
huangapple go评论69阅读模式

Building package structure with child-/sub-packages


我正在尝试用Go语言制作一个简单的计算器。我设计它的方式是先构建一个命令行界面,然后可以轻松地切换到GUI界面。项目位置是$GOPATH/src/gocalc(此后所有路径都是相对于项目位置的)。命令行界面的逻辑存储在一个名为gocalc.go的文件中。计算器逻辑存储在calcfns/calcfns.gooperations/operations.go两个文件中。所有文件的包名与其文件名相同(不包括扩展名),除了主程序gocalc.go,它位于package main中。

calcfns.go通过import "gocalc/operations"导入operations.gogocalc.go通过import "gocalc/calcfns"导入calcfns.go


  • $GOPATH/src/gocalc/
    • gocalc.go
      • package main
      • import "gocalc/calcfns"
    • calcfns/
      • calcfns.go
        • package calcfns
        • import "gocalc/operations"
    • operations/
      • operations.go
        • package operations

当我尝试从项目目录中执行go build operations时,得到的响应是:can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package。当我尝试执行go build gocalc/operations时,得到的是can't load package: package gocalc/operations: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package。当我尝试执行go build operations/operations.go时,它可以正常编译。

当我尝试执行go build calcfnsgo build gocalc/calcfns时,得到的是类似于operations的can't load package...的消息;然而,当我尝试构建calcfns/calcfns.go时,它在导入语句上出错:import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package

最后,当我尝试从项目目录中执行go build .时,它与前面的段落类似出错:import "gocalc/calcfns": cannot find package

我应该如何组织我的子包和/或导入语句,以使go build不会失败?


I'm trying to make a simple calculator in Go. I'm designing it in such a way that I can build a command-line interface first and easily swap in a GUI interface. The project location is $GOPATH/src/gocalc (all paths hereafter are relative to the project location). The command-line interface logic is stored in a file gocalc.go. The calculator logic is stored in files calcfns/calcfns.go and operations/operations.go. All files have package names identical to their filename (sans extension) except the main program, gocalc.go, which is in the package main

calcfns.go imports operations.go via import "gocalc/operations"; gocalc.go imports calcfns.go via import "gocalc/calcfns"

To summarize:

  • $GOPATH/src/gocalc/
  • gocalc.go
    • package main
    • import "gocalc/calcfns"
  • calcfns/
    • calcfns.go
      • package calcfns
      • import "gocalc/operations"
  • operations/
    • operations.go
      • package operations

When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package
When I try go build gocalc/operations, I get can't load package: package gocalc/operations: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package
When I try go build operations/operations.go, it compiles fine

When I try to go build calcfns or go build gocalc/calcfns, I get can't load package... messages, similar to those in operations; however, when I try to build calcfns/calcfns.go it chokes on the import statement: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package

Finally, when I try go build . from the project dir, it chokes similar to the previous paragraph: import "gocalc/calcfns": cannot find package

How should I structure my child packages and/or import statements in such a way that go build won't fail?


得分: 7

愚蠢地,我忘记导出我的GOPATH变量,所以go env显示""作为GOPATH。(感谢jnml建议打印go env;+1)。

在这样做之后(并将主程序移动到自己的文件夹{project-dir}/gocalc/gocalc.go),我可以通过go install gocalc/gocalc来构建/安装程序。

故事的寓意是,确保在设置$GOPATH环境变量时键入export GOPATH=...而不仅仅是GOPATH=...


Stupidly, I forgot to export my GOPATH variable, so go env displayed "" for GOPATH. (thanks to jnml for suggesting to print go env; +1).

After doing this (and moving the main program to its own folder {project-dir}/gocalc/gocalc.go), I could build/install the program via go install gocalc/gocalc.

Moral of the story, make sure you type export GOPATH=... instead of just GOPATH=... when setting your $GOPATH environment variable


得分: 1

请尝试添加$ go env的输出以提供更多线索。否则,目录结构和(显示的)导入语句看起来都没问题。


> 当我尝试进行go build操作(从项目目录中),我得到的回应是:无法加载包:包operations:导入operations:找不到包


package operations

import "operations"



Please try to also add output of $ go env to provide more clues. Otherwise both the directories structure and (the shown) import statements looks OK.

However the sentence

> When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package

sounds strange. It seems to suggest you have

package operations

import "operations"

in 'operations.go', which would be the culprit then...?


得分: -1

  1. 将你的根目录放在GOPATH/src/下,例如我的GOPATH=~/go/src(运行命令go env获取你的GOPATH)。所以我的应用的完整路径是~/go/src/golang-playground

  2. 假设你想在main.go文件中使用router.go文件中的Index()函数(当然,它们都在根目录下)。所以在main.go中:

     import (
     func main() {
         foo.Bar("/", router.Index) // 注意大写表示在文件外部是公开的

Very easy:

Lets say I have a project/app named: golang-playground

  1. Put your root dir under GOPATH/src/, in my case GOPATH=~/go/src (run command go env to get your GOPATH). so complete path for my app is ~/go/src/golang-playground

  2. Lets say you want to use function Index() inside of file: router.go from my main.go file (which of course is on root dir). so in main.go:

     import (
     func main() {
         foo.Bar("/", router.Index) // Notice caps means its public outside of file

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年1月20日 02:19:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/14417334.html



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