数组的一行代码(第47行)。
  2. 如何加快检查字符类型而不使用字符串函数(第29、30行)。
  3. 如何将字符数组打印为字符串(第32行)。
  4. 如何将字符打印为字符串,可能使用Sprintf("%c"),但它非常慢(第34行)。


type Char byte
type THeader struct {
    Ver int8 // 将显示为1
    Tag Char // 将显示为'H'
type TBody struct {
    B1 [3]byte  // 将显示为"[0,0,0]"
    B2 [4]Char // 将显示为"ABCD"
func Txt(t interface{}) (s string) {
    val := reflect.ValueOf(t)
    typ := val.Type()
    fields := typ.NumField()
    for i := 0; i < fields; i++ {
        sf := typ.Field(i)
        valfld := val.Field(i)
        vType := valfld.Type()
        s += sf.Name + ":" + vType.String() + ":"
        if strings.HasSuffix(vType.String(), "Char") {
            if strings.HasPrefix(vType.String(), "[") {
                v, ok := valfld.Interface().([4]Char)
                s += fmt.Sprint(ok, v) + "\n"
            } else {
                s += fmt.Sprint(valfld.Interface()) + "\n"
        } else {
            s += fmt.Sprint(valfld.Interface()) + "\n"

func main() {
    th := THeader{1, 'H'}
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", th)
    // tb := TBody{B2: [10]Char("ABCD")}
    tb := TBody{B2: [4]Char{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}}
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", tb)
    fmt.Print("Txt(th):\n", Txt(th), "\n")
    fmt.Print("Txt(tb):\n", Txt(tb), "\n")


In the following code, I'm trying to write a Txt() function to pretty print out my structure. It contains following minor questions in the full code:

  1. How to write one line to initialize Char array by string(line 47)
  2. How to speed up checking Char type without strings function(line 29,30)
  3. How to print out Char array as string(line 32)
  4. How to print out Char as string, maybe use Sprintf("%c"), but it is very slow.(line 34)

full code at: http://play.golang.org/p/nUsg_qbufP

type Char byte
type THeader struct {
	Ver int8 // will show 1
	Tag Char // will show &#39;H&#39;
type TBody struct {
	B1 [3]byte  // will show &quot;[0,0,0]&quot;
	B2 [4]Char // will show &quot;ABCD&quot;
func Txt(t interface{}) (s string) {
  val := reflect.ValueOf(t)
  typ := val.Type()
  fields := typ.NumField()
  for i := 0; i &lt; fields; i++ {
    sf := typ.Field(i)
	valfld := val.Field(i)
	vType := valfld.Type()
	s += sf.Name + &quot;:&quot; + vType.String() + &quot;:&quot;
	if strings.HasSuffix(vType.String(), &quot;Char&quot;) {
	  if strings.HasPrefix(vType.String(), &quot;[&quot;) {
	    v, ok := valfld.Interface().([4]Char)
	    s += fmt.Sprint(ok, v) + &quot;\n&quot;
  	  } else {
	    s += fmt.Sprint(valfld.Interface()) + &quot;\n&quot;
	} else {
	  s += fmt.Sprint(valfld.Interface()) + &quot;\n&quot;

func main() {
	th := THeader{1, &#39;H&#39;}
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%#v\n&quot;, th)
	//	tb := TBody{B2: [10]Char(&quot;ABCD&quot;)}
	tb := TBody{B2: [4]Char{&#39;A&#39;, &#39;B&#39;, &#39;C&#39;, &#39;D&#39;}}
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%#v\n&quot;, tb)
	fmt.Print(&quot;Txt(th):\n&quot;, Txt(th), &quot;\n&quot;)
	fmt.Print(&quot;Txt(tb):\n&quot;, Txt(tb), &quot;\n&quot;)



得分: 1


package main

import (

type Char byte
type CharSlice []Char
type ByteSlice []byte

func (s CharSlice) String() string {
	ret := ""
	for _, b := range s {
		ret += fmt.Sprintf("%c", b)
	ret += ""
	return ret

func (s ByteSlice) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", []byte(s))

type THeader struct {
	Ver int8 // will show 1
	Tag Char // will show 'H'

func (t THeader) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("{ Ver: %d, Tag: %c}", t.Ver, t.Tag)

type TBody struct {
	B1 [3]byte // will show "[0,0,0]"
	B2 [4]Char // will show "ABCD"

func (t TBody) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("{ B1: %s, B2: %s", ByteSlice(t.B1[:]), CharSlice(t.B2[:]))

func main() {
	th := THeader{1, 'H'}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", th)
	tb := TBody{B2: [4]Char{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", tb)
	fmt.Printf("Txt(th):\n%s\n", th)
	fmt.Printf("Txt(tb):\n%s\n", tb)


This code should answer all except for your 1'st questions which is impossible since a function can't return arrays of varying length and Go has no facility to initialize an array of dynamically derived sizes. You need slices for those. The rest of the code is solveable using idiomatic go with the Stringer interface and no reflection required.

package main

import (

type Char byte
type CharSlice []Char
type ByteSlice []byte

func (s CharSlice) String() string {
	ret := &quot;\&quot;&quot;
	for _, b := range s {
		ret += fmt.Sprintf(&quot;%c&quot;, b)
	ret += &quot;\&quot;&quot;
	return ret

func (s ByteSlice) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(&quot;%v&quot;, []byte(s))

type THeader struct {
	Ver int8 // will show 1
	Tag Char // will show &#39;H&#39;

func (t THeader) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(&quot;{ Ver: %d, Tag: %c}&quot;, t.Ver, t.Tag)

type TBody struct {
	B1 [3]byte // will show &quot;[0,0,0]&quot;
	B2 [4]Char // will show &quot;ABCD&quot;

func (t TBody) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(&quot;{ B1: %s, B2: %s&quot;, ByteSlice(t.B1[:]), CharSlice(t.B2[:]))

func main() {
	th := THeader{1, &#39;H&#39;}
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%#v\n&quot;, th)
	tb := TBody{B2: [4]Char{&#39;A&#39;, &#39;B&#39;, &#39;C&#39;, &#39;D&#39;}}
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%#v\n&quot;, tb)
	fmt.Printf(&quot;Txt(th):\n%s\n&quot;, th)
	fmt.Printf(&quot;Txt(tb):\n%s\n&quot;, tb)


  • 本文由 发表于 2013年4月8日 11:40:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/15870887.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
